Showing posts with label UK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UK. Show all posts

Monday, December 5, 2011

Three unknown flying objects observed over Southampton Valley, UK

Report from MUFON

Date of event: November 25, 2011

“At about 5:30 pm on the 25th Nov 2011, I was looking out of my bedroom window over Southampton Valley. It was full dark outside and I noticed a bright orange light in the sky not moving, but very intense over the Bitterne area of Southampton.

I then went to get my brother to have a look at it. When we got back in I noticed another VERY bright, red colored light fly upwards under the first at a very high speed.

Then it slowed down under it, so now there was 2 bright lights in the sky. I noticed as it slowed it changed color and intensity to an orange red.

By now we were quite amazed as these clearly were not normal aircraft, so we rushed to find our digital camera and when we got back in the bedroom there were now 3 of the lights, all orange-red bright hues in a large triangle formation.

The bottom 2 lights seemed to be moving to right, and the top changed altitude somewhat as we observed them after about 10 minutes.

All 3 of the lights disappeared; the last to go being the bottom light. We managed to take 2 photos, but they didn't show anything due to probably the street and house lights below.

The most remarkable thing was the speed at which the light came upwards under the first and the intensity of the light, they cannot have been Chinese Lanterns or fireworks as these lights changed position AND altitude and at times were extremely brilliant.”

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Strange lights in Strathearn skies

“A STRANGE white light that appeared in the Strath sky on Friday has been puzzling residents.

“I’ve seen lanterns before,” said one who did not want to be named. “When the lanterns first came out people thought they were UFOs but this was very different. It was a white light and it was in the same place for ages.

“The lanterns are usually orange coloured and they drift across the sky. This was really bright and hanging in the sky towards the south east. It was like a star but appeared far to low to be one. If you believed in such things you would almost have thought it was a UFO…”


Part of an article from Strathearn HeraldContinue reading

Documentary - Ghosts of the Underground

This is a great documentary about supposed hauntings in the London Underground.

Take a watch, you want be disappointed.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Welwyn Garden City man can’t stop seeing UFOs

“Aliens, ghosts and other paranormal phenomena are real, and won’t stop haunting a couple.

Mr Clementson, 55, has uploaded around 80 videos of close encounters with what he says are extraterrestrial craft to YouTube, many of which were shot performing dazzling aerobatic feats over his garden in recent weeks.

He told the WHT: “The UFO issue has long been the subject of fierce debate, and even outright ridicule.”


Part of an article from Wevlyn Hatfield TimesContinue reading

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Alien photographs – London, UK, 1999

This case is kind of strange, and hard for me to believe in, that supposedly occurred in London of 1999, but here’s the story:

Mr. X was awakened sometime in the middle of the night by the louder than usual sounds of his neighbor's dog. Being shaken from slumber, he had a very strange feeling, either from something odd going on outside, or the remnant of a bad dream. To rule out the former, he took a walk outside to see if he could pinpoint the cause of the dog's heightened state of alarm. He was immediately drawn to a strange light in the sky. The light seemed to emanate from three spots, the brightest being in front of two others behind it, creating a triangular shape. He was staring at a triangle-shaped UFO.

Mr. X sped back into the house and grabbed his video camera. He was hoping to film the UFO before it disappeared, but instead he filmed what he claimed to be a type of small, ghost-like beings who seemed to be rummaging around behind his fence. The total length of the film was about four minutes.

The strange beings made a sound which was barely audible, and somewhat muffled. The sounds of the small beings had attracted him to the area. Mr. X was frank in stating that he was a student of the Paranormal, and had experienced strange occurrences before. Nothing more is known about this case.

To me this looks just too good to be true, and the case that this apparently occurred in the buzzing town of London, there is strange that they are no other reports or witnesses. The fact that only stills exists of the video, makes it hard for me to draw any conclusion, but in my eyes this is nothing more than a hoax.


Monday, April 25, 2011

Lewes pub becomes haunt for ghost hunters

“Ghost investigators have stumbled across what they think could be one of the most haunted pubs in the country.

Investigators discovered that the Crown Inn in Lewes may serve more than just the usual spirits after booking in for a ghost inspection at Preston Manor in Brighton.

During investigations last year, the investigators from say they experienced high electromagnetic readings and experienced unexplained occurrences including sheets being pulled off members of their team and milk cartons being hurled across the room…”


Part of an article from The ArgusContinue reading

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Now for the exorcist after haunted house spooks ghostbusters

As paranormal investigators, they have entered many haunted homes.

But it is not every day they get slapped by spirits or have poltergeists throw remote controls at them.

This is what happened to the team who explored an east Hull house this week after claims that a young family had been driven out by a poltergeist…


Part of an article from This is Hull & East RidingContinue reading

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Slow-moving UFO over Wiltshire in June, 2009

Strange footage slow-moving UFO over Wiltshire in June, 2009.