Showing posts with label Cryptozoology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cryptozoology. Show all posts

Sunday, January 15, 2012

A sighting unseen

Who would ever have imagined that an innocent hike in Leominster State Forest on a warm day earlier this year would lead to a discovery that brought three Leominster residents to be featured on one of televisions hottest new shows.

Bill Penning and his wife, Julie decided to take a hike one June afternoon, and after setting out their planned route, got slightly waylaid on a different path.

“We were just walking and talking, heading up to Notown Reservoir when the path split. I wasn’t sure which path to take, so we choose one and started walking on it,” Bill began…


Part of an article from Leominster ChampionContinue reading

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Possible Ogopogo video catches the eye of international media

“The video of a possible Ogopogo sighting in Okanagan Lake has caught the eye of international media.

Two weeks ago, West Kelowna resident Richard Huls said he captured video of something in the water.

“It proves something is down there. Whether it’s Ogopogo or not, it is a different story but there is something at least down there,” Huls said.”


Part of an article from Global BCContinue reading

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Town hunts for black panther preying on livestock

“POCASSET, Okla. -- Some Oklahomans are on the hunt for what they are calling a black panther or mountain lion that has been spotted near several homes.

The creature has been reportedly seen near Pocasset in rural Grady County.

"It was about half grown, had a tail about 4 feet long and it was solid black," witness Russell Dahl said…”


Part of an article from KFOR.comContinue reading

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Expert reveals evidence of Sasquatch species

"My goal is not to convince, my goal is to open minds,"said Jeff Meldrum, professor of anatomy and anthropology at Idaho State University. Meldrum has been researching the specimen of Sasquatch for more than 15 years and has received national attention for his work, both positive and negative.

His research examines various evidences which suggest that the mythical creature Sasquatch may in fact be real. In particular, he hypothesizes there may be not only one creature living today, but as many as 500-750 of the Sasquatch species.

"People have been so conditioned that this isn't possible that when they finally see it, it upsets their whole equilibrium," he said…”


Part of an article from The Utah StatesmanContinue reading

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Steytlerville 'monster' strikes again

“Johannesburg - A ‘monster’ plaguing the sleepy Karoo town of Steytlerville struck again over the Easter weekend, Eastern Cape police said on Monday.

Another two sightings of the "shape-shifting creature" were reported on Sunday evening, said Warrant Officer Zandisile Nelani .

“Two men were walking near a tavern when they saw another man wearing a black jacket. One of the men, identified only as Nozipho, went up to the stranger and asked him, “What is your problem?” said Nelani…”


Part of an article from news24.comContinue reading

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Bigfoot caught on trail camera?

Every year it seems that we get some blurry photographs of a creature some would call Bigfoot. And now a new photograph has arrived.

Apparently this photograph was captured back in early September of 2010, on trail cam in the state of Vermont. And by the midst of the night (according to the SquatchDetective website the camera of of be roughly six hours), this was in frame:


Another photographs has also been published, which may show on of the creatures hand.


Read more about the incident, and the follow-up investigation at the SquatchDetective website.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ootsa Lake creature sighting

"The last thing Darlene Thompkins expected to see on her holiday was something she referred to as the 'Ootsa Lake monster'.

Thompkins who is holidaying in Burns Lake with her family from Edmonton, said she named the mysterious sighting in Ootsa Lake a monster because she didn't know what else to call it.

Thompkins and her granddaughter were wading in the water near the Ootsa Lake spillway last week, while her friend George sat on the shore...

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Friday, August 13, 2010

Recalling an encounter of the hairy kind

"NORTH WILKESBORO - Some people spend decades searching for Bigfoot.

Rick Lunsford says that 32 years ago, he ran into the famous furry fellow by accident at the edge of a cornfield in Wilkes County.

"Some people say ‘what was he smoking,' and some people say they've seen it, too," Lunsford, 52, said. "It's up to them what they believe, but I know what I seen...

Video related to the article:

Part of an article from Winston Salem journal - Continue reading

Monday, August 9, 2010

Ranchers Capture “Fanged, Hairy Humanoid” in Argentina

"The legend of the Ucumar Zupai is reborn in a wilderness near El Creston, some 40 kilometers west of San Jose de Metan.

Farm owner and nephew had gone out to round up the cows when the strange specimen appeared.

Two ranchers in the vicinity of Cerro El Creston, some 40 kilometers west of San Jose de Metan, hunted down a strange creature of humanoid appearance, but with unusually large and sharp incisors...

Part of an article from the Inexplictia - Continue reading

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The new Nessie? Mystery 'sea creature' spotted off British coast

"Cynics may dismiss it as just a piece of driftwood or a trick of the light.

But a photograph showing what appears to be a long-necked sea creature has got marine experts scratching their heads.

The 'animal' was snapped stalking a shoal of fish just 30 yards off the British coast...

Part of an article from Daily Mail - Continue reading

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Tajikistan: In Search of the Yeti

"Dushanbe is not a real city. It isn't a real capital and Tajikistan is not a real country.

The northern neighbour of Afghanistan is a failure with a flag, shiny passports and a gang of savvy criminals that calls itself a government.

This buffer between the empires fell apart a long time ago...

Part of an article from Standpoint - Continue reading

Russian fishermen demand an investigation into killer Nesski's 19 lake deaths in three years

"Russian fishermen are demanding a probe into a creature resembling the Loch Ness monster in a remote Siberian lake.

Locals say that 'Nesski' has devoured anglers who have been pulled into the murky waters of Lake Chany from their boats.

Those claiming to have glimpsed the creature say it resembles the classic long-necked image of Scotland's fabled monster. It has also been called 'snake-like', while other accounts suggest a large fin and huge tail...

Part of an article from Daily Mail - Continue reading

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Chinese Sasquatch suspected

"BEIJING, July 19 (Xinhuanet) -- Bears or Bigfoot? That's what villagers in Shennongjia, Hubei Province are wonder-ing ever since one man named Ding Fei, 33, found mysterious thick curly hairs with transparent roots on July 9 at a location called Swallow Hole on a local mountain.

After Ding reported his discovery to the neighborhood committee, some professional researchers found additional hairs and a 30-centimeter-long footprint at the same place on July 11.

According to their research, the hair isn't human or livestock, but the possibility of bears could not be ruled out...

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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Mysterious creature found in Bay St. Louis

"BAY ST. LOUIS (WLOX) - The Bay St. Louis Police Department is investigating a mysterious and dangerous creature in the Bay's Cedar Point neighborhood.

They said a resident of the area reported seeing a strange looking animal drag off their dog and kill it. The trouble is no one knows what kind of animal it is.

Police have made a mold of its paw print and will have an animal expert analyze it soon. The imprint is about three and a half inches long and has long sharp claws...

Part of an article from WLOX - Continue reading

Hunting for Bigfoot: N.C. expert stakes out the forest

"UWHARRIE NATIONAL FOREST, N.C. -- Bigfoot on video in the North Carolina mountains?

A Salisbury man says it's true, and he's been chasing the controversial creature for more than 20 years.

Mike Greene is nationally recognized as an expert Bigfoot investigator, so we went along with him one night in search of Bigfoot...

Part of an article from WCNC News - Continue reading

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Chupacabra-like animals turn up in Hood County

"HOOD COUNTY — A small North Texas community is getting stirred up about some mysterious animals roaming around.

Two creatures have been killed in three days, near farms, only a few miles apart. Some are calling them chupacabras; even animal control officers are unsure what they are.

In his 25 years, David Hewitt has seen plenty of varmints running around, but nothing like the animal he shot on Friday...

Video related to the article:

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Sea monster or carp lurks at Lakeside?

"Lakeside Park, with its Rose Garden and fountains that drown out the sound of nearby traffic, is probably one of the more tranquil spots in the city, not the place to go if you’re looking for excitement.

Lately, though, there’s been a buzz in the neighborhood about the goings-on in the pond. It involves something that has come to be called Lakeside Nessie.

Yep, Lakeside has its own sea monster...

Part of an article from - Continue reading


"Let´s hop across the border and visit Dover Mass. this week to examine a creature called the Dover Demon.

The Dover Demon was first named by Loren Coleman, a cryptozoologist, but it seems a misnomer. The demon actually appeared to be fairly small and frail.

It was first spied on the evening of April 21, 1977, on Farm Street near the outskirts of Dover. A teenager named Bill Bartlett was driving with a couple of friends, just cruising the streets, when one of them spied something strange by the side of the road...

Part of an article from The Register Citizen - Continue reading

Friday, July 9, 2010

Bigfoot Found in North America?

"We introduced the story of “Mr. Mike”, who claims that he is experiencing repeated Bigfoot sightings in the backyard of his home, on July 3, 2010 when “Mr. Mike” joined the program and we found ourselves inadvertently making history.

I’ve met with some criticism due to a badly placed headline on my website that the skeptics have already begun using as a means of detracting from my efforts to validate, and verify, the story of ‘Mr. Mike’s’ Bigfoot encounter. I take personal responsibility for that mistake.

The headline on my web site was placed very quickly due to being up against a deadline for the beginning of the show on July 3, 2010. Of course I wanted to grab peoples attention, but not mislead the world. I should have stopped to rethink my words of choice, but I didn’t. I was in a hurry to get on the air as I was running behind and had hardly been able to prep for the show after spending 11 hours on the phone with virtually every person in the field of Bigfoot research, or trying to reach them...

Part of an article from Overnight AM - Continue reading

Monday, July 5, 2010

Creature drives villagers ashore

"A STRANGE looking marine creature reportedly spotted in lagoon waters of three villages in Cakaudrove are keeping fishermen and divers away from sea.

Naiqaqi Village headman Jepeca Nakuvu said villagers from the neighbouring village of Laucala and Valeni were scared of going out to sea because of the creature.

Ateca Disukavanua, 50, said she was fishing near a copse of mangrove called Dogodogo on Monday when she saw a black creature swimming towards her...

Part of an article from Fiji News - Continue reading