Showing posts with label News reports. Show all posts
Showing posts with label News reports. Show all posts

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Meryl Streep convinced of ghost in her guesthouse

“Meryl Streep has heard mysterious noises in her guesthouse in Connecticut over the years, and believes that the place is haunted.

Although the star admits that she is yet to see a ghost, her two unsettling encounters have convinced her of something mysterious going on there.

"Everybody was down at the pool... and I was gathering all the stuff. We were doing some work on the house and we were living in the guesthouse and I was downstairs sitting at a desk and I heard what sounded like a grand piano fall... in the room above my head," the Daily Express quoted Streep as saying…”


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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Ghost hunters to raise money for 'haunted' temperance building in Harriman, Tennessee

“NASHVILLE, Jan. 15 (Reuters) - Harriman, Tennessee hopes that ghosts, or rather ghost hunters, can raise enough money to restore an historic and reputedly haunted building.

One ghost hunter wants to use the "dark entities" supposedly haunting the 121-year-old Temperance Building, a former jail, to attract both tourists and paranormal enthusiasts to Harriman, which was founded by anti-alcohol crusaders in the 19th century.

Last week, by unanimous vote, the six-person city council agreed to let Ghost Hunters of Southern Tennessee -- G.H.O.S.T. Paranormal -- show footage caught during a night spent inside the city-owned building. It will be aired on January 27 on the web-based Paranormal Network…”


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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Ghost hunting: Is Phoenix bar haunted?

PHOENIX - In the last 100 years at the Saddle Horn Bar at least three people have died, but owners insist their ghosts are still around.

Owner Jimmy Olaguez insists it’s more than just the things that go bump in the night. He says he’s convinced his security cameras caught a little girl playing at his bar after it was closed for the night. The problem is Olaguez believes she died more than 80 years ago.

"It was so intense," Olaguez recalled seeing the video, “It was just completely in-your-face shocking…”

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Sunday, January 15, 2012

A sighting unseen

Who would ever have imagined that an innocent hike in Leominster State Forest on a warm day earlier this year would lead to a discovery that brought three Leominster residents to be featured on one of televisions hottest new shows.

Bill Penning and his wife, Julie decided to take a hike one June afternoon, and after setting out their planned route, got slightly waylaid on a different path.

“We were just walking and talking, heading up to Notown Reservoir when the path split. I wasn’t sure which path to take, so we choose one and started walking on it,” Bill began…


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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Police: Mutilated Cow Found at Northland Farm

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Police are investigating after a Northland farmer reported that one of his cows had been found dead and mutilated, apparently by someone who a veterinarian says knew what they were doing.

According to Kansas City Missouri Police, officers responded to a call on Thursday morning to a farm near 120th and Brightwell in rural Platte County, just west of KCI. There, officers said that they found the cow, which had its sexual organs and udder removed.

The cow’s owner, Casey Hamilton, told police that the cow had been ill, and had been moved to another pasture away from the rest of his herd. According to the police report, the cow was alive and recovering when it was last checked on Wednesday night, but was found dead the following morning…


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Ghost hunters eye Harriman's Temperance Building

HARRIMAN — Ghost-hunters encamped overnight with high-tech gear in the city's oldest building claim they took a photo of a "full-bodied apparition" as well as recordings of ghosts talking.

If City Council next Tuesday approves the release of that alleged evidence of ghostly goings-on in the Temperance Building, "It's liable to freak a few people out," Richard Ruland said.

Ruland, a resident of Dayton, Tenn., is founder of G.H.O.S.T. (Ghost Hunters of Southern Tennessee) Paranormal…


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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Possible UFO sighting in Lehigh County

“HANOVER TWP., Pa. - A handful of people have reported seeing something strange in the skies in Lehigh County.

A man says he and his family were leaving Sam's Club in Hanover Township Sunday evening when they spotted something overhead.

He says it looked like three gray, circular objects flying in a single line…”

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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Strange lights in Strathearn skies

“A STRANGE white light that appeared in the Strath sky on Friday has been puzzling residents.

“I’ve seen lanterns before,” said one who did not want to be named. “When the lanterns first came out people thought they were UFOs but this was very different. It was a white light and it was in the same place for ages.

“The lanterns are usually orange coloured and they drift across the sky. This was really bright and hanging in the sky towards the south east. It was like a star but appeared far to low to be one. If you believed in such things you would almost have thought it was a UFO…”


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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Possible Ogopogo video catches the eye of international media

“The video of a possible Ogopogo sighting in Okanagan Lake has caught the eye of international media.

Two weeks ago, West Kelowna resident Richard Huls said he captured video of something in the water.

“It proves something is down there. Whether it’s Ogopogo or not, it is a different story but there is something at least down there,” Huls said.”


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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Local UFO sightings continue

“A former Marine who lives in Lee’s Summit said he’d heard all the stories about a team of stunt planes flying out of the municipal airport here being mistaken for UFOs during the past month. But what John Goslin saw on Oct. 31 – a night when seven KC Flight team planes soared in formation over Arrowhead Stadium – was not a group of small planes, he said. Nor was it like anything else Goslin had ever seen in the skies during his military career.

Margie Kay, assistant director for Missouri MUFON, a nonprofit organization that investigates UFO sightings, said the formation team that flew over Arrowhead Monday night indeed accounted for a few new reports that night. “But we still have seven area reports from the 31st that don’t fit the description of those planes,” said Kay, a resident of Independence.

And of the 75 UFO sightings reported in Missouri during the month of October, Kay said, 37 remain unidentified and unexplained…”


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Monday, November 7, 2011

Ghost sex at Ohio haunted house arouses interest of paranormal researchers

“A house in Euclid, Ohio, is arousing interest from ghost researchers because the owner claims that she has seen two ghosts having sex with each other.

Dianne Carlisle claims that she has seen afterlife amore going in the living room, which seems to be more of a living-and-dead room.

"It looks like, like ghosts having sex," she told the Fox affiliate in Cleveland. "You can see the lady's high heeled shoes!…"


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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Welwyn Garden City man can’t stop seeing UFOs

“Aliens, ghosts and other paranormal phenomena are real, and won’t stop haunting a couple.

Mr Clementson, 55, has uploaded around 80 videos of close encounters with what he says are extraterrestrial craft to YouTube, many of which were shot performing dazzling aerobatic feats over his garden in recent weeks.

He told the WHT: “The UFO issue has long been the subject of fierce debate, and even outright ridicule.”


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Monday, May 2, 2011

Can you see the ghost in this picture? Spirits haunt derelict asylum

879557-gladesville-ghosts“They are haunting images of bedlam - an Australian lunatic asylum that opened more than 170 years ago.

An exhibition by photographer Yvette Worboys titled Ghosts has captured eerie images of the former Gladesville Mental Hospital, in Sydney, which opened in November 1838 and closed in 1997.

Worboys, who has lived in the area most of her life, said she was drawn to the partly derelict hospital by its residual energy…”


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Eastlake Resident Claims to Have Captured Video of UFO

EASTLAKE, Ohio -- It's not the first time someone has recorded images of something mysterious over Lake Erie, but a Northeast Ohio man says it's the first time an image is clear.

"It was probably one of the craziest nights of activity I've ever experienced," said Michael Lee Hill. Hill is a self-described UFO enthusiast who just released some never-before-seen video he claims to have recorded along the lakefront. According to Hill, the video was shot near his Eastlake home in November.

The images show several sets of colored lights flashing over Lake Erie, while appearing to remain still. "I've been filming these for a long time and it's just grown to the point where they've let me know, they know I'm sittin' there filming them," said Hill. "You know, they come in - every year they've come in closer and closer…"


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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Town hunts for black panther preying on livestock

“POCASSET, Okla. -- Some Oklahomans are on the hunt for what they are calling a black panther or mountain lion that has been spotted near several homes.

The creature has been reportedly seen near Pocasset in rural Grady County.

"It was about half grown, had a tail about 4 feet long and it was solid black," witness Russell Dahl said…”


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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Expert reveals evidence of Sasquatch species

"My goal is not to convince, my goal is to open minds,"said Jeff Meldrum, professor of anatomy and anthropology at Idaho State University. Meldrum has been researching the specimen of Sasquatch for more than 15 years and has received national attention for his work, both positive and negative.

His research examines various evidences which suggest that the mythical creature Sasquatch may in fact be real. In particular, he hypothesizes there may be not only one creature living today, but as many as 500-750 of the Sasquatch species.

"People have been so conditioned that this isn't possible that when they finally see it, it upsets their whole equilibrium," he said…”


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Alien-seeking radio dishes go dark

“Any number of headlines about E.T. not being able to phone home are already hitting the wires, but the hackneyed reference to everyone's favorite pop culture alien figure underscores a more troubling reality: the decades-long search for extraterrestrial life suffered a blow with the announcement that a $50 million alien telescope array is being mothballed because of a lack of funding.

SETI, an acronym for the Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence, refers to a project that's been underway to answer the not-so-inconsiderable question of whether humans are truly alone in the universe.

The original plans called for the Allen Telescope Array, part of the Hat Creek Radio Observatory, to house as many as 350 dishes...”


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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Paranormal Investigators of Central New York

“Voices heard in empty rooms. Feelings of being watched when alone. Objects moving when nothing is touching them. People seen one moment then gone the next. It seems that as long as humanity has existed the paranormal has sat just outside of our understanding of the universe beckoning to be explored by those who hear its call.

Let me introduce myself, my name is Steven Brewer and I am a paranormal investigator or better known as a ghost hunter. Growing up in the area I did experience a lot of paranormal phenomena such as turning off the tv and lights in a room and when I returned the lights, the radio, the tv, VCR and fans were all turned on.

I would set something down and when I returned it would be gone but when I came back to the location it would be set in a way that it was almost jumping out at me…”


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Infestation of Ghosts: 120 Year Old Home

“April 23, 2011, Saturday. 1800 Hours. The cars start pulling up. My investigators: Judy Raderchak and Regina Tellez of EGPI (Elk Grove Paranormal Investigations/HPI; Ann Olson-Dupire; Chantal Apodaca show up to do a radio show with me on WTF Radio - hosts: Christy Wardlow and Sinlou Ingraffia.

Everyone had a chance to talk about a special investigation they liked or experiences they had. We had a blast on the show, lots of fun and laughter. I even had a blast from the past - Ana Maria Colon-Sawyer, my ex-girlfriend from the 70s was on the air! We talked about ghosts, demons, Bigfoot, UFOs and I even think we talked about Chupacabras!

I had crackers, cheese, sausage, Cokes, Captain Morgan rum and coke waiting for my investigators! Judy brought over 'Ghost Pines' white wine, fitting for the occasion…”


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Steytlerville 'monster' strikes again

“Johannesburg - A ‘monster’ plaguing the sleepy Karoo town of Steytlerville struck again over the Easter weekend, Eastern Cape police said on Monday.

Another two sightings of the "shape-shifting creature" were reported on Sunday evening, said Warrant Officer Zandisile Nelani .

“Two men were walking near a tavern when they saw another man wearing a black jacket. One of the men, identified only as Nozipho, went up to the stranger and asked him, “What is your problem?” said Nelani…”


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