Showing posts with label New York. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New York. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Paranormal Investigators of Central New York

“Voices heard in empty rooms. Feelings of being watched when alone. Objects moving when nothing is touching them. People seen one moment then gone the next. It seems that as long as humanity has existed the paranormal has sat just outside of our understanding of the universe beckoning to be explored by those who hear its call.

Let me introduce myself, my name is Steven Brewer and I am a paranormal investigator or better known as a ghost hunter. Growing up in the area I did experience a lot of paranormal phenomena such as turning off the tv and lights in a room and when I returned the lights, the radio, the tv, VCR and fans were all turned on.

I would set something down and when I returned it would be gone but when I came back to the location it would be set in a way that it was almost jumping out at me…”


Part of an article from ithacajournal.comContinue reading

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Flying object makes fantastic maneuvers over New Dorp Beach, Staten Island

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: June 12, 2010
Location of event: New York City, New York

"My friends and I were walking on New Dorp Beach, in Staten Island, New York, (one of the five boroughs), and we looked up to stargaze, and instead see strange lights in a clear night sky. The pattern of lights was consistent with a tail light (color purpleish), two wing lights (a strange white color), and a center light (red to green).

What was most frightening to us was the sound - or rather lack of any. The bottom was black and sleek, almost as if it were an SR-71 blackbird, although current technology does not allow for flight ascending directly upwards and downwards, and does not allow for sudden, almost sonic speeds. It seemed to slow as it was above us, the lights in the front became three white headlights, and it was followed by an obviously American military jet.

This craft has been spotted in many different areas on Staten Island. It's one thing to run a military test run, but it's completely another to see a military jet actually chasing an unknown craft. I haven't the slightest clue whether it was of a terrestrial or extraterrestrial nature, but quite frankly it's been seen quite often. It was both wondrous and frightening, we were all mesmerized.

We lost sight of the craft after it sped away in a curious diagonal pattern. I apologize for lack of any photographs, we figured that if it were military, the last thing college students want is to be investigated due to photos of military craft."

Monday, May 31, 2010

Group of unknown lights photographed near Pine Bush, New York

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: November, 2009
Location of event: Pine Bush, New York

"I was driving west on route 52, approaching Pine Bush, NY. I noticed "something strange" in the sky, and snapped the attached photo. I don't remember seeing the lights move or blink or anything. Fast forward to late April 2010... looking through my pictures on my cellphone, I found the picture I had taken and had completely forgotten about.

I do not believe there is any "missing time" or anything, but I can't be sure, as I have no memory other than that of seeing something strange and taking a picture. It just slipped my mind completely, until I found it on my phone recently.

I posted the photo to a local UFO Yahoo group. One of the members lightened it, and I am attaching that photo as well. I cannot explain what this is.

Thank you"

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

'Amityville Horror' home goes on sale for $1.15m

"The house made famous by the 1970s Amityville Horror film has gone on sale in Long Island, New York, with a price tag of $1.15m (£800,000).

The five-bedroom house at 108 Ocean Avenue, Amityville, gained notoriety through the film based on the story of the Lutz family, who moved in in 1975.

The Lutzes say they soon discovered that the house was haunted...

Part of an article from BBC News - Continue reading

Monday, May 24, 2010

Multiple unknown objects witnessed by two in New York

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: May 15, 2010
Location of event: New York, USA

"On Saturday evening, May 15, at approximately 9:15 PM, I was walking northeast one block west of Bellmore Ave. I noticed a dark,reddish-orange ball in the sky moving southeast of Bellmore Ave.

I followed it about one block south, when it appeared to stop over a house, then it disappeared. I then went back one block north, then turned right (north east), when I observed two more balls, one following the other, coming from the north going south.

I went and got my mother, and the two of us observed the two balls from our back yard. When the first one disappeared, two more balls appeared from the same direction as the first two and went south. This happened maybe three times for a total of eight or ten objects.

They were moving kind of slow, and each pair was evenly spaced apart. The balls were dark orange, with red swirling around inside. It looked like an orange-red liquid marble of fire. At some point I decided to get my video camera, but by the time I got back outside, the last one was gone. We waited and watched for about 15 to 20 minutes, but there were no more balls. We went in the house and in total disbelief of what we had just seen wanted to report it, but didn't know where to call.

After a little while I went home, directly across the street from my mother's house, where the second sighting took place. I realized I needed milk, so I went back to my mother's house to borrow a glass of milk, and as I crossed the street I looked towards the direction the balls were coming from... and there was another ball going in the same direction as the others.

I ran in the house, got my video camera, and managed to get about thirty seconds or so of the ball. (frame capture above right)

Thank you,

John G."

Friday, April 9, 2010

UFO photographs - New York City, New York, March 20, 1950

These photographs of was taken in New York City, New York and a cylindrical shaped UFO hovering over the city. It was taken on March 20, 1950 by an unknown photographer. These photographs were investigated both by Project Grudge and Project Blue Book. Project Grudge’s, little incredible, conclusion was that it was the moon.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Couple see motionless, unknown object over New York

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: March 17, 2010
Location of event: New York, USA

"My wife and I observed an object above a wooded hilltop on the east side of NY RT 16, while driving south. The object was silver/white in color with slightly darker horzontal line running entire length. The ends of the object were rounded.

Object appeared totally motionless perhaps 200-300 ft above hilltop. Distance between our vehicle (road) and hilltop is about 3000 linear ft.

I would guess that the object's dimensions were perhaps 15-20 feet in height and 100 feet in length. There were no clouds in the sky, and the object appeared to be solid and constant against blue sky.

At first I thought it was perhaps some type of balloon, but it was totally motionless on a breezy day. We drove on, I was driving but my wife kept constant visual on object until we passed a grove of trees near road which obscured her vision for 10 seconds. After we cleared tree obstruction, the object was gone."

Monday, March 22, 2010

Aliens asking about farming, incredible story from 1964 - Part 2 of 2

1964 was a year of many UFO incidents and the most famous of them is probably what, now late, Lonnie Zamora encounted in the deserts outside Socorro, New Mexico in the afternoon of April 24, 1964. But this wasn’t the only incident of that day, earlier that day, a New York farmer may have had an even stranger encounter.

(continuation from Part 1)

Wilcox said that their voices didn’t sound like any voice he could describe and he didn’t know if they spoke English or not. The beings begun to ask questions about what he was doing, asking him to explain what a tractor and manure was. It was soon obvious that the beings were interested in organic substances as Mars (where they allegedly claimed to be from) was rocky and not fit for growing anything. Wilcox answered questions for about two hours, he later recalled. Wilcox asked the beings I he could go with them, but they turned down his request, stating the atmosphere would be to thin for him.

In the meantime, the men had approached him further, now being within a few feet of Wilcox. They appeared to be interested in farming practices and when Wilcox mentioned how he used fertilizer, they wanted to know more about it. He offered them a bag of fertilizer to take with them, but the men got instead back into their craft and quietly rose and took of due north at an estimated height of 150 feet.

Wilcox returned to his daily chorus, but not forgetting what the beings said and later that day, Wilcox took a large bag of fertilizer and placed it near the tree the UFO had landed. When he checked the nest morning, the bag was gone.

During their conversation, the beings allegedly told Wilcox that the two American astronauts John Glenn and Virgil Grissom and two Russian astronauts would die within a year. And they had almost right. Grissom, along with two other perished the tragic Apollo capsule fire of January 27, 1967. On April 24, 1967, three years after Wilcox encounter, the Russian cosmonaut Vladimir M. Komarov was killed his capsule’s parachutes didn’t open upon re-entry.     

One may think that Wilcox just made this story up, but after a thorough investigation made by Psychiatrist Dr. Berthold E. Schwarz was able to determine that Wilcox told the truth, being very impressed with Wilcox’s obvious background and evidence of stability, integrity, honesty, and intelligence.

But is it really possible that this could have happened. Could aliens have come to Earth to educate themselves in farming? Only one person knows, and it’s Gary Wilcox. 

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Aliens asking about farming, incredible story from 1964 - Part 1 of 2

1964 was a year of many UFO incidents and the most famous of them is probably what, now late, Lonnie Zamora encounted in the deserts outside Socorro, New Mexico in the afternoon of April 24, 1964. But this wasn’t the only incident of that day, earlier that day, a New York farmer may have had an even stranger encounter.

The clock had just passed 10 AM on the morning of April 24, 1964 and the 27 year old farmer Gary Wilcox was out spreading manure at his 300-acre farm in Newark Valley, New York when he suddenly noticed something unusual by the edge of the forest. Curious of what it could be, he drove his tractor over for a closer look.

At first, he suspected it was perhaps a fuel tank or something from a plane. When he moved closer, he was able to see that it was slightly off the ground, but he wasn’t sure if it was suspended or standing on some legs. According to Wilcox, it had an oblong shape, resembling an egg and was about 20 feet long, 4 feet high, and 15 to 16 feet long. Wilcox has stated that touched the object, even kicked it. From his observations, he could defiantly determine that it was metallic in nature, with an aluminum color. It had smooth surface with no visible seams and it didn’t make any sound or nothing else too out of the ordinary.

But all this changed when two men, about four feet tall, came out from underneath the craft. Wilcox, very frightened of course, could see they had something similar to a metal tray and it was filled alfalfa, roots, soil, leaves and brush. The men looked to be dressed in white or metallic suites, with no part of their body visible. During the first minutes of their encounter, Wilcox didn’t say much and suspected this just prank someone played on him. When being what the being first said to him, Wilcox stated: “Don’t be alarmed, we have spoken to people before.”

Next part - A mysterious prediction -->

Friday, March 12, 2010

Documentary - Bigfoot in New York

Interesting documentary about the existence of a Bigfoot-like creature in New York.

Tip - Let the other clips load while watching the first part.