Showing posts with label 2009. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2009. Show all posts

Monday, May 31, 2010

Group of unknown lights photographed near Pine Bush, New York

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: November, 2009
Location of event: Pine Bush, New York

"I was driving west on route 52, approaching Pine Bush, NY. I noticed "something strange" in the sky, and snapped the attached photo. I don't remember seeing the lights move or blink or anything. Fast forward to late April 2010... looking through my pictures on my cellphone, I found the picture I had taken and had completely forgotten about.

I do not believe there is any "missing time" or anything, but I can't be sure, as I have no memory other than that of seeing something strange and taking a picture. It just slipped my mind completely, until I found it on my phone recently.

I posted the photo to a local UFO Yahoo group. One of the members lightened it, and I am attaching that photo as well. I cannot explain what this is.

Thank you"

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Video of the Brown Mountain lights

The Brown Mountain lights is a strange phenomena in the state of North Carolina. Some call ghost lights, other call it earth lights.

There not seen so often and videos of the phenomena are rare. But the lights was caught on tape in 2009.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Lights in an triangular formation over England

Strange bright lights in an triangular formation over England in October of last year.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Red UFO over Kentucky in November of last year

Strange red light cuaght on tape over Kentucky, USA in November of last year.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Triangle UFO photographed over California, 2009

Report from MUFON:

Date reported: February 26, 2010
Date of event: November 29, 2009
Location of event: Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, California

"On November 29, 2009 my husband, my son and I were out in Anza Borrego Desert exploring. We were in Grapevine Canyon; we stopped at 1:30 pm to eat lunch. We were close to the end of the canyon in an old Indian village looking around. At approximately 1:54 pm we heard a military jet go by. We looked up and saw to the left of us a silver object. It moved across the sky from left to right slowly, then it broke apart into what looked like a larger triangle of three silver balls. It then moved slowly and went back to the smaller object which was a smaller triangle. My husband yelled "UFO" and I started taking pictures. What is weird with the three pictures I am sending to you is that in the third picture it does not take off and disappear...It disappears in place. The wires you see in the photos are telephone wires.

Grapevine Canyon is a sandy trail located between the Volcan Mountains and Grapevine Hills into Anza-Borrego Desert State Park. Grapevine Canyon can be reached via a road that passes through private property off S22. Another access is from S22 through the Jasper Trail which is more towards the west end of the Grapevine Canyon.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Slow-moving UFO over Wiltshire in June, 2009

Strange footage slow-moving UFO over Wiltshire in June, 2009.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Strange UFO's over the Netherlands in 2009

Apparently some strange red glowing orbs were sighted somewhere over the Netherlands in November of last year.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Bigfoot caught on tape in North Carolina, 2009?

Part of the caption from the original Youtube uploader:

"The full video is roughly 3.5 minutes long. This clip shows only the highlights, and in lower resolution than what is possible. You can pay a few bucks to see the entire clip online at or you can wait a few weeks for the full version in better resolution (not a whole lot better resolution though). Mike Greene will make the whole clip available for download, eventually, so you can rewind and watch it multiple times..."

Click here for full description

Monday, February 1, 2010

UFO caught landing?

Just found this video. Apparently it is showing a UFO landing in the Dnepropetrovsk region of Russia in 2009.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Orb UFO over Istanbul, Turkey

A orb UFO was sighted over Istanbul, Turkey in August of last year.