Showing posts with label Ohio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ohio. Show all posts

Monday, November 7, 2011

Ghost sex at Ohio haunted house arouses interest of paranormal researchers

“A house in Euclid, Ohio, is arousing interest from ghost researchers because the owner claims that she has seen two ghosts having sex with each other.

Dianne Carlisle claims that she has seen afterlife amore going in the living room, which seems to be more of a living-and-dead room.

"It looks like, like ghosts having sex," she told the Fox affiliate in Cleveland. "You can see the lady's high heeled shoes!…"


Part of an article from Huffington PostContinue reading

Monday, May 2, 2011

Eastlake Resident Claims to Have Captured Video of UFO

EASTLAKE, Ohio -- It's not the first time someone has recorded images of something mysterious over Lake Erie, but a Northeast Ohio man says it's the first time an image is clear.

"It was probably one of the craziest nights of activity I've ever experienced," said Michael Lee Hill. Hill is a self-described UFO enthusiast who just released some never-before-seen video he claims to have recorded along the lakefront. According to Hill, the video was shot near his Eastlake home in November.

The images show several sets of colored lights flashing over Lake Erie, while appearing to remain still. "I've been filming these for a long time and it's just grown to the point where they've let me know, they know I'm sittin' there filming them," said Hill. "You know, they come in - every year they've come in closer and closer…"


Part of an article from WSBT.comContinue reading

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Woman motorist photographs triangle shaped object in Ohio

Click on image for higher resolution.

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: May 28, 2010
Location of event: Ohio, USA

"I was driving my kids home from a school function Friday afternoon at approximately 3:30 PM. Driving on a side street going home, I looked up and right above the trees I saw a black triangle-shaped object kind of floating above the trees. At first I thought it to be a kite or balloon, but it was odd in movement and in shape, as I continued to drive the object was going in our direction.

I said "What is that, do you see that?" My kids were kind of freaked out by it. At the corner of my street is a factory with a 4-5 story high chimney, this object went around the chimney, and kind of started hovering by the tree line.

I had my camera with us for the school event and so I started snapping pictures. It started to move away from where we were parked, so we got in the car and started chasing it. We followed it down a street of industrial factories, and I pulled into a lot with a clear view of where this thing was "hovering."

I got out of the car and snapped a few more pictures and tried to take video of it. I called a few of the workers over who were looking at me like I was crazy and wondering what I was doing there, until I showed them the object in the sky. They were all looking at the object and wondering exactly what it was we were looking at fly slowly across the sky. It stopped and seemed to be hovering over a shopping plaza, and I got my kids back in the car and tried to chase it down.

By the time I got to the shopping plaza, which is only a five minute drive from where we were, it was long gone. It was very weird, my daughter and I both thought we saw it slightly change shapes and it was very odd.

I have never ever saw anything like this before ever!"

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Witness chases UFO in both Ohio and Pennsylvania

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: May 14, 2010
Location of event: Pennsylvania and Ohio, USA

"At approximately 10:30 PM, I noticed a bright, star-like object that was stationary in the sky to the northwest of Sharon, PA. From where I saw it, this would put it over Trumbull County, OH. At first thought, I was wondering if it might be Venus, but it seemed larger than that, and I know Venus does not appear in the northwest sky.

In addition, the light had an occasional flicker as if it was a star. I thought, though, that the flicker might be coming from twigs at the tops of trees that may not have been readily apparent in the night sky from where I was seeing the light. I became curious and decided to try to get a better view, so I headed west from where I was to downtown Sharon, PA.

Once in the downtown area, the object appeared as what can be described in terms of size and brightness as an outside incandescent porch light of a house that would be about 4/10 of a mile away from where I was. The lighted object appeared just above the tree line at the top of the West Hill area of Sharon, PA. At this point, I knew what I was seeing was something unusual, because it was low in the sky and there were no blinking red, white, or blue lights surrounding it that would indicate some type of commercial or private human aircraft.

I decided I wanted to get a better look, so I proceeded through the downtown area and out the northwest side of town in the direction of the light. I had lost sight of the object for a little while until I got to an area of high ground on route 846 where the light would occasionally disappear behind trees on the west side of the highway.

By now the light seemed that it was more above me rather than so much in the distance and appeared to have a more yellowish cast. I continued to search for more open space, so I turned left at the next main intersection and headed west into Trumbull County, OH.

There are a lot of wooded areas in the area I was in, so I was searching for more open farm fields well into Trumbull County to get a better view. There were large gaps between visuals of the light because of the trees, but managed to get my best view while on route 305 about 2 to 3 miles west of Hartford Center. However, by this time the object had moved quite a distance to the northwest heading in a northwesterly direction.

At this point, although still quite large and yet at a greater distance away, the object appeared more yellowish-orange and more pulsating. I continued to pursue while on route 305 until lost sight of object behind the distant trees to the northwest of route 11. This is where I ended my chase believing that I was not going to catch up to it, and it was already about 11 PM."

Monday, May 3, 2010

Three witness UFO over Columbus, Ohio

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: April 18, 2010
Location of event: Columbus, Ohio

"My son, a friend of his and I were driving west on E. Hudson Ave in Columbus, OH, at about 11:30 PM, after dropping off one of their friends. I was driving about 25 mph on Hudson on the way to catch the I-71N entrance ramp. Several blocks east of 71, I first saw lights in the sky, very low, about 1,000 ft up and slightly to the south of us - it was not directly overhead, but was in front of us and off to the south side and was surprisingly low.

It caught my attention because there seemed something odd about it, and as our truck moved forward, I realized the lights remained stationary. My rational mind tried to make sense of it - helicopter - no, plane - no, blimp - no? It was silent, and there were no blades or wings.

The object had a very large, white light that was self-contained (meaning it did not radiate light), and then an odd or kind of random configuration of red lights. The red lights were not "in order" e.g. not in a line, circular, or discernible pattern and the white light was very vivid, about the size of the full moon when seen in a clear night sky (except this was very close).

None of the lights were blinking - they were all steady. I said to the passengers (son in front passenger seat, and friend in back seat of F-150 truck), "Do you guys SEE that?" My son said yes, he had already been looking at it, and the friend in the back then moved over to the south side of the seat to look out the window, and said yes, he saw it, too.

We were kind of gob smacked and I said "What the hell IS that?" and came to a dead stop in the street. We all looked up and over at it as it continued to remain stationary. Thankfully no one rear ended me when I stopped, but I don't believe there were any other cars or people on the street, although we really don't remember.

We watched it for 10 or 15 seconds, and then I immediately pulled into a gravel parking lot on the north side of the street that was directly opposite of where we were stopped. The night was pretty balmy, so the two front windows were down. My son leaned far out of the passenger window, kind of sitting on the ledge facing south, so he could see.

The friend could see it from the driver's side backseat window on the south side of the truck, and I could clearly see it from the driver's side. I heard no sound whatsoever, although my son and his friend (in their teens) said they heard an almost imperceptible hum. My hearing has lost some of the highs and lows, so I am not surprised that it seemed silent to me, and I trust their hearing more than mine.

We continued to watch it hover for another minute or so, and then it began to move east (the direction we had just come from) in a straight line at an incredibly slow speed. It was just creeping along at such a slow pace that we were able to watch it for another 20 seconds or so. None of us are sure whether it moved out of our line of vision below a tree line or something, or if it just disappeared.

Regardless, we watched it until it was no longer there. We don't really know how it went away. When were stopped in the street and before we moved to the parking lot, while we were watching it my son blurted out, "Who are they looking for?" in an alarmed voice. I was struck by this because that thought never occurred to me, that "they" or "it" were looking for someone, and when we discussed it later, my son did not remember saying this.

The three of us were just stunned - "What was it? What was it?" We discussed the fact that it could be some a military thing, but if so, it was unlike anything in our experience and was not conventional. We all thought it was a definite UFO, in that we know we saw it, and it remained unidentifiable to us.

It was very difficult to get any sense of the shape of the craft because the ambient light and the white light made it difficult to see beyond the white light to what it was attached to, or what was behind it. To me it can best be described as lights with a kind of dark mass behind them. My son has the sense that it looked more like an odd kind of plane than anything else, because he thinks there was a long, front edge similar to a plane when viewed from the front, wing-tip to wing-tip. He does NOT believe it was a plane, though, and neither do his friend or I.

We all agree it was an unidentified object, either an unknown military craft using reverse technology, or an alien craft. It was not triangular, spherical, oblong, and it was also not a helicopter, plane or blimp.

The three of us have no idea what it was or whether anyone else saw it. When we drove home, we all talked about it but could not ID it. The only other odd thing that happened was after we dropped of the first friend and BEFORE the sighting, my son, his other friend and I were driving in the truck and there was a very uneasy vibe in the truck.

Then my son said "Tonight is a weird night - let's just get the hell home." I knew immediately what he meant - we were all quiet, and no one was talking and things just felt off, just before he made that statement.

I said, "Yes, that's what we're doing," and then on the way, about 2 minutes later, we had this experience. I do believe my son has had previous encounters, and the fact that he was alarmed about the craft looking for someone makes me think that if it was an alien craft, it has something to do specifically with him and that his friend and I were along for the ride."

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Two circular UFOs seen over Ohio

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: April 3, 2010
Location of event: Ohio, USA

"Around 9:00 PM, my brother and I went out into a field next to our home with binoculars to look at some stars and whatever else we could see. As we sat there, all we were seeing were planes. After about 15 minutes I took my eyes away from the binoculars and two grayish objects flying from the southwest caught my eye.

I was expecting them to be planes or something like it, but instantly I could tell they weren't. I said to my brother, "Hey, look at those," as I pointed in their direction. I looked at them through the binoculars, but could only see their shape with no details except some lines on the bottom. They were very low compared to aircraft, and were dead silent.

They flew side by side in a straight line with a large gap in between. They got closer, and I could see they were circular and had dark, curved lines on the under side. There were no visible lights, and the size of both was hard to tell, but if I had to estimate I would say they were 25 feet across. As we watched them, we was amazed because we had never seen anything like it. They were visible for about 15 to 20 seconds as they flew to the northeast. They went out of sight when they flew over the tops of some trees.

My brother and I talked about what we saw, and we seemed to describe them the same way. Afterwards we waited for another 15 minutes to see if more would show up, but nothing like it was seen again."

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Cross like object seen over Stow, Ohio

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: March 31, 2010
Location of event: Stow, Ohio

"At approximately 8:05 PM EST, I was traveling westbound in my car on Fishcreek Road in Stow, Ohio. I then observed the object in the sky to the Northwest, above a McDonald's restaurant. At first glance, I thought the object was someone on a motorized paraglider. Upon further viewing, it was NOT a paraglider.

The object appeared to look like a star or cross, and had a mass of something at the junction of where the vertical and horizontal parts met. The object did not appear to be powered and was simply floating northbound.

The object did not have any lights or other shiny parts. I was too far away from the object to detect if it made any sound. I am unsure of its elevation, but it was well above the tree tops.

After turning right onto Darrow Rd (Rt. 91) I still observed the object moving at a modest speed. I turned left into a McDonalds parking lot, circled the building, then got back onto Darrow Rd. to give chase (traveling northbound). I had the object in sight until I turned left onto Terex Rd. I traveled approximately 1/4 mile on Terex Rd. and then made a U-turn heading back towards Darrow Rd.

At that point I could no longer see the object. My last view of the object was at the intersection of Darrow Rd. and Terex Road."

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ohio witness sees low-flying triangle UFO

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: March 19 2010
Location of event: West Linn, Oregon

"I walked outside my condo in West Linn, Oregon, to walk the dog at around 8:00 PM. It was completely dark except for the stars and the crescent moon - there were no clouds in the sky. Instantly I heard dogs barking and howling in the northwest direction of the neighborhood, but my dog remained silent (he's not a me-too barker).

Right away I looked up in the sky as I always do when I go outside, and to my left I saw a low-flying vehicle that was coming from the southeast direction and heading northwest. I estimated it being between 50 to 75 yards up in the sky. It was close enough that I saw the bottom of the metal, triangular-shaped vehicle. I was thinking it would hit some trees or crash because it was so low, but apparently it didn't.

I could see the bottom of this jet-sized vehicle, but it was triangle shaped and didn't look like a plane or jet. It was at least 75 feet long. Afterwards, when I stretched my arm out where I saw the vehicle before, it was the size of my hand (woman's hand).

There were bright orange lights on the bottom. I watched it zoom by at about 100 miles an hour - it looked like a fast moving car speed. I could only watch the vehicle between the trees, probably for about 5 seconds max. My dog and I ran to see if we could see anything on the other side of the trees, but it was nowhere in sight. The dogs kept barking when the vehicle passed over in their direction. It was so silent, my dog didn't even look up.

Sideline, when I told my husband how low this UFO was flying, he didn't think it was possible without hitting the trees. So my first report said 100 yards up. But as I was driving on the freeway the following day, I noticed all the tallest street lights that are always next to certain areas of the freeway - the ones that have three lights on them. There are also shorter lights but I'm talking about the tallest ones. The tallest lights were how low the craft was flying.

When I checked out the path in the daylight, there was plenty of room for it to fly that low without hitting any trees. I don't know how anybody else did not see this strange sighting, but nobody else was in sight. I'm tempted to go door-to-door and ask other neighbors if they saw anything.

Right away I called the local TV Channels. The only one that had a live person to talk to said, "that's kind of funny that you'd report that today because it's the Spring Equinox and you could have seen a reflection from the Northern Lights. This was no reflection but rather a solid, industrial strength vehicle.

I sent this information to the local Oregon Mutual UFO Network. Tom Bowden responded right away and will send a local rep to interview me. However, he thought I should also send this information your way."

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Boomerang shaped UFO seen over Ohio

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: March 15, 2010
Location of event: Ohio, USA

"I was taking the trash out and I noticed what a beautiful clear evening it was, and how brightly the stars shown. As I put the trash down, I glanced up and noticed this boomerang-shaped object (almost like a winged shape) gliding quietly along, and was oddly glowing (a very light blue hue).

I looked down for a second until I grasped what I saw. I just stood there thinking how I needed a camera. It was cruising along at a very slow pace, maybe 100-200 MPH. Not fast at all.

When it went behind a cluster of trees about 5 seconds later, I tried to run to the other street, but it was gone. This is the first time I have ever seen anything like this.

I've always been skeptical, but this has definitely changed my mind. Don't be surprised if I keep my head looking towards the heavens more often."

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Unknown object videotaped over Ohio, caught disappearing

Description from the original uploader:

"Mysterious flying object over near Lake Erie that moves extremely slow over the course of about 5 minutes, then mysteriously disappears. The object seems to face us the entire time with its lights directed towards us. I thought about the possibility of this object being a airplane, but I believe I have ruled that out, because for that to be a plane and for the lights to be visible for us to see then the plane would have to be coming at us head on. We would have never be able to see the lights if the plane was traveling in a heading that would have prevented us from seeing them. However the lights never seem to dull, an the object slowly moves horizontally across the sky, then all of a sudden it dissappears.

We took the recording back home, an ran it through Vegas Movie Studio and analyzed the object frame by frame, an right before the object disappears the light suddenly intensifies... and then it disappears leaving only a brief gray discoloration that lasts for 3 frames. This recording comes only 10 days after a string of sightings that have captured local news attention in Euclid Ohio on March 7th, 2010.

Filmed at 7am on 3/18/2010 from Walnut Beach in Ashtabula, Ohio near the breakwall. Roughly 60 miles east of Cleveland, Ohio. Comments and thoughts appreciated, I plan to be back on the beach with camera in hand hoping to capture more of this unexplained activity."

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Norwood searchlight incident

This is a little known case in the history of UFOs. But it constitutes stunning amount evidence not find in many other UFO cases. Not only are many films and photographs available but there are thousands of independent and reliable witnesses, including members of the Catholic clergy, the press and the police.

Credible witnesses
This chain of events occurred under a long time span, with its beginning on August 19, 1949 and ending in March of 1950. Under this period an almost unbelievable wave of UFO sightings were logged in the Norwood, Ohio area. The reported sightings were often of an odd stationary object which was seen by people on the ground.

It’s often said that the credibility of these sighting is based upon the reputation of the witnesses. Report were coming from the whole spectrum of human society, they came clergies, scientists, police and military officials, as well as civilians. But there are also other types of evidence. On October 23, 1949 Norwood Police sergeant Leo Davidson took photographs of the unknown objects and Reverend Gregory Miller took 2 reels of 25 foot motion picture film.

Explanation unknown
These reported sightings were often reported in the local press, but the articles did not receive much attention. The media were minimizing the sigthing reports and press reports that what they’ve seen was nothing more than searchlight reflections from the cloud cover. This theory was well founded. . Several churches and at least one theatre in the area were operating searchlights on the first night of the reports. But when reports of objects in daylight started to appear, this theory seemed more unlikely. Another theory was that they were just weather balloons, but the objects seen by the public seemed motionless, despite quite strong winds, debunking weather balloon theory.

It’s a shame for today’s ufologists that there were data no sophisticated gathering at the time of the sightings. Many people have over the years tried to explain these unknown light but no one have come up with reasonable expiation, and still what hovered over the skies of Norwood, Ohio in 1949 is unknown. Making it a true UFO.