Showing posts with label Australia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Australia. Show all posts

Monday, May 2, 2011

Can you see the ghost in this picture? Spirits haunt derelict asylum

879557-gladesville-ghosts“They are haunting images of bedlam - an Australian lunatic asylum that opened more than 170 years ago.

An exhibition by photographer Yvette Worboys titled Ghosts has captured eerie images of the former Gladesville Mental Hospital, in Sydney, which opened in November 1838 and closed in 1997.

Worboys, who has lived in the area most of her life, said she was drawn to the partly derelict hospital by its residual energy…”


Part of an article from Herald SunContinue reading

Friday, April 15, 2011

Close encounter of the jerky kind

Check this video out

A teenager in Australia, I believe, is together with a friend, when they apparently hear some strange noises, and starts filming. They move out on the porch, where they spot, and capture what appears to be an bipedal extraterrestrial looking creature on tape. They get a close-up look at it, when suddenly, the power goes out. Strange noises are heard from upstairs but nothing is found, when investigated.

From the porch, they scan the surroundings, but the “alien” has disappeared.

Pay close attention to 01:20 – 01:30, that is when you get the best look at the alien.

But could this video be the real? Does it prove that we we’ve made contact with extraterrestrials?


By looking into his other videos, it’s apparent that this was not the first he was approached by, what he calls, an “alien”.

The aliens throughout his videos look similar, which may be a sign that it is the same alien that are stalking them. Or that they just use the same alien suit.

This video could easily have been hoaxed; you’ll never get a full-body shot of the alien, and it’s movement seems kind of jerky, like it was attached to a stick.

The “alien” also seems to be holding on to a light, which just bears to many similarities to an ordinary household flashlight.

Though he is apparently capturing close encounters of the third kind on tape, there are no the-day-after videos, looking for physical evidence after the supposed alien encounter.

That makes me skeptical, and I believe that his videos are the result of prank that, he himself are totally in on.

But, I remain open, and may change the day he shows some physical evidence, not just some jerky nighttime footage.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Solway Firth Spaceman

Very often, photographs of the paranormal are fussy and blurry, which makes it easy for skeptics to attack its authenticity. But, there exist a handful of clear and distinct paranormal photographs that the skeptics have had a harder time with. One of those photographs was taken in 1964 on a hill in the northern parts of England.

It was on May 24, 1964 when firefighter Jim Templeton and his wife decided to take some photographs of their daughters in Burgh Marsh, near Burgh by Sands, Cambria, with Jim's Pentacon camera. Jim took a photograph of his five year old daughter Elizabeth. The Templeton's were the only people on the marsh throughout the day. Nothing seemed to out of the ordinary, except they the animal behaved strangely. After the photograph of Elizabeth was taken, the family headed home.

Image right: The photograph in question. Still a mystery.

One week later, Templeton picked up his photographs at the local photochemistry. The person at behind the desk said it was “a pity that someone in a spacesuit had destroyed the best picture of Elizabeth by standing behind her.” Jim thought it was a joke. He was absolutely sure that they were the only the marshes that day. But sure enough, someone was standing behind his daughter in what looked to be a spacesuit. Templeton, confused and angry, took the photograph to the police.

Also the police was surprised by what Templeton shows them. To them, it was without a doubt that someone was behind Jim's daughter, despite, whatever it now was; it looked to be floating rather than standing. The police sent the photograph away to Kodak, the manufacturer of the film. Either could Kodak identify the anomaly. The only they could say was that the photograph was genuine and had not been manipulated.

The police had started to investigate the case, and after a few weeks, they were able to conclude that the anomaly in the photograph was just human. Also, one of the investigators tried to make Templeton confess that it was his wife that had, by mistake, stepped behind Elizabeth at the time for the photograph. But why would the wife were a spacesuit and how did she make look that she was floating?

The case gets even stranger. A few weeks after the incident, Jim was visited by two mysterious visitors. The two men arrived in a black car and wore dark suites, but except that, they looked normal. Their behavior was also strange; they only referred to one another by numbers and asked the most unusual questions as they drove Jim out to the marshes. The men tried to make Jim admit that he had just photographed an ordinary man walking by. Jim behaved polite, but rejected their theory. At this point, the men became angry and drove away, leaving Jim for a five mile walk home.

But the story does not end there. After some time, it becomes known that similar phenomena had occurred when a Blue Streak space rocket was due to be launched from Woomera in Australia. The countdown was postponed when two automatic survey cameras had independently spotted two large figures in the firing area during the countdown phase. But how is a missile launch in Australia related to Jim's photograph? It turns out the photograph was not taken far away from the factory were missile was constructed.

This is how far we can go when it comes to this photograph. Despite years of investigation and leads from the other side of the world, we're left with a photograph of a little girl and a person that one has been able to identify.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Ghostly apparition a haunting figure at Myer

"POLTERGEISTS could give Myer Geelong shoppers more than they bargain for if old Morrie Jacobs has his way.

Morrie's ghostly spectre is said to haunt the store, where he maintained a draper, clothier, boot and shoe store dating back to the Gold Rush days.

Jacobs, the one-time "Champion of Cheapness", is the chief suspect behind reports of books, shoes, basketballs and other goods moving about mysteriously within the store...

Part of an article from Geelong Advertiser- Continue reading

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

‘Loch Ness monster’s Aussie cousin exists’

"Melbourne, June 11 : An Australian cryptozoologist is convinced that there is an aquatic beast related to the Loch Ness monster lurking in Sydney’s Hawkesbury River.

According to the Hornsby and Upper North Shore Advocate newspaper, in 1965, Rex Gilroy and his wife Heather began gathering information on a creature he believes still lives in the major waterway.

After years of “patience, field trips and stakeouts”, Gilroy also known for his research on the equally elusive Blue Mountains panther hoped to finally obtain photographic evidence...

Part of an article from India Talkies - Continue reading

Sunday, June 6, 2010

UFOs spotted high above Sydney

"EERIE lights in the sky in Sydney, Wollongong and Canberra early today prompted multiple UFO sightings up and down the east coast.

People reported throughout the states say they witnessed a mysterious light travelling in an erratic fashion across the sky in the early morning hours.

One caller told the ABC that she saw a light 'racing across the sky' about 5.50am Saturday...

Part of an article from The Daily Telegraph - Continue reading

Friday, May 28, 2010

Fears of a UFO invasion of northern Australia overblown

"Melbourne - Some Australians are afraid that strange bright lights seen in the Northern Territory sky at night might be the prelude to an extraterrestrial invasion of the area.

The mysterious "flares," which have been seen along a 360 kilometer stretch of Northern Australia called the Top End coast, have prompted alarm from some who believe the strange lights mean an extraterrestrial invasion is imminent. Australian authorities disagree, saying the lights were the result of meteors, reports DNA India.

DNA India, along with NT News, both cite UFO expert Alan Ferguson as having said the lights were a prelude to an invasion by extraterrestrials. Ferguson however, disagrees, saying he was misquoted...

Video related to the article:

Part of an article from Digital Journal - Continue reading

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Cops investigate NT UFO invasion

"A FULL-SCALE alien invasion of the Northern Territory has begun.

Astronomers and police say that the flares seen across a 360km-long stretch of the Top End coast were probably caused by a meteor shower.

But highly-qualified UFO-ologists said they believed the bright lights were space ships on a pre-attack scouting mission...

Part of an article from - Continue reading

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Man witnesses odd, diamond shaped UFO in Australia

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: April 30, 2010
Location of event: Australia

"I had just got home from my cousin's place with my Mrs and decided to take my dog for a walk, we got about 20 meter up the street when I heard some weird bird noises from one of the nearby trees (I think they were bats ). We continued on down the path, then I heard a lady yelling some profanities, and heard a car screech off down the road.

I was thinking to myself "Must be a full moon," as we walked into the local high school football oval where I always walk my dog. I instantly noticed what I thought was a bright orange star in the southeast, (I was standing at Cranbourne High Secondary College in Cranbourne Victoria, 45 min from Melbourne).

I looked at it for a little while then thought, "Huh? Is that a chopper or just a bright star?" I turned my head to see if I could hear any noises - there were no obvious sounds, so I thought "must just be a star."

As my dog was having a sniff, I noticed a guy taking out some trash or some bottles or something from the high school's theatre, I think they had a show on. I watched my dog for a little while, then about 3 minutes later after witnessing the object, I looked up and noticed it was much closer. It had moved in the night sky, and was headed my way, I was looking southeast and it was headed northwest. I watched it intently, trying to figure out if it was a plane or what.

I listened and noticed again there was no obvious noise, I could see flashing lights on it similar to what a plane or chopper has, and again I thought "Uh, must be a plane," but as this thing got closer I noticed it didn't have the shape of a common aircraft, it was almost silent, but then I noticed there was a faint jet noise trailing the object, however the noise was nothing like a commercial jet plane or anywhere near as loud. The thing kept cruising along and must have been about 5 - 8 kilometers away, and if I were to describe its size, I would say it was twice the size of a commercial airplane.

So as I stared at it and noticed the lights first - they were a deep, red and orange, first the red would glow in an odd kind of pattern and then the orange would go off around the sides, the red lights seemed to be coming from underneath the craft and the orange from either on top or around the sides. If I were to count the lights, I would say there was about a dozen small, red lights on the underneath, and I have no idea how many orange ones, the craft seemed to be a kind of odd diamond-shape, but had 3 dimensional qualities to it.

The speed would have been about 150 - 300 km per hour. I felt very excited the whole time. I lost sight of the object because I thought about running home, which was only about a hundred meters away to grab my girlfriend, but realized that by the time I got there, the UFO would be gone, as this went through my head the object vanished behind the trees and then got too far away to see."

Monday, April 26, 2010

UFO visit terrifies Top End family

"A TERRITORY family has told how they held their breath when a UFO hovered over their home.

It was around 8 pm on Friday when Susan Clarke, of Howard Springs, heard her partner yell out to her "to come out quick".

"Myself and the lad were sober, and we saw a huge, spherical object that was moving horizontally across the night sky very slowly," Ms Clarke told the Sunday Territorian...

Part of an article from - Continue reading

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Yowie encounter in the Blue Mountains, Australia?

Description from the original uploader:
"I went into the Bush to do some Reasearch Around 5.00pm 3rd of April 2010, i dident expect it to go Dark so Quickly i was Heading out when all hell broke loose at least Two Creatures were around me they made themselfs very Clear i wasent Welcomed.........No1 Rule do not do anything like this by Yourself...."

Friday, April 23, 2010

Reader solves UFO mystery in Australia

Referring to this article

"AN Australian UFO mystery that captured the world’s imagination was solved today.

Paul Raduka captured footage of strange lights darting above Geelong, west of Melbourne, on Monday night. The Geelong Advertiser posted the video online, attracting tens of thousands of hits across the globe.

But a reader, who did not wish to be named, called the Advertiser yesterday with an explanation...

Part of an article from HeraldSun- Continue reading

Thursday, April 22, 2010

UFO sighting over Geelong caught on video

"BREAKING NEWS AMAZING footage captured by a Highton businessman shows mystery balls of light zigzagging across Corio Bay, prompting speculation it was UFOs.

Businessman Anthony Raduka filmed the footage from the deck of his Highton home about midnight on Monday. The footage shows balls of light flying over Corio Bay at great speed, dipping as low as street level before zigzagging back up through the sky...

Video related to the article:

Part of an article from the Geelong Advertiser - Continue reading

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

UFO buzzes Sydney - and here's 'proof'

"IT EMERGED from a blazing light in the clouds, descending on a busy street before zipping off silently into the sunset.

Click for larger image.

Just what – or who – propelled the strange flying disc across Sydney’s skyline may never be known. But while the close encounter was over in seconds, it was enough to convince mother-of-two Fiona Hartigan that she’d just seen a UFO. And she has the photos to prove it...

Part of an article from - Continue reading

A news report related to the incident: