Showing posts with label Georgia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Georgia. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Group: Evidence of paranormal activity found

"ASHBURN — The 5th group of paranormal investigators to check the old Turner County County Jail say they found “pretty strong” evidence of spectral activity at the old jail.

Diane Slomka points to a fuzzy photograph of the second floor taken at street level. In one photo there is a shadow in the lower part of the window. When enlarged, the photo shows a bust-shaped shadow with a white dot where a nose would be and two darker shadows where eyes would be. The investigators also point to what they call hair in the image.

Pictures taken about 30 seconds later from a slightly different angle do not have the shadowy image. Brent Potter took the pictures. “I felt like that was pretty strong,” Ms. Slomka said. “That’s a shadow he caught in the women’s cells. I am really pleased with this...

Part of an article from The Moultrie Observer - Continue reading

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Bigfoot in the central Savannah River area?

"AUGUSTA, GA - Dave Collier has never come face to face with a Bigfoot, but he’s talked to plenty of people who have.

“I believe that sightings and encounters are more common than most people believe,” he says. “And what surprised me the most when I started this was how many there were in this area.”

By this area, the Martinez resident doesn’t mean the Southeast, and he’s not just talking Georgia...

Part of an article from Metro Spirit - Continue reading

Monday, June 14, 2010

Perfect sphere shaped object seen over Georgia

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: June 10, 2010
Location of event: Georgia, USA

"Standing outside taking puppy out and pulsating light above caught my attention. At first I thought it was just an airplane, but as I watched it there were no wings and no other lights as planes have, and it was way too low to be a plane. The light made it clear that it was a perfect sphere. Then I thought maybe helicopter, but my husband came out and said it couldn't be, there was no sound and the light was not anything explainable.

The pulsing was a very intense white light then to nothing. It continued moving southwest very slowly, and the pulsing was continuous.

I noticed a smaller light hovering underneath that didn't appear to be attached. At a certain point it slowly traveled more to the left, and changed in path too hard for a plane to do, over the tree line at a field behind my house. Then it moved even more over to the left and seemed to hover in that area for a few moments and then it was gone.

We were constantly moving to maintain a clear view, and there is no way this was explainable. The light underneath never moved, it was with the object the whole time. Sadly my phone was in the house and I didn't want to take my eyes off of it, not sure if I should believe what I was seeing.

There was lightning in the distance, and I could see stars, although in our area there were some clouds. We did confirm the difference with several airplanes that passed at different times and there was a total difference. Where we are located, we can see the shapes and lights of planes easily, and there is always sound, but with this there wasn't, and it moved in odd ways and disappeared without descending."

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Couple sees triangle UFO in Conyers, Georgia

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: May 27, 2010
Location of event: Conyers, Georgia

"Time was around 11:00 PM, I was in the Conyers, GA, Longhorn Steakhouse, picking up my girlfriend from work. I was waiting for my girlfriend to come out of work, when I noticed that the clouds kept moving in a weird pattern. They'd cover the full moon for a minute, then the next minute the thick patch of clouds would move off to the right side of the moon.

They'd then cover again, then to the left side they went, exposing the full moon. I looked at that as somewhat weird. Anyhow, I then got out of the truck, and as I waited, I videoed the moon alone, when it was exposed. (for a couple minutes) just to review on my big screen, to see if I saw anything.

Anyhow, after she came out to see me shooting the moon, we got in the car, and I told her that it was looking weird up by the moon. After around 30 minutes or so, we took a right turn from Salem Rd. onto Highway 162 in route to the house, I looked up at the moon, and right as I looked up, a BRIGHT light flew from under the patch of clouds.

I freaked and brought it to her attention. By the time she spotted the object, it was in the windshield view. It went from my driver side window view, to windshield, all the way over to HER PASSENGER SIDE WINDOW VIEW. Within 5 seconds. I'd say, 2-3 seconds.

She had the camera, but instead of missing out on seeing this, she looked with her own eyes, and described the object as triangular, with 3 solid bright lights at each tip of the triangle. Between the front point on each side, were 2 pulsating lights, that illuminated one after the other. As one dimmed, the other got brighter.

We talked about it all night, and to this day, still are amazed with what we saw. I told my brother that we saw ANOTHER UFO, and he was amazed. As I said, I have a video of the moon before the occurrence, maybe 30 minutes before. And she's willing to sketch the placement of the lights that we saw."

Monday, May 3, 2010

In search of the skunk ape

"VALDOSTA — Referring to the Skunk Ape story in last week’s editions of The Valdosta Daily Times, the man’s voice paused on the recorded phone message.

“... I saw it.”

The Times received calls from readers who believe they have seen what may be a Skunk Ape in South Georgia. One reader account came from Brooks County, the other from Berrien County...

Part of an article from Valdosta Daily Times - Continue reading