Showing posts with label Nevada. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nevada. Show all posts

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Unidentified objects photographed near Rachel, Nevada

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: March 15, 2010
Location of event: Rachel, Nevada

"On March 15, my wife and I had just visited the Little ALeInn on Highway 375 in Rachel Nevada. We left and drove back down 375 and pulled off the road just about a mile past Mailbox Rd. I believe the time may have been approximately 9:00-10:00 PM (PST). In one of the videos my wife mentions 12:00 Central time; this was the end of the sighting.

I parked the vehicle at more or less a forty-five degree angle to the road with the headlights pointed towards the glow of Las Vegas in the sky. This glow also illuminated the mountains and landscape (silhouette etc.). We had pulled off the road to see the stars in the remote sky; we were not there to catch a sighting (13 years married with no break from the kids-type trip).

We were in a hurry to get back to Vegas, but decided to stop along 375. We initially left the car running and lights on with my wife sitting in the passenger seat. I left the car and came around to her side and proceeded to watch the horizon. Once we both saw how many stars there were, I told her to turn off the car and step out with me.

We had both been standing there for just a few minutes trying to get both the digital cameras and the video camera to pick up what we saw. Just then I noticed a bright object (not a shooting star) high up in the sky headed towards Vegas. This object was very small or very high, but did not exhibit normal characteristics of a plane. There were no flashing strobes or sound from engines etc. This object being small, and disappearing quickly, did not really grab my attention. However, moments later from the same direction the object disappeared from came two lights flashing.

They seemed motionless and as if they were affixed to each other. In other words, it seemed that they were attached by a bar or direct line etc. They flashed for a while before I even considered pointing the camera at them. There are many cattle crossing lights of similar color along 375.

It finally dawned on me that those lights had to be miles away and could not possibly be the same type of lights; these lights were much brighter and intense. I pointed the video camera at the objects and could not pick them up until I turned on night shot. The two larger lights were very visible; in addition to this, were two other smaller lights that could not be seen with the naked eye. We watched these objects move from left to right going in the direction of Rachel.

As the two primary objects (PO) moved in this direction you could see other smaller lights moving around them. They would zip from one point to another. As they shot away their illumination would dim. In all probability, there were probably more objects out there than we captured or even saw. I based this on the fact that after watching the video, you can see objects you could not see with the naked eye.

The PO traveled from the direction of Vegas until they were almost perpendicular with 375 before we lost sight of them. We waited for a few more minutes and then decided to leave. We had only gone about a mile or two when my wife screamed “There they are again.”

This time the PO were only a few miles from us (I am guessing about this, their contrast in the night sky made this hard to tell but they were definitely very close to us). In the video I try to use the ground as both a reference and to help make the camera focus as it should. As you will see in the video, based on the ground etc. it seems that they were right on top of us, but I could not figure out why we were not being dowsed by the light.

Also, I did not see any report of this light on the ground. It was as if the light did not travel or radiate like normal lights. This was very strange for something so bright and intense. The PO made very slow movements. The additional smaller objects seemed to jet around the larger ones and were more agile. In one of the videos I think I see something like electricity or sparks coming from the PO.

Now the strangest thing was that the PO seemed to merge with each other right before they “blinked” off or out. Also strange is that I heard my wife say they are gone, but she says this at least a second or two before they “blink” out again on the camera (not sure why there was a delay between her eyes and the camera).

In the stills there seems to be a structure present. As far as feelings went, I think we were just in amazement of the objects. When they reappeared closer to us the second time I think we were both a little frightened. It seemed to be checking us out.

We got a little more worried about the remote location and the fact that there were other objects moving around the PO. I do believe that if we stayed there, the objects would have come closer. I had no feeling whatsoever that the event was over with when we left. These objects were clearly doing something related to that general locale. We decided to leave based on the fact that each time the lights went off, they came back on closer.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Paranormal Case #2 – Are there aliens at Area 51?

Area 51 is a top secret military base that lies in southern portion of Nevada. Built in the 1950’s it has since then been a testing ground for top secret military projects, like the U2 spy plane. So why do people thinks there aliens on the base? It is probably because of a man named Bob Lazar who 1989 claimed that he had been working on top secret projects involving aliens. A thing that also may have part is the isolation of the base and the little we actually know about what happens on the base.

Evidence for:
Actually, there is no evidence to support the existence of aliens on Area 51. The only thing we can go on is Bob Lazars stories and those may not be true. Sometimes strange lights have been seen over the base, but they are most probably only secret military projects.

Evidence against:
No evidence of aliens actually being on Area 51 have never been put forward and it is very unlikely that there are aliens there.

Based on the information we have on Area 51, it is very unlikely that aliens exists there. There have neither credible eyewitnesses nor any official government documents in support of the alien theory.

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