Showing posts with label Military involvement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Military involvement. Show all posts

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Documentary - Code Red

UFO Hunters - Code Red

Information from Wikipedia:
The team interviews military air traffic controllers who have come forward about tracking UFOs over restricted airspace and the security alerts that followed.

Tip - Let the other clips load while watching the first part.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

UFO and jets seen over Montana

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: April 3, 2010
Location of event: Montana, USA

"I was at my computer until I received a call from my brother who was on his way home, and he told me to go outside to see a light his wife and my other brother were seeing. So I went outside and saw a bright light sitting motionless in the sky. Then my mother and nephew came out and saw the same thing.

I ran back inside to grab my binoculars so I could catch a better look, and as I returned back outside I looked and saw a disc-shaped object that looked as if it were spinning and it had multiple colored lights surrounding it. Then there were 2 to 3 jets pursuing it, it then started slowly moving west, so we took a drive and tried to see if we could get a better look at it.

We parked and watched as the jets gave up and turned around, and we watched for almost 3 minutes until it faded out. We were excited to see this as it happens often, and that's all I have for now until we make another sighting."

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Documentary - Underground Alien Bases

UFO Hunters - Underground Alien Bases

Information from Wikipedia:

"The team looks into the claims of undercover investigators and former military personnel about Dulce Base, an alleged alien facility that exists somewhere below a mesa near Dulce, New Mexico, where human-alien hybrid experiments are being performed and how the beings there came into deadly conflict with military personnel."

Tip - Let the other clips load while watching the first part.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Helicopter escorts triangle UFO near March Air Force Base

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: March 4, 2010
Location of event: near Riverside, Texas

"On this particular night, I was parking my car after returning home from a friend's house. I generally look up at the night sky anyway, but on this particular night I heard a helicopter approaching from my right. Thinking nothing much of it, I get out of the car and pan my head over in the direction of the helicopter. When I did this, I saw a very large object slowly approach overhead and it looked to me like it was being escorted by a helicopter.

The helicopter was flying directly adjacent to this very large triangular object. I'd say it was about 2-3 football fields in diameter. I saw the 3 bright lights making out the triangular shape, and noticed a very slow, pulsing red light in the bottom of the object. Stunned at what I was seeing, I froze to look at the object in the middle of the street. It was about 6-700 feet above me, flying fairly low and extremely slow for an aircraft that large.

The curious thing about it was that it made absolutely no noise. All I heard the whole time was the sound of the helicopter and nothing else. When the object went straight over my head, I felt a very eerie feeling - like I was being watched at that very moment. After it went overhead and beyond the horizon, it looked like it was heading toward (the direction) of March Air Force Base into the San Timoteo Canyon.

The total event only lasted a few minutes, and I thought it was very interesting that it looked like the helicopter was escorting it.