Showing posts with label July. Show all posts
Showing posts with label July. Show all posts

Saturday, October 2, 2010

UFO? No, probbaly just a bug

Information from UFO

"Location of sighting: Roanhead, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, UK.

Date and time of UFO sighting: 23/07/009 @ 15:49hrs

One of the most exciting and possibly highly significant UFO reports to be sent to me came from a gentleman named Mr Bob Atkins of Cumbria, UK.

Bob was happily playing with his dog by a pool of water at Roanhead, Barrow-in-Furness. While videoing his dog on a mobile phone video camera he inadvertently captured a mysterious flying object in the sky.

Bob told me that the original video is 0h 3m 11s in length, but he cut the first 2 Min 37 seconds so as to leave just him videoing his dog.

Bob explained:

“The object appears in this video for about 1 second and you have to go into freeze frame to actually see what the object is as in normal play it just appears as 4 black flashes on the screen. This was captured on 23/07/009 @ 15:49hrs. In that 1 second the last few frames are the few that I think are most significant.”

As Bob says the object can clearly be seen whizzing across the screen at immense speed. I spent a good while checking Bob’s footage and the UFO seems to be a very solid entity to me with a shiny, light upper surface and darker underlying form below. The speed is impressive too and I would estimate the altitude of the object to be something around less than 100 feet.

Bob added:

”I have no other explanation for this. While filming this at the point where the phenomenon appeared I was facing approximately north. The first black spot appears in the clouds to the left of the screen then goes to the right and then to the forefront of the shots.”

Bob’s remarkable sighting reminded me of my own twister UFO event of 2008, in so much as the defined shape and how the entity suddenly whizzes into sight as if appearing out of nowhere."

Monday, August 23, 2010

Couple spot UFOs near Paradise Point Marina, California

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: July 30, 2010
Location of event: California, USA

"After seeing 4 objects on the 4th and 2 on the 23rd from our back yard as reported in earlier reports, my wife and I decided to go outside of town to get away from city lights just to see what we could see. So we went out to the delta about a mile north from Paradise Point Marina on the levee. At about 10 PM, I saw orange-colored lights coming from the south heading northwest.

They seemed to be south of the marina, hard to say how far it was, but they were low in the sky and moving slowly. It looked like they may have been by the port of Stockton, which was about 10 miles from us. My wife also saw these objects. There were 6 total, they seemed to be about a 1/4 mile apart as they came northwest. They all did a slow wide turn to the west and then back south towards Tracy.

We were watching them through binoculars until we could not see them anymore. There was no flashing lights you could see the street lights of the marina very clearly, and they seemed to be about the same size and a few inches higher than the street light from our view point."

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

UFO video round-up - August 17, 2010

Here are some of the latest UFO videos making there way around the net.

San Diego, California, June 13, 2010

New Jersey, USA, July, 2010

Manchester, UK, August 13, 2010

Tucson, Arizona, August 15, 2010

Monday, June 7, 2010

UFO photographs - Catalina Island, California, July 9, 1947

This photograph was taken on July 9, 1947 in Catalina Island, California.

This is the original caption to the photograph:

"7/9/1947 - Avalon, Catalina Island - Three Army Air Force veterans reported six flying discs over Catalan Island, and former aerial photographer, Bob Jung said he succeeded in photographing one of the objects. Photo is that which Jung says he took of one of the discs which passed over the Island. Masts and stack of steamer are seen at bottom."

Monday, April 5, 2010

UFO photographs - Salem, Massachusetts, July 16, 1952

This photograph was taken by Shell Apert, a USCG seaman, on July 16, 1952 when he saw four bright lights in formation over Salem, Massachusetts. When he first saw the objects he called another Guardsman to see the lights, but in those few seconds the lights had become dimmer. When they brightened again, he quickly took a single photograph through the window of the office. This photograph was investigated by Project Blue Book and was considered “unexplained”.

Click on the image for higher resolution.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

USO spotted from casino cruise ship in Massachusetts

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: July 18, 2008
Location of event: Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, Massachusetts

On Friday July 18, 2008, at about 10:30 PM, a co-worker and I were taking a 15 minute break on the stern of the SS HORIZONS EDGE BOSTON, a casino cruise ship and company I was employed for at the time out of Lynn, Massachusettes. We were drifting on the outer edge of the Stellwagen Bank Marine Sanctuary during casino hours. As we started to make our way back inside the vessel to return to work, we heard a loud "whooshing" sound from about 10 to 15 degrees off the port bow.

This is not an uncommon occurrence as waves continually hit the bow; especially during inclement weather. But we knew right away the sound was a bit "off." We hurried to the port side of the stern and saw what seemed to be a spectral, greenish, faint-glowing, disc-shaped object (at best estimate, about 50 to 100 feet in diameter and about 500 feet out) come clear out of the water and hover for what seemed to be 45 seconds or so.

We both confirmed with each other, that we could "feel" or somewhat "sense" heat coming from the object... (and subsequently would both later suffer from unusual, yet uneventful bouts of dehydration and cold-like symptoms regardless of the amount of fluids we drank.) The object then rose sharply to about 1000 feet and shot away, aft and ascending, until we couldn't see it anymore... that particular movement of the object took less than 10 seconds... there was absolutely no sound of any kind and the erratic movements it made as it came out of the water, was as if someone were hoisting this thing up on the end of a chain and it sawed a bit back and forth.

I have never seen anything like it before or since. Naturally, I have never mentioned this incident to anyone for fear of any social reprisal... and we have subsequently stopped speaking to each other all together. I have only mentioned it here, and will probably never mention it again. I just had to tell someone.