Showing posts with label Diamond shaped UFOs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diamond shaped UFOs. Show all posts

Monday, May 24, 2010

Multiple unknown objects witnessed by two in New York

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: May 15, 2010
Location of event: New York, USA

"On Saturday evening, May 15, at approximately 9:15 PM, I was walking northeast one block west of Bellmore Ave. I noticed a dark,reddish-orange ball in the sky moving southeast of Bellmore Ave.

I followed it about one block south, when it appeared to stop over a house, then it disappeared. I then went back one block north, then turned right (north east), when I observed two more balls, one following the other, coming from the north going south.

I went and got my mother, and the two of us observed the two balls from our back yard. When the first one disappeared, two more balls appeared from the same direction as the first two and went south. This happened maybe three times for a total of eight or ten objects.

They were moving kind of slow, and each pair was evenly spaced apart. The balls were dark orange, with red swirling around inside. It looked like an orange-red liquid marble of fire. At some point I decided to get my video camera, but by the time I got back outside, the last one was gone. We waited and watched for about 15 to 20 minutes, but there were no more balls. We went in the house and in total disbelief of what we had just seen wanted to report it, but didn't know where to call.

After a little while I went home, directly across the street from my mother's house, where the second sighting took place. I realized I needed milk, so I went back to my mother's house to borrow a glass of milk, and as I crossed the street I looked towards the direction the balls were coming from... and there was another ball going in the same direction as the others.

I ran in the house, got my video camera, and managed to get about thirty seconds or so of the ball. (frame capture above right)

Thank you,

John G."

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Man witnesses odd, diamond shaped UFO in Australia

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: April 30, 2010
Location of event: Australia

"I had just got home from my cousin's place with my Mrs and decided to take my dog for a walk, we got about 20 meter up the street when I heard some weird bird noises from one of the nearby trees (I think they were bats ). We continued on down the path, then I heard a lady yelling some profanities, and heard a car screech off down the road.

I was thinking to myself "Must be a full moon," as we walked into the local high school football oval where I always walk my dog. I instantly noticed what I thought was a bright orange star in the southeast, (I was standing at Cranbourne High Secondary College in Cranbourne Victoria, 45 min from Melbourne).

I looked at it for a little while then thought, "Huh? Is that a chopper or just a bright star?" I turned my head to see if I could hear any noises - there were no obvious sounds, so I thought "must just be a star."

As my dog was having a sniff, I noticed a guy taking out some trash or some bottles or something from the high school's theatre, I think they had a show on. I watched my dog for a little while, then about 3 minutes later after witnessing the object, I looked up and noticed it was much closer. It had moved in the night sky, and was headed my way, I was looking southeast and it was headed northwest. I watched it intently, trying to figure out if it was a plane or what.

I listened and noticed again there was no obvious noise, I could see flashing lights on it similar to what a plane or chopper has, and again I thought "Uh, must be a plane," but as this thing got closer I noticed it didn't have the shape of a common aircraft, it was almost silent, but then I noticed there was a faint jet noise trailing the object, however the noise was nothing like a commercial jet plane or anywhere near as loud. The thing kept cruising along and must have been about 5 - 8 kilometers away, and if I were to describe its size, I would say it was twice the size of a commercial airplane.

So as I stared at it and noticed the lights first - they were a deep, red and orange, first the red would glow in an odd kind of pattern and then the orange would go off around the sides, the red lights seemed to be coming from underneath the craft and the orange from either on top or around the sides. If I were to count the lights, I would say there was about a dozen small, red lights on the underneath, and I have no idea how many orange ones, the craft seemed to be a kind of odd diamond-shape, but had 3 dimensional qualities to it.

The speed would have been about 150 - 300 km per hour. I felt very excited the whole time. I lost sight of the object because I thought about running home, which was only about a hundred meters away to grab my girlfriend, but realized that by the time I got there, the UFO would be gone, as this went through my head the object vanished behind the trees and then got too far away to see."

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Diamond shaped UFO seen near airport in West Virginia

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: March 3, 2010
Location of event: Dellslow, West Virginia

"I was driving through Dellslow, West Virginia, outside of Sabraton-Morgantown when I noticed "two" white lights on the mountain top to my right. I pulled the vehicle off to the side of the road and watched the craft glide silently from the right side of the road from that mountain top to the left side of the road to the other mountain top.

The craft was gliding right above the tree line and when the craft was crossing the road I saw "four" white lights in a diamond shape and a solid outline of a solid, silver craft with bright white non-flashing lights at each tip, and a bright red light toward the rear of the craft. There were absolutely no green lights on the craft whatsoever.

What makes me a little suspicious is the direction the craft was flying was in the direct line of the local airport runway. I used to live right beside that runway in apartment buildings called West Run Apartments. Those apartments are at the base of the approach into the runway, because the planes would always fly into the runway 100 yards directly over my building.

The sighting of this craft was at the opposite end of the runway according to Map Quest, and was heading in the direction of the departure end of the runway. I am not familiar with FAA regulations, but I am sure there are regulations that prohibit craft from flying in the direction of planes departing the runway.

Unlike most encounters others may have had, my vehicle did not malfunction nor have any electrical shortages. It stayed on, nothing shorted out, and the car did not stall.