Showing posts with label Arizona. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arizona. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Ghost hunting: Is Phoenix bar haunted?

PHOENIX - In the last 100 years at the Saddle Horn Bar at least three people have died, but owners insist their ghosts are still around.

Owner Jimmy Olaguez insists it’s more than just the things that go bump in the night. He says he’s convinced his security cameras caught a little girl playing at his bar after it was closed for the night. The problem is Olaguez believes she died more than 80 years ago.

"It was so intense," Olaguez recalled seeing the video, “It was just completely in-your-face shocking…”

Part of an article from ABC15Continue reading

Monday, May 2, 2011

Unknown flying object seen by couple in Arizona

Report from MUFON: Date of event: April 19, 2011

“We were driving from Scottsdale to Sedona on the morning of Tuesday, April 29th, 2011. I was driving, my husband was in the passenger seat, and 2 kids in the backseat. It was a clear, sunny morning.

As we approached and passed the Camp Verde exit on Route 17N, a small, silver disk/cigar-shaped object entered my field of vision traveling from left (west) to right (east). I immediately noticed it and casually (and jokingly) said to my husband, "Look, a UFO."

He looked up from his cell phone and saw it too. We watched it travel extremely quickly and smoothly over the highway and then curve north. It paralleled the highway and flew north. It went from maybe a mile in front of us, which is hard to estimate, to out of site in a matter of a few seconds.

We estimate the total distance it flew north was about 10 miles. It was hard to estimate the immediate position because we couldn't quickly figure out what it was - there were no wings, no tail fin, no contrail, nothing. It was moving extremely fast and smooth and was gone to a pinpoint then out of sight in a few seconds.

My husband now says "Oh, it must've been a jet." We saw many planes in Sedona later that day; biplanes, small jets, helicopters and they were all easily identifiable and moved so much slower than the object.

I'm reporting this because it was so unusual, 2 of us saw it, and maybe someone else saw something too.”

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

UFO video round-up - August 17, 2010

Here are some of the latest UFO videos making there way around the net.

San Diego, California, June 13, 2010

New Jersey, USA, July, 2010

Manchester, UK, August 13, 2010

Tucson, Arizona, August 15, 2010

Friday, August 13, 2010

UFO video round-up - August 13, 2010

Here are some of the latest UFO videos making there way around the net.

Hollywood, California, August 10, 2010

Paris, France, June 8, 2010

Tucson, Arizona, August 9, 2010

Montreal, Canada, August 9, 2010

Friday, July 9, 2010

Bank of America ghost likely active despite bank holiday

"The Bank of America at 902 North Stone Avenue in Tucson is closed today due to the 4th of July holiday.

That doesn’t mean that there is no activity at the bank. Ghosts don’t work bankers’ hours and they don’t take holidays. The branch is bustling with paranormal activity.

The strange goings on at this location have been reported for several years...

Part of an article from Tuscon Citizen - Continue reading

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

More ghosts in the Valley? Why 1 city is getting attention

"TEMPE, AZ -- The unknown is attracting more and more paranormal investigators to one corner of the Valley these days.

Whether you believe in ghosts, spirits, or an alternate universe, what many are reportedly experiencing in Tempe may send goose bumps down your spine.

Some well known businesses in the heart of the city are actually paranormal hot spots...

Part of an article from - Continue reading

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Arizona woman mesmerized by cigar shaped UFO

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: April 24, 2010
Location of event: Arizona, USA

"I was at a park Saturday morning with about twenty other people. We were waiting to pick up fruits and vegetables from an awesome co-op that delivers at the park. While standing in line I saw something glint in the sky as I looked north, similar to when the sun glints off the bumper of a car.

I looked up and watched it. The shiny glint started growing as it moved very slowly toward the west. I knew it wasn't an airplane because it was all silver and had no wings. When it got directly in front of me it was at least half again the size of a jumbo jet and cigar shaped (from my point of view).

It stayed in that spot for about 10 seconds, then disappeared. My view was unencumbered by trees, buildings or clouds. The weirdest thing was that while I'm watching this craft move slowly across the sky, the lady next to me kept talking – but I couldn't hear the words; I couldn't move to indicate she should look up and I couldn't speak, I was frozen in place – only my mind was working. My husband was standing next to me as well. When the craft disappeared, I was able to talk again and I asked, "Where did it go?"

There was a plane right there going slowly (not able/willing to say it was a UFO). My husband and the woman indicated a black, propeller driven plane that was flying slowly heading south. I told them that wasn't it, but the conversation moved on as if nothing had happened. It was about 9:20 in the morning and I was the only one that saw it."

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Bigfoot in Arizona?

"Ask anyone who's grown up in the small town of Whiteriver in the White Mountains, and they'll tell you that stories of a large, dark and hairy creature lurking around the woods have been around for generations. Now, recent evidence shows that this creature, that the Apache call Keh-Chew, may have never left.

"Have you been drinking? Are you high or something?" Questions A.K. Riley says he gets all the time when he tells people that Big Foot does exist and is living in the White Mountains in Arizona. "You can feel it. It's like someone's watching you," Riley says as he's standing on a dirt road in the middle of the woods on the White Mountain Apache Indian Reservation...

Video related to the article:

Part of an article from 12 News - Continue reading

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Bright light moving quietly over Arizona

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: March 19, 2010
Location of event: Arizona, USA

"While watching for satellites on my back patio, I saw a bright light moving from the northwest to southeast direction. There was no sound at all, and it looked to be descending.

Suddenly it leveled off, and began a zig-zag motion, beginning to ascend to the northeast, and slowly disappear. I then saw a blue flash, and the UFO or whatever, was gone.

I have been fortunate to have seen a number of UFO over the years, from Maine to California. I usually report them to MUFON."

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Top 10 Ghost Images - #2

This photograph was taken in Tombstone, Arizona at Boothill Graveyard. It was taken by Terry Ike Clanton, a descendent to the Clanton Gang, on a friend of him. The photo was taken in black and white because he wanted Old West-looking pictures of himself dressed in Clanton's 1880-period clothes. Upon developing the photograph, they were able to see a thin man with a black hat just to the right of his friend. According to them, no one except was at the scene for the photograph.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Phoenix Lights

When involving UFOs and other paranormal fields, cases with many witnesses are rare and the sightings are hard to confirm. A photograph or two to is lending more credibility to witness, but it is often hard authenticate it. But there cases where multiple photographs and videos have been made, taken by many witnesses. One of the best known cases of this is the case of the so-called Phoenix Lights on March 13, 1997.

Image top-left: A drawing of the object appeared in USA Today.

Many people in the Phoenix area had gathered outside to try to catch a glimpse of the Hale-Bopp comet who was going to be visible, and many also cameras to capture this celestial event. But the Hale-Bopp wouldn’t be the night’s main event. But earlier on the day, sightings of an unknown V-shaped craft had already come in from Henderson, Nevada, Prescott and Prescott Valley and Dewey, about 75 miles north of the city it was headed for, Phoenix. Witnesses in these areas had reported a very large V-shaped craft with lights underneath.

This V-shaped craft finally reached Phoenix and was observed by many people, the city council actually received over 700 reports, as is slowly moved over Phoenix. This time, the craft were reported to be a mile wide V or boomerang shaped craft. But the sightings over Phoenix wouldn’t end with giant solid craft, and this time photographic evidence would be caught. Soon after the craft had passed over the city, a series of lights appeared, one by one, and would later also extinguishes one by one. This was captured on tape and is often showed in UFO documentaries.

In event of this magnitude, it was just a figure of time before the military would become involved in this incident. The military’s standpoint have been since that day that the first incident involving the giant craft was only fighter jets in a V-shaped formation and that the secondary incident were nothing more than series of flares dropped by a A-10 "Warthog". But when comparing what witnesses observed to how flares, several flaws can be found. First, it was reported that lights moved in unison, something flares doesn’t do. Neither do they fall to ground and fly back up into the air. And secondary, there were reports of hovering lights hours before the military launched the flares.

The Phoenix case is unique among other UFO cases, the share amount of witnesses and photographic evidence is astonishing compared to other incidents. But still, no good explanation has been given on what was seen by thousands of witnesses in Phoenix on March 13, 1997. The case remains unexplained.

One of the most famous videos from that day:

Documentary - The Phoenix Lights

Today it is 13 years since the Phoenix Lights occurred and we celebrate it with a documentary about this event.

But stay tuned, an article about this event will published later today.


Friday, March 12, 2010

Small UFO sighted over Arizona

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: March 1, 2010
Location of event: Arizona, USA

"I had turned off all the lights in my apartment and was going to bed. A feeling of slight fear arose. I then lay down in bed just before remembering my sunroof of my car was open. I get up and get dressed and walk outside. An awning covered my view of the object until I came around the corner, to go down the stairs.

As soon as the awning revealed the object in the sky, I saw it move downward and then vanish. At this point the fear I had been feeling vanished as if everything was perfect. After I closed the sunroof, I remained outside watching the sky for a few minutes. I didn't see anything else unusual.

The object seemed to be within a 1/4 mile of me, and no higher up than maybe 60 feet, falling to maybe 45 feet before disappearing. From the distance I perceived, the object seemed to be approximately 2 feet in diameter. It made no noise. I am sure what I saw was not a shooting star, lightning bug, or anything I can explain.

I’m planning to camp out on my porch for a little while each night with my camera. I’m hoping Ill spot it again.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

UFO paces motorist on Arizona highway

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: March 3, 2010
Location of event: Arizona, USA

"While driving from my house heading west I noticed what at first appeared to be a satellite in the night skies. But when I saw it was moving up and down in a split second, and its orange/red color I changed my mind. After that I came to a stop sign and change my direction to the North and the object also accelerated to the North with great speed.

By then I was driving in the middle of the road because I could not belief my eyes. Then, I came to a street light and changed my direction to the East and guess what? The object changed direction to the East, by that time I was a little nervous.

But still I was thinking there’s another explanation for what I was seeing. All my windows were down, so there was no reflection of any lights. Again I stopped at a street light and focused my vision on a light pole to confirm that the object was moving, and sure enough it was.

It almost seemed to me that it had the same heading and speed as my car - stopping and going like my car was. Scary stuff! Finally, I changed directions to the north, and of course the object did the same, by that time it seemed to be almost on top of central Tucson and finally it disappeared.

It was like the object dimmed its light.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Unkowns captured on tape before the "Phoenix Lights"

Many people knows about the Phoenix Lights that occurred on the evening March 17, 1997 who was captured by many on film. Actually that wasn't a isolated sighting, sightings of unknowns were made also during the day, which this video clearly shows.

More information about the Phoenix Lights - Click Here