Showing posts with label Oregon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oregon. Show all posts

Friday, April 22, 2011

Unknown object caught on tape over Oregon

This looks not like your typical UFO. It has some similarities to the Belgium triangle of 1990.

Information provided by the original uploader:

“One of the top aerial catches recorded to date in my video archive ... Moving silently past stars and less then 500 feet overhead with a strong red pulsating light.”

Take a look at the video, and comment on what you think.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Unknown flying object seen in Oregon

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: June 15, 2010
Location of event: Salem, Oregon

"We took the kids to the playground at River Road Park in North Salem (River Road/N. Broadway); arrived just after 2 PM. Watched them play for a few minutes, looked SSW at the clouds: mostly billowy storm clouds--heavy rains on and off during the past couple of hours, with/periodic showers starting earlier in the day.

First noticed a hawk's nest in a tree at the same direction, about 100 feet off the ground: one bird left the nest and circled, the other bird remained to watch the nest; first bird returned a couple of times. My kids and I watched the birds/nest directly for about five minutes, then they played and I watched them. Periodically, I looked at both the hawk's nest and the coming storm clouds while the kids played. At one point, directly above the nest by several feet (approximate, based on distance from ground), I noticed what I first thought was a balloon.

It rose very slowly in the sky towards the clouds. Several things immediately stood out: object was black, was at first spherical in shape, but appeared to almost change into an egg/oval shape as it moved, heavy winds were blowing storm clouds from the SSW to W very quickly--but the object continued to move directly up as if moving against the wind. I watched it move slowly and directly upwards, seeming to 'change' between sphere and oval, for at least four/five minutes, still entirely against the wind. It then stopped, and stayed stationary for about a minute (definitely not as long as the upwards movement); very dark storm clouds were quickly approaching it, but its own dark color stood in contrast to the clouds.

Then the object moved horizontally--positioning to WNW--at an incredible speed, and disappeared into the cloud bank. I watched for at least a couple of minutes to see if it emerged out of the cloud bank--the wind was moving the clouds quickly--but saw nothing further.

Again, at first thought it was a balloon, like one of the large ones used by car dealerships to draw attention, but there are none in that part of town--or across the river (Willamette), for that matter, nor was there a tether seen. Too, from the apparent distance from the ground--perhaps several miles--the likely size of it would've made it unlikely to be a commercial balloon. But the general fact of it moving in a straight line upwards AGAINST fairly heavy winds for several minutes negated that it was a balloon; too was the fact that it stopped/remained stationary for at least a minute AGAINST fairly heavy winds.

And finally the fact that it moved AGAINST fairly heavy winds at a high rate of speed into an approaching cloud bank made it unlikely that it was a balloon. I'm not entirely convinced of what I saw. Just the distances and weather patterns converging concurrently make me feel that a light object like a balloon wouldn't have functioned/moved in the manner that it did. But similarly, perhaps the weather patterns and distances at the time made an ordinary object appear to act extraordinarily.

There is a National Guard airbase in town, and perhaps they do conduct weather experiments...but the base is several miles away in the opposite direction. It's been many years since I took a science class, so perhaps there's a logical explanation (i.e., optical illusion, theory of physics) for why something moved the way it did for the duration it did... but thought I'd post this in case someone else in Salem, OR might have seen the same thing..."

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Large, glowing UFO seen over Portland, Oregon

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: June 13, 2010
Location of event: Portland, Oregon

"I was sitting in my backyard on the evening of June 13, 2010. It was around 10:30 PM, and a very clear night in Portland, Oregon. The stars had just started to come out as it gets dark later and later this time of year. It was a beautiful evening and my eyes were drawn to the sky.

There is a lot of air traffic in Portland and I am quite familiar with the speed and looks of airplanes at night. There was the usual air traffic here and there: slow moving planes with their lights blinking and flickering in the distance. There was a pause in air traffic and the sky was calm. I noticed a small, star-like object out of nowhere moving very fast across the sky from the south heading north. I was facing east with the Big Dipper directly behind me.

There was no special shape to it. It was not glowing in any way. There was no tail like a shooting star or comet. There were no lights at all. It wasn't blazing across the sky, but moving at a steady, faster-than-a-plane speed. It soon went out of eye-view (trees, etc.). I thought it was interesting, but kind of just shrugged my shoulders. About ten minutes later I saw the same thing.

Again, I didn't see where it came from but it had the same flight pattern, flew fast across the sky, and disappeared from view. The object did not change direction while flying from its original path. After seeing it a second time, and eliminating all possibilities, I thought that I may be witnessing something unusual here, so I got a little more excited.

My eyes were now glued to the sky in this area. Around 10:30-10:45 PM is when I could officially tell myself I witnessed a UFO. Looking up at the sky (SE direction) I saw an extremely bright light that had the appearance of the North Star only about 10 times brighter and much bigger. It was so bright I had to squint... AT NIGHT! My mouthed dropped as the massive glow shrunk down to the size (like a dimming light) of the two previous "crafts."

It streaked across the sky at the same speed as the others on the same flight path. This time before disappearing out of eye sight, it deviated from its original northern path, started flying UP into the sky and literally disappeared; not out of eye-sight, it just vanished up into the sky. I felt overwhelmed with what I had witnessed but also extremely lucky. I felt very fortunate to have just witnessed the strangest, most exciting thing ever.

Again, there were absolutely no lights flickering or blinking. It was not a shooting star or a comet. I know what those look like. No cigar or v-shape, etc. I am not a person that thinks any strange object in the sky is a UFO. I have never thought to having seen a UFO before, nor have I reported anything like this before. My eyes will be glued to the sky in the nights ahead!"

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Unknown object makes unusual maneuvers over Oregon

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: June 11, 2010
Location of event: Oregon, USA

"I get off work at 11:00 PM, and tend to look at the stars and other celestial bodies, as I am an amateur astronomer and know my way around the sky a bit. I have seen many strange objects here in Oregon in our crystal clear night sky - tonight was a bit stranger than usual. It was 11:10 and I was on the north side of HWY 97 facing the road coming out of my work just south of Bend, OR.

I took a look up at the stars and saw what I thought to be a satellite or the I.S.S. However, it could not be the space station due to the fact that it travels east to west... and this was a blue-colored object that was almost directly south and moving towards the east.

Also it could not be a satellite since it instantaneously stopped and began to move west, and started to perform perfect counter clock-wise circles. After that it began to zig-zag in various directions and more circles which felt to me to be almost as if it were dancing in a way.

It broke all the basic laws our aircraft are based upon, and looked as if it were just outside the atmosphere. I watched this "dance" for about 10-15 minutes and would have continued to until a local sheriff came by and asked if I needed help.

I left and pulled off on the next highway exit and got out to see it was still there, I tried to get home and get my binoculars but it had gone when I got back to my place. I felt it was there for me to see, that is the only way I can describe it."

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Three unknown, flying objects seen over Oregon

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: June 5, 2010
Location of event: near Portland International Airport, Oregon

"I saw 3 fast flashing objects moving west to east in and out of the clouds above Portland International Airport, Columbia River, and Troutdel Airport, last seen flying north to northeast. Object 1 - Flashing what looked like to be bright, white fast flashing light (lights are strobe like) flying fast with no sound.

Object 2 - Flashing what looked like to be bright, white fast flashing light (lights are strobe like) flying fast, again no sound. Object 3 - Flashing what looked like to be bright red, fast flashing light (lights are strobe like) flying fast no sound.

All 3 objects appeared in same order as the description 1,2, and 3. I just had a thought to look up and I did, outside my home talking on the phone.

The way the lights looked, I thought maybe they were helicopters, however, they were moving way too fast to be helicopters. It felt like I was supposed to see them. I last saw them fly away, moving north to northeast."

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Woman motorist sees triangular lights over Oregon City, Oregon

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: May 29, 2010
Location of event: Oregon City, Oregon

"I was driving to work from my home getting ready to turn onto I-205 north from Hwy 43 Eastbound, and to the East above the tree line I saw 3 lights in the sky. They were in a perfect formation of approximately a 25-30% angle triangle with the center point above the other 2 outer, low points.

The points of light were way too far apart to be any plane or aircraft I have EVER seen! I didn't see any distinct blinking lights like those from an airplane or any other common aircraft. The individual lights would somewhat pulsate in intensity, but not a true blink. One light would get brighter though the light didn't radiate outward to appear any larger, just brighter, as another would dim in unison.

They seemed to “take turns” dimming/brightening. I don't recall seeing any odd colors just white/yellowy lights. As I turned onto the freeway ramp I lost sight of it for a moment, then regained sight of it to my right as I was heading north. At this point it seemed as if the formation had slightly shifted, but gone up a bit higher in altitude, though still too low to the ground for this to be a military type plane formation maneuver.

Now the northernmost light was slightly lower than the southern pointing light, and it appeared closer to the center light, like how the perspective would warp if you had a solid triangular object and pivoted it slightly clockwise. At this point a fourth light appeared just barely above the tree line and even further back in the south direction than the back corner of the triangle and much lower.

This light seemed brighter and larger than the other three and seemed almost to be a tail? Upon a quick glance at this point, it would almost appear as if the Little Dipper had lost part of its tail, its bottom star, gotten very close to the earth and hovered there above Oregon City.

Unfortunately I was not in a position to stop and shoot footage as I was running late for work. I called home quick to see if my husband could see it, but he could not even though we are on a slight hill.

The object was just hovering too low for it to be seen from many locations. I say object, yet strange thing is, I didn't see any solid object holding these lights in this formation. It was BY FAR the oddest thing I have EVER seen!

I have looked all over the Internet, called news channels and even the local dispatch and NO ONE else seems to have reported this. This is why I'm posting this here. I am not crazy or anything, but some verification that ANYONE else saw this would ease my mind!

Thank you for reading."

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Multiple unknowns seen near Salem, Oregon

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: May 14, 2010
Location of event: Salem, Oregon

"I was driving from Eugene to Portland on I-5, and was just south of Salem when I noticed a bright light in the sky. I assumed it was a planet at first, but then I realized it appeared larger as I continued to drive in its direction. As far as I could tell it was not moving. As I got closer, it appeared to be a glowing, white sphere that was hovering completely still directly above the freeway.

I soon saw 2 more in the distance, one of which was visible to the west until I was almost in Portland. A few miles after the first white one, I saw a dimmer, red sphere with a smaller flashing red light on one side. Then in the distance I saw what I thought was an airplane, but as I got closer I realized it wasn't moving either.

I saw two red lights and one green one. The green one slowly disappeared, and I realized the object appeared to be rotating very slowly.

I know that the McMinnville UFO Festival is going on right now, so I wondered if this had anything to do with that, but these seemed to be quite large and high in the sky, not something an amateur prankster could pull off. I haven't been able to find any mention of any aircraft or any other floating or flying objects around Salem tonight in the news or on Twitter. Hundreds of people must have seen them.

They were very clearly visible from the road. Does anyone know what they were?"

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Multiple objects hover over river in Oregon

Report from MUFON:

Date reported: February 10, 2010
Date of event: January 27, 2010
Location of event: Wilsonville, Oregon

"Upon arriving home from shopping, I was looking south from Wilsonville. I noted a bright, orange, round orb approaching from the southeast.

At first I thought it might be a plane until it stopped mid-air over the Willamette river.

The distance I would estimate was between 1/4-1/2 mile from my position.

The object hung in the air, motionless for several minutes. Looking south, the first object was joined by another orb that was pulsating different colors.

It stopped at the same elevation as the first orb. Both seemed to be about the same diameter, although the orange orb was closer to my vantage point.

This is my first official report of this occurrence.

I have noted lights moving to the river before, but have never had the opportunity to have an unobstructed view.

The orbs hung motionless for a number of minutes at approximately 500 feet altitude.

I went inside to get my binoculars, and upon returning to my vantage spot noted the objects still holding their distance and altitude, but moving together in a northeasterly direction until they both disappeared behind the trees.