Showing posts with label Russia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Russia. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Dead alien found in Russia?

A video that was uploaded on April 14 has begun to make it’s rounds around paranormal websites.

It depicts what looks like to be an dead alien found in the snow somewhere in Russia. The video states:

“Россия, республика Бурятия, Кабанский район, посёлок городского типа Каменск! Ребята в лесу, за посёлком, обнаружели НЛО!!!”

Which when translated by Google Translate to English says:

“Russia, the republic of Buryatia, Kabanskiy district, an urban type Kamensk! The guys in the woods behind the village, obnaruzheli UFO!”

And that’s about what we know about the video.

We do get some close-ups on the alien, but that about all.

To me, the body strikes similarities to other aliens uploaded to YouTube.

Is it real? That’s impossible to say. Without examining the body there is no way to be sure of either.

And every purported alien have turned out to be hoax, so I don’t think this thing will end up to be anything different.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Russian fishermen demand an investigation into killer Nesski's 19 lake deaths in three years

"Russian fishermen are demanding a probe into a creature resembling the Loch Ness monster in a remote Siberian lake.

Locals say that 'Nesski' has devoured anglers who have been pulled into the murky waters of Lake Chany from their boats.

Those claiming to have glimpsed the creature say it resembles the classic long-necked image of Scotland's fabled monster. It has also been called 'snake-like', while other accounts suggest a large fin and huge tail...

Part of an article from Daily Mail - Continue reading

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Russian politician claims he met aliens on Moscow balcony

"A senior Russian politician claims to have met aliens on the balcony of his Moscow apartment, prompting critics to question his suitability to head up the World Chess Federation and run an internal Russian republic.

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, the President of the republic of Kalmykia, made the extraordinary comments on Russian state TV last week, claiming he spent several hours in the company of aliens in 1997.

He said he was relaxing at his Moscow apartment when he heard his balcony door being opened and someone calling him. "I went there and looked. There was a semi-transparent pipe. I went into this pipe and saw people in yellow spacesuits...

Part of an article from Telegraph - Continue reading

Friday, April 30, 2010

Bigfoot saved from drowning in icy Siberian river?

"A Russian hunter claims he has saved something that can only be described as Bigfoot from a frozen river in central Siberia.

Russian news agency Itar-Tass quoted a source in the administration of the Tashtagol district of the Perm Region as saying that the incident took place in April this year near the village of Senzaskiye Kichi. The village is located 140 kilometers away from the nearest human settlement and the only connection with its residents is by helicopter. The latest flight to the village brought back a written report about the encounter with the so-called Bigfoot...

Part of an article from RT - Continue reading

Monday, February 1, 2010

UFO caught landing?

Just found this video. Apparently it is showing a UFO landing in the Dnepropetrovsk region of Russia in 2009.