Showing posts with label Triangle UFOs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Triangle UFOs. Show all posts

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Unknown lights in triangular shape over Texas

Report from MUFON: Date of event: April 19, 2011

“I took the dogs outside before they were to be put in their crate for the night.

I went to check the front door and garage door locks, and then I went out the back door. I heard a plane and saw it flying south, and it made me remember a story I read on a website about a UFO following a plane. Upon remembering that, I tried to get a good look at the plane, but it was hidden by my neighbor's tree.

I kept looking around in the sky because of some feeling I had that I was going to see something. And sure enough, I saw three white lights in the sky in a triangle shape.

At first I thought it was another plane flying overhead because of the placement of the lights, but I not only did not see the body of the plane, but the lights moved independently of each other as they quickly moved east/northeast.

The light on the right (southern-most one) veered away from the other two at an angle, and then they zoomed off until my neighbor's house blocked them from my view. This event took maybe 15-20 seconds from the time I noticed the lights until they disappeared behind the house.

I'm not saying it was alien-craft, but it just did not look like anything I had seen before. A minute or two later I went back inside and saw that the time on my stove said 11:49 pm (central time, and it might have been off by a few minutes).

I'm normally anxious at the unknown, but I was pretty excited to see such a sight, not scared at all.”

Friday, April 22, 2011

Unknown object caught on tape over Oregon

This looks not like your typical UFO. It has some similarities to the Belgium triangle of 1990.

Information provided by the original uploader:

“One of the top aerial catches recorded to date in my video archive ... Moving silently past stars and less then 500 feet overhead with a strong red pulsating light.”

Take a look at the video, and comment on what you think.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Green-lit triangle UFO seen over Viera, Florida

Report from MUFON: Date of event: April 11, 2011

“I was leaving a popular Strip Mall in Viera, Florida, last night. I did my usual run where I would sit there with my boyfriend and a few dear friends and just chit chat all night until we all decided to go elsewhere or just go home.

11:00 PM rolled around and we decided to leave after awhile. We all walked out to our cars said our "goodbyes" and left. Right as I was pulling out with my roomate, I looked into the sky.

What I saw didn't surprise me, as I grew up keeping an eye out for this stuff, and have seen my share of UFOs, but the shock factor here was how low it was!

Plus it was my friend's first ever UFO sighting. I slowly pointed up, assuming she'd miss it or something, and said "Dude, what the hell... ? Did you see that? PLEASE, PLEASE, tell me you see that!"

Thankfully, she did.

"What on Earth?! What is that? Holy crap, that's weird! Is that a UFO?" It was 3 green lights, lit up in the shape of a triangle. Then all at once, they blackened into the night... I got excited and called my boyfriend to tell him.

When he answered, I begin to tell my story about what we just saw, and then suddenly he cuts me off. Come to find out he saw the exact same thing! So, I tried to call our other two friends who had left as well. No answer.

A few hours later they showed up at our door. And when I mentioned something being in the sky, they replied "Oh yeah! We saw the triangle green Lights!" My boyfriend also told me later; he watched the thing hovering in just one spot for a long period of time, and again no sound at all. He could see it from afar when the lights turned back on, he said. But then it disappeared again...

We are not alone.”

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Triangle UFO caught on tape over Temecula, California

Daylight footage of an triangle UFO flying over the city of Temecula, California. Shot in April of 2011.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Triangle-shaped UFO seen over California

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: August 2, 2010
Location of event: California, USA

"Monday night, a friend and I were out on my driveway talking and star gazing when my friend Robin saw something to the West of us approaching along a straight controlled path traveling in an Eastern direction. At first I could not see what he was talking about, but when he told me to look straight up and that it was about to pass above my car as the reference point I saw it.

The night sky was very clear and dark. The object was a distinctive V-Shape, very dark in color, and making absolutely no sound. It appeared to be dark grey, just slightly lighter than the sky making it visible to us. It blended in very well, but due to the color difference, we could see it clearly once we located it and followed it with our eyes. The shape was the only distinct characteristic.

The surface looked lumpy, not smooth like a stealth bomber. I thought it was flying pretty low in comparison to the many planes that pass over my house on a regular basis as they approach LAX. It flew at a constant speed, which didn't seem very fast, so we were able to track it for a couple of minutes before we lost sight of it. As the city lights caused the sky to be lighter further to the East, the craft blended in completely leaving us to lose sight.

The UFO had no lights, and the shape was a much tighter V than the shape of the B-2 stealth. I assume it was a military plane of some sort, but the scary thing is, I don't really know what we saw."

Friday, August 13, 2010

UFO video round-up - August 13, 2010

Here are some of the latest UFO videos making there way around the net.

Hollywood, California, August 10, 2010

Paris, France, June 8, 2010

Tucson, Arizona, August 9, 2010

Montreal, Canada, August 9, 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Woman motorist photographs triangle shaped object in Ohio

Click on image for higher resolution.

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: May 28, 2010
Location of event: Ohio, USA

"I was driving my kids home from a school function Friday afternoon at approximately 3:30 PM. Driving on a side street going home, I looked up and right above the trees I saw a black triangle-shaped object kind of floating above the trees. At first I thought it to be a kite or balloon, but it was odd in movement and in shape, as I continued to drive the object was going in our direction.

I said "What is that, do you see that?" My kids were kind of freaked out by it. At the corner of my street is a factory with a 4-5 story high chimney, this object went around the chimney, and kind of started hovering by the tree line.

I had my camera with us for the school event and so I started snapping pictures. It started to move away from where we were parked, so we got in the car and started chasing it. We followed it down a street of industrial factories, and I pulled into a lot with a clear view of where this thing was "hovering."

I got out of the car and snapped a few more pictures and tried to take video of it. I called a few of the workers over who were looking at me like I was crazy and wondering what I was doing there, until I showed them the object in the sky. They were all looking at the object and wondering exactly what it was we were looking at fly slowly across the sky. It stopped and seemed to be hovering over a shopping plaza, and I got my kids back in the car and tried to chase it down.

By the time I got to the shopping plaza, which is only a five minute drive from where we were, it was long gone. It was very weird, my daughter and I both thought we saw it slightly change shapes and it was very odd.

I have never ever saw anything like this before ever!"

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Couple sees triangle UFO in Conyers, Georgia

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: May 27, 2010
Location of event: Conyers, Georgia

"Time was around 11:00 PM, I was in the Conyers, GA, Longhorn Steakhouse, picking up my girlfriend from work. I was waiting for my girlfriend to come out of work, when I noticed that the clouds kept moving in a weird pattern. They'd cover the full moon for a minute, then the next minute the thick patch of clouds would move off to the right side of the moon.

They'd then cover again, then to the left side they went, exposing the full moon. I looked at that as somewhat weird. Anyhow, I then got out of the truck, and as I waited, I videoed the moon alone, when it was exposed. (for a couple minutes) just to review on my big screen, to see if I saw anything.

Anyhow, after she came out to see me shooting the moon, we got in the car, and I told her that it was looking weird up by the moon. After around 30 minutes or so, we took a right turn from Salem Rd. onto Highway 162 in route to the house, I looked up at the moon, and right as I looked up, a BRIGHT light flew from under the patch of clouds.

I freaked and brought it to her attention. By the time she spotted the object, it was in the windshield view. It went from my driver side window view, to windshield, all the way over to HER PASSENGER SIDE WINDOW VIEW. Within 5 seconds. I'd say, 2-3 seconds.

She had the camera, but instead of missing out on seeing this, she looked with her own eyes, and described the object as triangular, with 3 solid bright lights at each tip of the triangle. Between the front point on each side, were 2 pulsating lights, that illuminated one after the other. As one dimmed, the other got brighter.

We talked about it all night, and to this day, still are amazed with what we saw. I told my brother that we saw ANOTHER UFO, and he was amazed. As I said, I have a video of the moon before the occurrence, maybe 30 minutes before. And she's willing to sketch the placement of the lights that we saw."

Woman motorist sees triangular lights over Oregon City, Oregon

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: May 29, 2010
Location of event: Oregon City, Oregon

"I was driving to work from my home getting ready to turn onto I-205 north from Hwy 43 Eastbound, and to the East above the tree line I saw 3 lights in the sky. They were in a perfect formation of approximately a 25-30% angle triangle with the center point above the other 2 outer, low points.

The points of light were way too far apart to be any plane or aircraft I have EVER seen! I didn't see any distinct blinking lights like those from an airplane or any other common aircraft. The individual lights would somewhat pulsate in intensity, but not a true blink. One light would get brighter though the light didn't radiate outward to appear any larger, just brighter, as another would dim in unison.

They seemed to “take turns” dimming/brightening. I don't recall seeing any odd colors just white/yellowy lights. As I turned onto the freeway ramp I lost sight of it for a moment, then regained sight of it to my right as I was heading north. At this point it seemed as if the formation had slightly shifted, but gone up a bit higher in altitude, though still too low to the ground for this to be a military type plane formation maneuver.

Now the northernmost light was slightly lower than the southern pointing light, and it appeared closer to the center light, like how the perspective would warp if you had a solid triangular object and pivoted it slightly clockwise. At this point a fourth light appeared just barely above the tree line and even further back in the south direction than the back corner of the triangle and much lower.

This light seemed brighter and larger than the other three and seemed almost to be a tail? Upon a quick glance at this point, it would almost appear as if the Little Dipper had lost part of its tail, its bottom star, gotten very close to the earth and hovered there above Oregon City.

Unfortunately I was not in a position to stop and shoot footage as I was running late for work. I called home quick to see if my husband could see it, but he could not even though we are on a slight hill.

The object was just hovering too low for it to be seen from many locations. I say object, yet strange thing is, I didn't see any solid object holding these lights in this formation. It was BY FAR the oddest thing I have EVER seen!

I have looked all over the Internet, called news channels and even the local dispatch and NO ONE else seems to have reported this. This is why I'm posting this here. I am not crazy or anything, but some verification that ANYONE else saw this would ease my mind!

Thank you for reading."

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Unknown object hovers near Selma, California

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: May 13, 2010
Location of event: near Selma, California

"On May 13, 2010, we were driving back from my sister's house. She lives in Selma. My mom was driving, and I was in the passenger seat. We were driving North on McCall Ave., from Selma, and as we turned right on North Ave towards Sanger, that's when I saw what I thought was a plane hovering in one place over a field about 500 ft from North Ave.

It wasn't that high because I saw it out of the windshield. It caught my attention because it wasn't moving, it was just floating there. I told my mom to look at it, but she could not turn her head and drive at the same time. I got my phone and I called my brother, Jeffrey Gonzalez, who is a investigator for MUFON. I told him what I just saw, and he said it was a plane because Jeff said there is one landing at the airport and I told him, "No, it's not a plane."

He told me he was going to get into his truck and drive in the direction so he could videotape the craft. I told him it was a triangle with white Christmas lights all around it. I hung up the phone and a couple of minutes later he called me back. He was about to ask me in what direction was the craft heading - then both our phones got disconnected. I thought it was weird because I have a I-phone and it has never done that before.

I noticed that I had all my bars for good reception. My phone rang again and it was Jeff, he asked me what happened and I told him I don't know why our phones went dead. Then he asked me once again which way was the craft going, and as I was going to tell him, our phones went dead again. Again, I had all my bars. The phone rang again but by that time I could not see the triangle anymore. I know I should have taken a picture, but when you see something like that you freak out. Here is a picture that I drew, (see above) I guess it was the same size as a military jet."

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Couple witness triangle UFO over California

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: May 13, 2010
Location of event: California, USA

"My wife and I were coming back home after an after-dinner walk around our neighborhood. The sky was clear and the big dipper was up there in all its glory. I pointed it out, and she saw it. Suddenly, a movement caught my eye.

I thought it was going to be a satellite, and got excited to show wife something she's never seen. I started to say, "Hey, look, a satellite," but then, I stopped pointing up and said, "What is that?" It was a triangle - you could see the outline of a perfect triangle moving through the sky. In its corners was a faint gray/blue/white light, more gray and white than blue.

The lights were also triangle shaped. It moved from my back [southwest] to my front [northeast] curving slightly to east before fading out of view. The UFO was silent, no other lighting, it didn't appear to have a shadow. It seemed almost see-thru. There was an aura about it.

You could clearly make out the outline and lighting. My wife asked if it was an owl, I said, "No owl, that is a triangle." We asked each other again, but by then it had moved out of our view. I did think at first it was a satellite, but very quickly changed my mind.

My mind thought, "Oh, my God, this is a possible UFO." But I still questioned myself. My wife and I were thankful that we got to see this, we both know now that we saw a UFO.

We will never forget it."

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Witness spots triangle UFO over Pennsylvania

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: March 6, 2010
Location of event: Pennsylvania, USA

"Actually reporting this from a description my brother gave me. What makes this more credible is that he is a UFO "non-believer" and is not much of an Internet user, so he hasn't had exposure to what may be posted by others. He called me on the morning of March 6 to talk about another issue, and near the end of the conversation said, "Oh, by the way, I saw the strangest thing last night while driving up my road."

Image left: Witness depiction.

He came to a stop sign, and happened to glance through the top part of his windshield just in time to see what he first thought was a shooting star. He then realized it was not a meteor and told me he still wasn't sure what it was. I asked him to describe it and when he said "triangle shaped," it got my attention quickly.

He said it was moving extremely fast, much faster than anything he had ever seen before, and covered the sky in 2 or 3 seconds. It made no sound and traveled in an arching motion like it was following the curve of the Earth. He estimated that it was at least 10,000 feet up, maybe more. He also said it had to be quite large due to the altitude and relative size when compared to the stars.

It was traveling from north to south towards the Tarentum/Harmarville area. I asked him if he could sketch it and he said he could. He described the huge light on the bottom of the craft, and the outside edges were lit along the entire length, and several large lights in the back.

The lights seemed blurry/hazy, and left sort of a streak, but he figured it was due to the extreme speed. I went to his house the following weekend and brought along several print-outs of triangle craft since he had never seen a photo of one before.

He was amazed to see how close his drawing was to others. To this day, he said he still doesn't believe in UFOs, but he is sure that what he saw was not any type of known airplane or military jet. I re-sketched the craft based on his drawing, which was on a torn out line piece of paper, so I figured it would scan clearer if I re-did it.

The main difference to note on this craft is the lack of lights at each point. All of the lights were white and had no blinkers. I am hoping someone else out there has witnessed this type of craft, especially the extreme speed. He told me that if he didn't happen to glance up at just the right moment, he would have never seen it."

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Man sees multiple lights in triangle shape in Indiana

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: May 3, 2010
Location of event: Indiana, USA

"I went outside around 10:25 PM to smoke a cigarette. I was standing on back deck which faces south. The object appeared in the night sky heading in a northwest direction. Six iridescent white round lights on each side in a large V-shape was low in the sky.

There was no sound, the movement was very smooth, almost like it was gliding. The sky was overcast, not a lot of moonlight The object did not put off light, and the formation never changed, the direction never changed, it never ascended or descended.

I lost sight of the UFO when it passed over my neighbor's roof line, and my view was blocked. I want to know what this was. I have no explanation of what this could have been, I cannot explain it away as being an airplane, helicopter, weather balloon or flares.

I want to know if anyone else saw this or reported it to the airport, police etc. I have lived in this area my entire life and never seen anything like this."

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Motorists sees large triangle over Pennsylvania

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: April 21, 2010
Location of event: near Allentown, Pennsylvania

"I was taking my daughter to her father's house, leaving from Allentown going towards Kutztown. It was 7:40 PM when we left. We were traveling on Shantz Rd. Near the police station when I just turned my head to look out the window and I saw this large light over the industrial park. What really caught my interest was the color and size.

It was this red-orange light that just pulsated. I was driving, so I put my eyes back on the road and I asked my 10-year-old daughter if she saw it. She looked over and said, "Yes, what is that?" She kept an eye on it and realized it was not moving. We then went over the hill towards the winery, and we looked back to try to see it again and we couldn't. It was too low to see over the hill.

So we just dismissed it, and went on our way to Kutztown. The best way I could describe this was if you could imagine a low-flying air plane that was just a ball of pulsating light and didn't move. That's how big it was. So I dropped my daughter of in Kutztown a little after 8 PM and started heading home. I get to where I turn of on 222 to Shantz Rd. There is a gas station right there.

I passed the gas station and just look toward the Terri Hill Water Park area of 222. My heart dropped! I saw three extremely large lights of red-orange like the size of a full moon all in a perfect triangle shape. The lights spanned maybe the half the size of a football field.

I couldn't believe how low and large it was. I thought to myself I need to get a picture of this, my husband will never believe me.

Where I was on Shantz Rd I couldn't pull over until I got to the Lucent Building drive way, but the building was blocking the lights. I still can't believe what I saw. I called my husband and told him. While I was on the phone with my husband, I decided to see if I could see it if I kept going further. I drove up and over the hill turned onto the road to go into the industrial park knowing this is where I saw the other light earlier.

I turned onto the road and I saw nothing as if nothing ever happened. There is no way that I was the only one that saw this."

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Black triangle UFO moves over house in Great Britain

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: April 19, 2010
Location of event: England, UK

"I woke up from a deep sleep for no obvious reason at 10.15 pm last night and felt compelled to open the bedroom blinds and look out. Here in the south of England the night sky was faintly lit by street lamps reflected from the mist of volcanic particles filling our atmosphere at present.

For perhaps three seconds I stared intently at the clearly defined shape of a triangular black craft which passed silently overhead and out of sight over the house. Its shape was of an elongated triangle, reminiscent of the Concorde.

It had lights at each of its three points - red to the front and two white. It was flying to the west at the relatively low height of a small private plane, and was the size of a large passenger aicraft, but silent.

The flying ban due to volcanic ash is still in operation throughout the UK, and we have not even had the regular Chinook helicopter patrols patrolling around nearby Aldermaston nuclear plant for the past few days, and none of the usually constant Heathrow and Gatwick air traffic. The craft's path would have brought it from the direction of flaring orbs in the sky which develop false navigation lights and which we have been observing for some months.

Our Aldermaston orbs bear a strong resemblance to those repeatedly filmed by Alison Kruse in Pennsylvania, USA, and posted by her on You Tube at"

Monday, April 26, 2010

Large, triangle UFO seen over Idaho

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: April 15, 2010
Location of event: Idaho, USA

"Standing on the back porch looking at the stars, I noticed a large triangular object with a border of lights that seemed to flash, although it may have been due to the distance. The center was not lit up and I couldn't tell if it was solid or open. It was so much larger and brighter than anything else in the sky that I noticed it as soon as I began viewing the night sky.

I wondered if it was something projected from the ground, but it was much too high in the sky for that. Nor could it be a light projection from the earth to sky. It was located in the upper southwest quadrant.

It remained stationary for over 15 minutes. I returned to the house, but came out an hour later. It was still there. This time I noticed an aircraft flying below it and could compare sizes somewhat. The triangular object was much larger, perhaps 50 times larger.

I watched for another 15 minutes. The object remained stationary. An hour later I returned to look but it was gone. I hoped the triangular object was being viewed by the aircraft and that I might read about it in the newspaper, but it was not.

I felt confounded by the object, trying to make sense of it, but could find no explanation for what it might be and concluded that it was a UFO."

Friday, April 23, 2010

Triangle UFO clearly seen in Ventura, California

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: April 15, 2010
Location of event: Ventura, California

"At approximately 9 PM PDT, on April 15, 2010, in Ventura, California, I was looking toward the west at the constellation of Orion when I heard a brief “screech” sound lasting around one second and coming from the vicinity which I was viewing. Thinking it was an owl, I quickly looked for it and saw a faint silhouette of something moving in the clear sky.

At first it looked like it was a large bird high in the air as the front and two sides were heavily darkened against the mostly dark sky. It was moving toward me and over a period of about 2 seconds, it became clearer and resembled a hang-glider. It was descending and moving toward the east, and seemed to be gliding smoothly, making no sound that I could hear.

As it reached its closest point to me, what looked to be several hundred feet or so, a very sharp and definite outline appeared. It was an equilateral triangle, and had three circular areas symmetrically placed near the tips. There was a slight contrast between the gray triangular area and the circular areas, as the circular portions had a very faint glowing quality to them.

As it silently continued moving away from me, the craft seemed to have only 2 dimensions. It looked completely flat like it was a projection. It began to gently ripple with smooth wave patterns, and disappeared within a little over a second after doing so. The total event lasted around 8 seconds. I have my master’s degree in physics, and teach college level physics as a career. I am also involved in astronomy. I am about 20 minutes drive from a naval base and do hear and see military aircraft from time to time.

Though it is possible that I was seeing a “secret aircraft,” I am doubtful that such a craft would be flown in such plain view as it was very apparent what was seen. Judging from the change in angular diameter, its descent was fairly rapid and it changed from a dark, fluctuating shadow into a crisp configuration, lightly contrasted against the clear dark sky.

I would estimate the base of the triangle to be around 50 feet, though I could be way off. Once leveled off at around 500 feet, it glided forward at perhaps 100 miles per hour until it disappeared from sight somewhat like a mirage does. The measured angle from the horizontal at which the craft began to wave out of sight was around 20 degrees. It all happened very fast and was short in duration, making it difficult to be definite on measurements.

All in all, I saw a craft without doubt and I am perplexed by what I have seen."

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Family sees two triangles over Michigan

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: April 11, 2010
Location of event: West Bloomfield, Michigan

"My family (three of us) was driving from West Bloomfield, Michigan, to Pontiac on Telegraph Road, when we looked to our right, just before the Oakland County Court House, and just after the Summit Place Mall. There were two aircraft in the sky, seemed to be triangle shaped, extremely low flying, and they seemed quite small - maybe three-four feet across.

They would touch one another and then shoot apart and touch each other again. It appeared to be a game of leap frog. Both craft had white, blue, and red lights on them. We were not sure what the objects were, they appeared to be large kites, but kites cannot move the way they maneuvered.

The driver refused to stop to allow us to get a better look at them; we saw them for about four to five minutes, long enough to know they were not kites. We lost sight of them quickly because we were moving."

Sunday, April 18, 2010

UFO photographs – Belgium, March, 1990

This photograph was taken at Petit Rechain, Belgium in March of 1990 during the midst of the famous Belgium UFO wave in 1990. The photographer remains unknown and this is one of the best known photographs of a UFO ever taken.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

V-shaped UFO seen over New Mexico

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: March 31, 2010
Location of event: near Rio Rancho, New Mexico

"Ever since my sighting last summer, I scan the sky whenever possible looking for more. I went outside to let my dog do his thing before retiring to bed and saw what at first appeared to be a star low on the horizon WSW of me over the Rio Rancho area of W. Albuquerque, which is west of road "528" where the suburb density drops off into desert.

This object was very bright, and no other stars were in the vicinity (it was a full moon), and even though it didn't have FAA flashing lights, I still figured it was an oncoming plane's lights or something, and didn't pay particular attention to it. About 2-3 minutes later, I looked again and noticed that the "plane" not only hadn't moved at all, but the bright, white light had now changed to red, so I ran inside to get my binoculars (7 x 50).

Through the binoculars, I saw what appeared to be a large "V" shape, hanging in the air, pulsing red-green-red-green. Rt 528 is about 15 miles from me as the crow flies, and at first this thing appeared huge, but in the 15 minutes I watched it, it leveled out - still pulsing red-green until it drifted west to the point where I could no longer see it with the naked eye.

But through the binoculars, I could still see it, and then in a few minutes it got so far away it was gone. Anybody traveling south on 528, which goes North to South, must have seen this thing as its size was considerable, so I'm hoping for a corresponding report."