Showing posts with label 2010. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2010. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Bigfoot caught on trail camera?

Every year it seems that we get some blurry photographs of a creature some would call Bigfoot. And now a new photograph has arrived.

Apparently this photograph was captured back in early September of 2010, on trail cam in the state of Vermont. And by the midst of the night (according to the SquatchDetective website the camera of of be roughly six hours), this was in frame:


Another photographs has also been published, which may show on of the creatures hand.


Read more about the incident, and the follow-up investigation at the SquatchDetective website.

Friday, January 7, 2011

UFO over Vancouver on December 30, 2010

Description från the original uploader: “ufo over Vancouver - Dec.30, 2010”

My thoughts? I believe it’s just a balloon reflecting in the sun.

Video courtesy of Youtube user FIOY.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Strange lights captured on tape over Fountain, Colorado

Original uploader: First of all, Feel free to laugh at how dumb I sound in this vid. I live in Fountain, Colorado, and my girlfriend and I have been noticing strange lights from time to time in our area. This footage was filmed over the northern horizon, December 27th, 2010. There are no military bases in that direction, and the airport is far east of the presumed location. I had to leave quickly because a few cars started coming up behind me and I was parked in the middle of the road. My android phone doesn't do this clip justice. From the naked eye, the UFO appeared to be descending from the sky with multiple bright, flickering lights on the side facing me. At the end of the clip, the lights on the object seem to disappear, then reappear as I left. I have no idea what it could be. You be the judge.

Video courtesy of Yotube user Ironeyes07

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Cylindrical UFO over Utah? Looks very much like sunlited cloud

Description from the original uploader:
"This UFO was spotted in the sky tonight at 7:19pm the sunset was at 7:10pm this is not the sun or a cloud 4 people witnessed it and could not identify what it was it looked like the top of the sun going behind the mountains but the mountains are far below as you can see and the sun was already down. At approximately 7:43 the object disappeared slowly in the same spot.

The sun or cloud would have moved since 7:19pm the object was seen even before that it took 3 to 4 minutes before that to get the video camera to film it once it was spotted.

It was the brightest thing in the sky easily seen."

UFO? No, probbaly just a bug

Information from UFO

"Location of sighting: Roanhead, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, UK.

Date and time of UFO sighting: 23/07/009 @ 15:49hrs

One of the most exciting and possibly highly significant UFO reports to be sent to me came from a gentleman named Mr Bob Atkins of Cumbria, UK.

Bob was happily playing with his dog by a pool of water at Roanhead, Barrow-in-Furness. While videoing his dog on a mobile phone video camera he inadvertently captured a mysterious flying object in the sky.

Bob told me that the original video is 0h 3m 11s in length, but he cut the first 2 Min 37 seconds so as to leave just him videoing his dog.

Bob explained:

“The object appears in this video for about 1 second and you have to go into freeze frame to actually see what the object is as in normal play it just appears as 4 black flashes on the screen. This was captured on 23/07/009 @ 15:49hrs. In that 1 second the last few frames are the few that I think are most significant.”

As Bob says the object can clearly be seen whizzing across the screen at immense speed. I spent a good while checking Bob’s footage and the UFO seems to be a very solid entity to me with a shiny, light upper surface and darker underlying form below. The speed is impressive too and I would estimate the altitude of the object to be something around less than 100 feet.

Bob added:

”I have no other explanation for this. While filming this at the point where the phenomenon appeared I was facing approximately north. The first black spot appears in the clouds to the left of the screen then goes to the right and then to the forefront of the shots.”

Bob’s remarkable sighting reminded me of my own twister UFO event of 2008, in so much as the defined shape and how the entity suddenly whizzes into sight as if appearing out of nowhere."

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

X Files reveal UFO sighting

"UFOS were spotted heading for Warrington in December 1998, according to previously top secret files recently released by the Ministry of Defence.

A group of four people saw ‘a low flying object with three large red lights shining directly underneath it’ before it moved off in the direction of the town centre.

The witness said: “There was no sound associated with the object ... and none of the nearby trees appeared to move from any draught the object may have made at the time of moving off...

Part of an article from Warrington Guardian - Continue reading

Ootsa Lake creature sighting

"The last thing Darlene Thompkins expected to see on her holiday was something she referred to as the 'Ootsa Lake monster'.

Thompkins who is holidaying in Burns Lake with her family from Edmonton, said she named the mysterious sighting in Ootsa Lake a monster because she didn't know what else to call it.

Thompkins and her granddaughter were wading in the water near the Ootsa Lake spillway last week, while her friend George sat on the shore...

Part of an article from - Continue reading

Monday, August 23, 2010

Nurses's UFO "fright" quashed by MoD

"The nurse who claims to have seen a glowing UFO on a hillside has broken her silence over Ministry of Defence suggestions that it was nothing more than a combination of an earthquake and a meteor.

Pat Evans, whose description of the glowing ball she saw on North Wales’s Berwyn Mountains has prompted more than three decades of debate among Ufologists and scientists, described the MoD claims as “rubbish”.

And retired nurse and midwife Mrs Evans, who rarely speaks of the event, repeated her claim that she saw a UFO on January 23, 1974, in the incident known as the “Welsh Roswell...

Video related to the article:

Part of an article from WalesOnline - Continue reading

Couple spot UFOs near Paradise Point Marina, California

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: July 30, 2010
Location of event: California, USA

"After seeing 4 objects on the 4th and 2 on the 23rd from our back yard as reported in earlier reports, my wife and I decided to go outside of town to get away from city lights just to see what we could see. So we went out to the delta about a mile north from Paradise Point Marina on the levee. At about 10 PM, I saw orange-colored lights coming from the south heading northwest.

They seemed to be south of the marina, hard to say how far it was, but they were low in the sky and moving slowly. It looked like they may have been by the port of Stockton, which was about 10 miles from us. My wife also saw these objects. There were 6 total, they seemed to be about a 1/4 mile apart as they came northwest. They all did a slow wide turn to the west and then back south towards Tracy.

We were watching them through binoculars until we could not see them anymore. There was no flashing lights you could see the street lights of the marina very clearly, and they seemed to be about the same size and a few inches higher than the street light from our view point."

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Two witnesses spot UFOs over Indiana

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: August 12, 2010
Location of event: Indiana, USA

"Me and my buddy were in my garage smoking some cigarettes, then he got thirsty so we both went to get some water. As soon as I opened the garage door and we stepped out, I looked up and saw a bright, green circle zoom from above me to behind the tree line in front of me to the west.

Right away I knew I had experienced a UFO sighting. My heart was pounding and I was so excited. I told my buddy what I had seen, he thought I was playing a joke on him so I made him stand there with me to see if we could see any more.

Within five minutes, we had counted 6 or 7 UFOs. The first one I saw was the bright, green circle, it had vanished behind the trees in the west. After that, the other UFOs were smaller or farther away, and they were all flying so fast it was hard to spot them out. But they came from all directions. They were all moving fast and curving upward. Me and my buddy saw one UFO at the same time, it zoomed across the sky from north to south and had a yellowish light with a trail.

All the others were seen by either me or him. But the smaller UFOs had trails behind them, and my buddy described one that was shining bright blue. They reminded me of shooting stars, but they couldn't have been because they were curving and turning every which way.

I couldn't tell the shape of the smaller UFOs, but they gave off a bright white or yellow light. We only saw one green one and one blue one. I know what I saw. And my friend is my witness."

UFO video round-up - August 22, 2010

Here are some of the latest UFO videos making there way around the net.

Edinburgh, Scotland, August 17, 2010

Virginia, USA, August 19, 2010

Dublin, Ireland, August 17, 2010

Arlington, Texas, August 21, 2010

Friday, August 20, 2010

Eerie UFO sightings reported over B.C. lake

"VANCOUVER -- Reports have been flying in of an unidentified flying object hovering over Cultus Lake in Chilliwack, B.C. on Tuesday night.

The story broke on The Fox's Jeff O'Neil Show Wednesday morning during their Open Phones segment.

'Dallas' called into the show to report that his girlfriend spotted some eerie lights flooding the pitch-black sky [insert Twilight Zone music here]...

Video related to the article:

Part of an article from The Vancouver Sun - Continue reading

Thursday, August 19, 2010

South Alabama fire station haunted?

"MOBILE, Ala. (WALA) - Firefighters in Mobile are trying to come up with a logical explanation for a mystery at the central station downtown.

Something weird caught the attention of a firefighter passing through the museum room of the Central Station early Monday morning. That's when Steve Huffman got a call.

"He said, 'We've got a little unusual situation downtown that you might be interested in.' And I said, 'OK, what would that be?'" Huffman said...

Video related to the article:

Part of an article from WISHTV - Continue reading

Several motorists witness unknown object over Texas

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: August 2, 2010
Location of event: Texas, USA

"I was leaving my uncle's house around 10:30 PM, CDT. I made my way to I-20 heading west, and as soon as I found my lane trying to get into the middle lane, I immediately noticed the light directly in front of me well above the horizon, but not high enough for me to have to peek up out of my windshield. Not wanting to be a bad driver, I asked my girlfriend and brother to look and find out what it was.

They responded, "It looks like an airplane," so by then I had reached my exit to head south on 360 on the overamp, and I took another glance at it and said, "Are you sure that’s a plane?, it has no blinking lights, none of the signs that screams I’m an airplane!" I then told them, "Keep your eyes on it, and don’t lose it."

It only takes 7 minutes to get back to my house exiting off of 360, and I turned west on to my road. At that time, the object was perfectly positioned in between the trees down the street, now that I had focused in on it and the trees are moving past me. I was asking my brother and girlfriend if it was moving, but no one could tell me because of the cars' movement. So I pulled over next to a junior high facing west behind the school.

I parked and turned off the car. I was really excited and anxious to get some references to make some decision as to what it could be. Well, I got it because it was right over the tree line and sure enough its movements were a little left, then up, a little right, back up, then freeze.

At one time, it started coming back towards the southeast, but I watched it gain altitude a bit and resume its course back northwest. Overfilled with a rush, I hopped back in the car, went straight for my ladder, and got on the roof with my brother.

We observed this light change its colors - red, orange, and then white. It stayed on a steady course for over a half hour. In between, it would go dim, then go out completely, then reappear. I thought to myself after it had reappeared, "This is the real thing."

Triangle-shaped UFO seen over California

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: August 2, 2010
Location of event: California, USA

"Monday night, a friend and I were out on my driveway talking and star gazing when my friend Robin saw something to the West of us approaching along a straight controlled path traveling in an Eastern direction. At first I could not see what he was talking about, but when he told me to look straight up and that it was about to pass above my car as the reference point I saw it.

The night sky was very clear and dark. The object was a distinctive V-Shape, very dark in color, and making absolutely no sound. It appeared to be dark grey, just slightly lighter than the sky making it visible to us. It blended in very well, but due to the color difference, we could see it clearly once we located it and followed it with our eyes. The shape was the only distinct characteristic.

The surface looked lumpy, not smooth like a stealth bomber. I thought it was flying pretty low in comparison to the many planes that pass over my house on a regular basis as they approach LAX. It flew at a constant speed, which didn't seem very fast, so we were able to track it for a couple of minutes before we lost sight of it. As the city lights caused the sky to be lighter further to the East, the craft blended in completely leaving us to lose sight.

The UFO had no lights, and the shape was a much tighter V than the shape of the B-2 stealth. I assume it was a military plane of some sort, but the scary thing is, I don't really know what we saw."

Multi-lighted object seen over near Yatesville Lake, Kentucky

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: August 5, 2010
Location of event: Yatesville Lake State Park, Kentucky

"I had just finished putting my dogs in their pen for the night, and looked up into the sky above the tree line and saw an object made of several lights, sort of hovering. I noticed the object because it seemed out of place in the night sky. This startled me so, I walked back toward my house and the object slowly moved down behind the tree line.

When it moved, it did not move in straight lines or abrupt zigzags, but more fluid-like, more like swimming than flying. When I first saw the object I thought it could be a plane or a chopper, but I heard no noise and immediately thought it was a UFO.

After the object passed, all the hair on my body stood on end. I came inside, told my wife what happened, and got a flashlight. I went back outside, and followed our driveway all the way down to the gravel road (around 400 ft).

On the way I felt watched and started hearing owls and coyotes up in the hills around our land. I went back inside and got my revolver, loaded it and went back outside to take yet another look. I did not see the object again or hear the coyotes or owls. We live at the head of a hollow near Yatesville Lake."

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

UFO video round-up - August 17, 2010

Here are some of the latest UFO videos making there way around the net.

San Diego, California, June 13, 2010

New Jersey, USA, July, 2010

Manchester, UK, August 13, 2010

Tucson, Arizona, August 15, 2010

"Haunted" village deserted for century

"Ghorachab village in Chhattisgarh’s Korba district is like any other rural habitation in India, except that it remained deserted for over a century, thanks to “mischievous ghosts”.

The picture postcard village, encircled by a perennial stream and rows of eucalyptus trees, can rival any tourist place in the country.

But after twilight, as light fades, the locals, working in their paddy fields, on the outskirt of the village, leave the place in a hurry to escape the “wrath of the ghosts...

Part of an article from The Asian Age - Continue reading

Knebworth House is haunted by novelist says Lord Cobbold

"THE pen is mightier than the sword – an iconic proverb coined by Victorian novelist, poet and playwright Edward Bulwer-Lytton in 1839.

It’s a phrase which makes regular appearances to this very day; just like its creator, the ghost of whom is said to haunt the gothic Times Territory stately home where he once lived.

Lord David Cobbold, the great-great-grandson of Bulwer-Lytton, made the revelation about Knebworth House on the BBC Radio 4 show Desert Island Discs, which was broadcast on Sunday...

Part of an article from Welwyn Hatfield Times - Continue reading

Investigators say hundreds of ghostly voices speak out in this Gordonsville hotel

"Mark Higgins’ Mystery Machine is a white Chevy Trailblazer with a “Ghost Hunter” license plate holder, but we’re not blazing trails or hunting ghosts yet.

Instead, we’re stuck 10 miles from Pantops Mountain on Route 231, a two-lane road that leads to Gordonsville and to one of the most “active” sites Higgins has investigated: the Exchange Hotel, a former Civil War hospital.

The line of stopped cars extends beyond a bend in the road, so we can’t see the cause of the hold-up...

Part of an article from - Continue reading