Showing posts with label Videos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Videos. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Ghost hunting: Is Phoenix bar haunted?

PHOENIX - In the last 100 years at the Saddle Horn Bar at least three people have died, but owners insist their ghosts are still around.

Owner Jimmy Olaguez insists it’s more than just the things that go bump in the night. He says he’s convinced his security cameras caught a little girl playing at his bar after it was closed for the night. The problem is Olaguez believes she died more than 80 years ago.

"It was so intense," Olaguez recalled seeing the video, “It was just completely in-your-face shocking…”

Part of an article from ABC15Continue reading

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Possible UFO sighting in Lehigh County

“HANOVER TWP., Pa. - A handful of people have reported seeing something strange in the skies in Lehigh County.

A man says he and his family were leaving Sam's Club in Hanover Township Sunday evening when they spotted something overhead.

He says it looked like three gray, circular objects flying in a single line…”

Part of an article from WFMZ-TVContinue reading

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Documentary - Ghosts of the Underground

This is a great documentary about supposed hauntings in the London Underground.

Take a watch, you want be disappointed.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Apple-friendly poltergeist caught on tape in an Irish shopping center?

This newly uploaded video from CCTV camera at the Jervis Shopping Center in Dublin, Ireland shows what appears to be apple being rolling out from a nearby fruit stand, as a janitor is mopping the floor.

After stopping on the floor, the apple start to roll, back and forth, occasionally stopping for a few seconds.

The video at one frame per second, which accounts for the choppiness in the video. 

Of course, it is very possible movement of the apple could be caused by just an uneven floor. Or is something at play here?

YouTube user “montyisahotmail1” makes this interesting statement in comment field:

“I was talking to one of the security gaurds who was working there that night, said theres 3 cameras that could see it and the got a much better look, said it was proper freaky...

...and if there was only 3 people in the whole building, who pressed the light button? the lift was empty!!”

If we now only were able to the see the other angles…

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Possible Ogopogo video catches the eye of international media

“The video of a possible Ogopogo sighting in Okanagan Lake has caught the eye of international media.

Two weeks ago, West Kelowna resident Richard Huls said he captured video of something in the water.

“It proves something is down there. Whether it’s Ogopogo or not, it is a different story but there is something at least down there,” Huls said.”


Part of an article from Global BCContinue reading

Monday, October 31, 2011

Ghost Hunters Live airs tonight from Pennhurst State

GhostHuntersLiveThe annular Ghost Hunters Live event will take place tonight at the infamous Pennhurst State School and Hospital, a place which has previous been investigated by both the Ghost Hunters, and the Ghost Adventures crew.

The episode will be hosted by Josh Gates from Destination Truth, which will return for a fifth season starting next year.

The show will also get visited by special guests (just people from other SyFy productions, what a surprise…), such as Barry Fitzgerald, Kris Willams and Joe Chin from Ghost Hunters International and Ben Hansen, Jael De Pardo, Devin Marble from  Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files.

You will be able to not only see it on your TV-set, but it will also be possible to follow the investigation trough live streams on the official site. There will be a panic button for you to press in those special paranormal occasions…

With the uprise of social media, you will also be able to chat and ask questions to the TAPS crew through the night.

This live investigations may turn out to be an controversial one, as previous has been.

The most controversial thus far is probably the one conducted at Fort Delaware in 2008 where Grant Wilson, has his jacket collar pulled down by an unseen force three times, when his hands where placed in a suspicious manner, getting the critics all fired up.

This clip shows it clearly:

Only the time will tell if something will happen during this investigation.

Check your local listings for your air schedule.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Paranormal Report 88 - The Halloween Special

“The guys focus on ghosts on this Halloween edition plus some UFO footage too. Happy Halloween and boo!”

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Paranormal Report 87 - Black Eyed Kids

“Black Eyed Kids, underwater pyramids, yeti, and a listener submits some great UFO photos all on this edition of The Paranormal Report.”

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Paranormal Report 65 - SETI RIP

“SETI goes dark, great UFO video from the UK, Japan and Florida plus the guys talk about their domestic duties as spider fighters.”

Is this an alien abduction filmed caught on CCTV

A relatively new video has recently caught my eyes. The source says it shows the abduction by an alien of a woman, caught on CCTV.

Embedding has been inactivated, so here's the link to the video.

Note from the original uploader:

“In December 2010, UK UFO website 'Cosmic Conspiracies' was contacted by a lady who claimed she had been abducted by aliens. But what was even more incredible was that she had footage to prove it.

The story starts with a sighting of a black helicopter who's occupants were similar to 'Men in Black.' A few days later, the lady spotted a UFO hovering over the same field. That night she believes she was abducted and was so afraid after the event that her husband decided to install a CCTV camera into the bedroom to reassure her that nothing else was going to happen.

However, a few nights later and the lady thought she had been 'taken' again.

On reviewing the tape she saw something that would change her life forever!

This is genuine film taken at the time of an alien abduction. The Cosmic Conspiracies research team conducted a 3 hour interview with the lady and her family and believe that this footage and her encounter is real.”

What’s your thoughts?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Leaked video showing grey alien, Roswell crash survivor? – Most likely CGI

Every now and then, a video like this leaks out to the from some anonymous source. And here we are again.

This time it is said that it is only one many videos of the same subject, and that this is the first tape that leaked out. The video is said to be of one of the Roswell crash survivors.

Note from the original uploader:

“Alien footage leaked of Roswell UFO crash survivor

Michael Cohen

Old footage showing a "grey" type alien who might have been a survivor of the Roswell UFO crash that occurred over sixty years ago in New Mexico has been released onto the Internet. The black and white clip is allegedly part of a much larger collection of footage that was filmed by government agents working on top secret UFO and alien matters between the years 1942 and 1969. Only a fraction of the much longer 180 minute archive of footage has been released thus so far.

The people or person who leaked the footage alleges to have done so anonymously as a precaution to ensure their safety. The alien seen in the video is clearly humanoid and is said to originate from the nearby Zeta Reticuli star system. As can be seen he is wearing the tight fitting space suit so commonly described by those who have experienced close encounters with aliens

It is this publication's believe that this footage is genuine and this is yet another deliberate leak attesting to government knowledge on the UFO issue on the road to to an official announcement of knowledge of alien visitors to Earth.”


And by reading the comments on YouTube, the reactions on this video are mixed

YouTube user “deadist” put it this way:

“Looks really damn CGI-ish. The Frames per second for that era of film is waay to fluent and the movement is too mechanical.”

User “synthdood” has a more liberal look into it:

“Well the film looks very real, but stuff like this can be faked these days. Keep in mind that it would take a team of very talented artists, months to create something like this. It is no trivial effort to fake something this, and it would be very expensive to produce. So why would someone fake this? For a new movie maybe? It's possible, but it looks pretty real none the less.”

I tend to believe them. With todays technology, it is possible to make a really good fake, which I also believe this video is.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Town hunts for black panther preying on livestock

“POCASSET, Okla. -- Some Oklahomans are on the hunt for what they are calling a black panther or mountain lion that has been spotted near several homes.

The creature has been reportedly seen near Pocasset in rural Grady County.

"It was about half grown, had a tail about 4 feet long and it was solid black," witness Russell Dahl said…”


Part of an article from KFOR.comContinue reading

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Paranormal Report 64 - JFK and UFOs

“Did JFK meet his downfall because of his inquiries into the UFO phenomena? Did Siberan hoaxers have a Philly cheese steak after creating an "alien" out of bread? We find the answers to this and more on this week's Paranormal Report.”

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Lights caught on tape over Killeen, Texas in March of 2011

Notes from the original uploader, YouTube user “drrtysal13z”:

“My brother catches a glimpse of some lights in the sky that seem to be appearing and reappearing. UFO maybe? you decide.”

My first impression is that the lights are just flares. In my point of view, there is nothing that contradicts it; they light up and they fade, just as a flare would do.

In the comments to the video, they use the objects position to each other as a “proof”, that they are not flares, but what we don’t know, is their true distance to the cameraman, some objects may be closer, some farther away, and thus creating the illusion of being in a formation.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Unknown object caught on tape over Oregon

This looks not like your typical UFO. It has some similarities to the Belgium triangle of 1990.

Information provided by the original uploader:

“One of the top aerial catches recorded to date in my video archive ... Moving silently past stars and less then 500 feet overhead with a strong red pulsating light.”

Take a look at the video, and comment on what you think.

Living alien caught on tape France?

This video was uploaded yesterday, and have received minor attention since, with about 300 views.

Information from the uploader:

“Footage filmed by a family camping in the forest of Fontainebleau, France, April 2011. Further info pending, will post when i receive it. Is This Smoking Gun Footage, Finally, You decide.”

Pay close attention to the left of the tree from about 00:35 and forward.

My initial thought that it was some kind of cow or calf, which is also heavily suggested in the comments field.

But when taking a closer look at it, it appears to have something resembling an hand, which a cow or calf doesn’t have.

With todays technology it could very easily been a CGI hoax, so I’m very interested in which direction this story moves forward.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Triangle UFO caught on tape over Temecula, California

Daylight footage of an triangle UFO flying over the city of Temecula, California. Shot in April of 2011.

Dead alien found in Russia?

A video that was uploaded on April 14 has begun to make it’s rounds around paranormal websites.

It depicts what looks like to be an dead alien found in the snow somewhere in Russia. The video states:

“Россия, республика Бурятия, Кабанский район, посёлок городского типа Каменск! Ребята в лесу, за посёлком, обнаружели НЛО!!!”

Which when translated by Google Translate to English says:

“Russia, the republic of Buryatia, Kabanskiy district, an urban type Kamensk! The guys in the woods behind the village, obnaruzheli UFO!”

And that’s about what we know about the video.

We do get some close-ups on the alien, but that about all.

To me, the body strikes similarities to other aliens uploaded to YouTube.

Is it real? That’s impossible to say. Without examining the body there is no way to be sure of either.

And every purported alien have turned out to be hoax, so I don’t think this thing will end up to be anything different.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Close encounter of the jerky kind

Check this video out

A teenager in Australia, I believe, is together with a friend, when they apparently hear some strange noises, and starts filming. They move out on the porch, where they spot, and capture what appears to be an bipedal extraterrestrial looking creature on tape. They get a close-up look at it, when suddenly, the power goes out. Strange noises are heard from upstairs but nothing is found, when investigated.

From the porch, they scan the surroundings, but the “alien” has disappeared.

Pay close attention to 01:20 – 01:30, that is when you get the best look at the alien.

But could this video be the real? Does it prove that we we’ve made contact with extraterrestrials?


By looking into his other videos, it’s apparent that this was not the first he was approached by, what he calls, an “alien”.

The aliens throughout his videos look similar, which may be a sign that it is the same alien that are stalking them. Or that they just use the same alien suit.

This video could easily have been hoaxed; you’ll never get a full-body shot of the alien, and it’s movement seems kind of jerky, like it was attached to a stick.

The “alien” also seems to be holding on to a light, which just bears to many similarities to an ordinary household flashlight.

Though he is apparently capturing close encounters of the third kind on tape, there are no the-day-after videos, looking for physical evidence after the supposed alien encounter.

That makes me skeptical, and I believe that his videos are the result of prank that, he himself are totally in on.

But, I remain open, and may change the day he shows some physical evidence, not just some jerky nighttime footage.

Friday, January 7, 2011

UFO over Vancouver on December 30, 2010

Description från the original uploader: “ufo over Vancouver - Dec.30, 2010”

My thoughts? I believe it’s just a balloon reflecting in the sun.

Video courtesy of Youtube user FIOY.