Showing posts with label November. Show all posts
Showing posts with label November. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Rectangle shaped UFO seen over Florida

Report from MUFON

Date of event: November 26, 2011

“After returning from a night of racing at Desoto Speedway we pulled in to our driveway just after 11:30 PM, EST.

Me, my son and our crew chef noticed that the stars were very bright and my son and I stated that we had seen satellites on a night like this before.

Our crew chief had never seen one, so for about 30 minutes we all started looking for some, but only saw falling stars and we were all getting cold from the night air.

As we decided to go in, over the horizon at about 45 degrees we saw a rectangle object flying south. It had soft, faint lights only at the points with a soft yellow straight lines connecting the corners.

It was moving at 10-15 mph and made no noise, there was no rotation, just straight flight. It continued south until it disappeared. We were left with only one conclusion.

This is no aircraft, and this is not man-made. It looked like it was able to cloak itself.”

Monday, December 5, 2011

Unknown flying object with green lights spotted over the Atlantic Ocean

Report from MUFON

Date of event: November 13, 2011

“Our condo is on the Atlantic Ocean, and we were in bed at 11.30 PM, when we heard a helicopter circling over and around in the ocean.  This was very close to our condo. At first I thought the ocean was roaring and I said to my husband "Is that the ocean?"

He replied that he thought it was a helicopter. After a few minutes of it circling, I got up and pulled the drapes, all our lights were off. I looked at the clock and it was 11.30, I then looked up and saw the green lights of a strange object.

I asked my husband to come and look, I said "What is that?" and he said he had never seen anything that looked like that. He is a retired Army pilot, and worked for Boeing for many years as a test pilot.

There were clouds around the object and occasionally they would go out. However, we could never see the whole thing. From what we were able to see it looked to be rectangular.

We observed the object for 45 minutes, from 11.30 to 12.15 PM.  We tried to take pictures but all we got was orbs, large ones. We had no missing time. We were not excited, or anything, just curious.”

Three unknown flying objects observed over Southampton Valley, UK

Report from MUFON

Date of event: November 25, 2011

“At about 5:30 pm on the 25th Nov 2011, I was looking out of my bedroom window over Southampton Valley. It was full dark outside and I noticed a bright orange light in the sky not moving, but very intense over the Bitterne area of Southampton.

I then went to get my brother to have a look at it. When we got back in I noticed another VERY bright, red colored light fly upwards under the first at a very high speed.

Then it slowed down under it, so now there was 2 bright lights in the sky. I noticed as it slowed it changed color and intensity to an orange red.

By now we were quite amazed as these clearly were not normal aircraft, so we rushed to find our digital camera and when we got back in the bedroom there were now 3 of the lights, all orange-red bright hues in a large triangle formation.

The bottom 2 lights seemed to be moving to right, and the top changed altitude somewhat as we observed them after about 10 minutes.

All 3 of the lights disappeared; the last to go being the bottom light. We managed to take 2 photos, but they didn't show anything due to probably the street and house lights below.

The most remarkable thing was the speed at which the light came upwards under the first and the intensity of the light, they cannot have been Chinese Lanterns or fireworks as these lights changed position AND altitude and at times were extremely brilliant.”

Monday, November 14, 2011

Apple-friendly poltergeist caught on tape in an Irish shopping center?

This newly uploaded video from CCTV camera at the Jervis Shopping Center in Dublin, Ireland shows what appears to be apple being rolling out from a nearby fruit stand, as a janitor is mopping the floor.

After stopping on the floor, the apple start to roll, back and forth, occasionally stopping for a few seconds.

The video at one frame per second, which accounts for the choppiness in the video. 

Of course, it is very possible movement of the apple could be caused by just an uneven floor. Or is something at play here?

YouTube user “montyisahotmail1” makes this interesting statement in comment field:

“I was talking to one of the security gaurds who was working there that night, said theres 3 cameras that could see it and the got a much better look, said it was proper freaky...

...and if there was only 3 people in the whole building, who pressed the light button? the lift was empty!!”

If we now only were able to the see the other angles…

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Possible Ogopogo video catches the eye of international media

“The video of a possible Ogopogo sighting in Okanagan Lake has caught the eye of international media.

Two weeks ago, West Kelowna resident Richard Huls said he captured video of something in the water.

“It proves something is down there. Whether it’s Ogopogo or not, it is a different story but there is something at least down there,” Huls said.”


Part of an article from Global BCContinue reading

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Local UFO sightings continue

“A former Marine who lives in Lee’s Summit said he’d heard all the stories about a team of stunt planes flying out of the municipal airport here being mistaken for UFOs during the past month. But what John Goslin saw on Oct. 31 – a night when seven KC Flight team planes soared in formation over Arrowhead Stadium – was not a group of small planes, he said. Nor was it like anything else Goslin had ever seen in the skies during his military career.

Margie Kay, assistant director for Missouri MUFON, a nonprofit organization that investigates UFO sightings, said the formation team that flew over Arrowhead Monday night indeed accounted for a few new reports that night. “But we still have seven area reports from the 31st that don’t fit the description of those planes,” said Kay, a resident of Independence.

And of the 75 UFO sightings reported in Missouri during the month of October, Kay said, 37 remain unidentified and unexplained…”


Part of an article form Lee´s Summit JournalContinue reading

Monday, November 7, 2011

Ghost sex at Ohio haunted house arouses interest of paranormal researchers

“A house in Euclid, Ohio, is arousing interest from ghost researchers because the owner claims that she has seen two ghosts having sex with each other.

Dianne Carlisle claims that she has seen afterlife amore going in the living room, which seems to be more of a living-and-dead room.

"It looks like, like ghosts having sex," she told the Fox affiliate in Cleveland. "You can see the lady's high heeled shoes!…"


Part of an article from Huffington PostContinue reading

Monday, May 31, 2010

Group of unknown lights photographed near Pine Bush, New York

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: November, 2009
Location of event: Pine Bush, New York

"I was driving west on route 52, approaching Pine Bush, NY. I noticed "something strange" in the sky, and snapped the attached photo. I don't remember seeing the lights move or blink or anything. Fast forward to late April 2010... looking through my pictures on my cellphone, I found the picture I had taken and had completely forgotten about.

I do not believe there is any "missing time" or anything, but I can't be sure, as I have no memory other than that of seeing something strange and taking a picture. It just slipped my mind completely, until I found it on my phone recently.

I posted the photo to a local UFO Yahoo group. One of the members lightened it, and I am attaching that photo as well. I cannot explain what this is.

Thank you"

Friday, March 19, 2010

Red UFO over Kentucky in November of last year

Strange red light cuaght on tape over Kentucky, USA in November of last year.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Top 10 Ghost Images - #4

This photograph was taken on November 19, 1995 at Wem Town Hall in Shropshire, England, when it was engulfed in flames and later destroyed. A local resident, Tony O'Rahilly, took several photographs of the fire from the street. One of his photos shows what look to be partially transparent girl standing in the doorway. Neither O’Rahilly nor any of the other onlookers or firefighters couldn’t recall seeing any girl there.

Two videos on the photograph:

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Triangle UFO photographed over California, 2009

Report from MUFON:

Date reported: February 26, 2010
Date of event: November 29, 2009
Location of event: Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, California

"On November 29, 2009 my husband, my son and I were out in Anza Borrego Desert exploring. We were in Grapevine Canyon; we stopped at 1:30 pm to eat lunch. We were close to the end of the canyon in an old Indian village looking around. At approximately 1:54 pm we heard a military jet go by. We looked up and saw to the left of us a silver object. It moved across the sky from left to right slowly, then it broke apart into what looked like a larger triangle of three silver balls. It then moved slowly and went back to the smaller object which was a smaller triangle. My husband yelled "UFO" and I started taking pictures. What is weird with the three pictures I am sending to you is that in the third picture it does not take off and disappear...It disappears in place. The wires you see in the photos are telephone wires.

Grapevine Canyon is a sandy trail located between the Volcan Mountains and Grapevine Hills into Anza-Borrego Desert State Park. Grapevine Canyon can be reached via a road that passes through private property off S22. Another access is from S22 through the Jasper Trail which is more towards the west end of the Grapevine Canyon.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Silver Star Mountain Bigfoot photographs

These pictures were captured on Silver Star Mountain in Gifford Pinchot National Forest outside Yacolt, Washington, November 17, 2005. They were taken by a backpacker from Vancouver who says he doesn't know what the figure was, but that he does not believe that it was another hiker or backpacker.

By taking a closer look at the photographs you can see pretty clearly that it is indeed a bipedal hominoid creature, but it could as well just been a human. Many other sightings of similar creatures have been made in the area, but the existence of the creature remains a mystery.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Top 10 Ghost Images - #6

This photo was taken on November 16, 1968 when Robert A. Ferguson, author of several titles on health and telepathy, was giving a speech at a Spiritualist convention in Los Angeles, California. Faintly appearing next to Ferguson is a figure that he later identified as his brother, Walter, who died in 1944 during World War II. At first is seems possible that it could just have been an double exposure, but this photo being an Polaroid, the theory of an double exposure seems quite unlikely.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Strange UFO's over the Netherlands in 2009

Apparently some strange red glowing orbs were sighted somewhere over the Netherlands in November of last year.

Monday, January 25, 2010

The story of the man who shot an alien

One harsh November evening in 1961, Paul Miller and three buddies were on the way home after a hunting trip close to Minot, North Dakota. Suddenly, something they described as a “glowing silo” landed on a nearby field.

They first believed that it was an airplane that had crash landed, but they were forced to change their minds when the object suddenly disappeared. But when the four decided to drive away, the object reappeared and two humanoids stepped out of the craft.

Miller, who was struck by panic, shot one of the beings, apparently injuring it. The second being fled. On the way home, Miller and his team had a “blackout” and lost track of three hours. They then decided not to tell the story to anyone.

The next day when Miller arrived to his office (at the Air Force), he was visited by three men wearing black suits. They said that they were from the government and they began asking questions about his encounter and Miller later recalled “that it seemed that they knew everything about me, and they probably already knew my answers”.

Instead it seemed that they were more interested in what clothes Miller had worn at the time of the encounter and the men followed Miller home to take a look at them. The men made such a threatening impression on Miller that he didn't dare to tell his story in years.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

A strange pair of UFO's over New Jersey

This UFO video was shot over the township of Woodbridge, New Jersey on November 11, 1999. At first, only a stationary ball of light is visable. Some time into the clip something looking like airship of light apperes. I don't know of any type natural phenomennon that looks like this, so it's remains a mystery.