Showing posts with label Poltergeist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poltergeist. Show all posts

Monday, November 14, 2011

Apple-friendly poltergeist caught on tape in an Irish shopping center?

This newly uploaded video from CCTV camera at the Jervis Shopping Center in Dublin, Ireland shows what appears to be apple being rolling out from a nearby fruit stand, as a janitor is mopping the floor.

After stopping on the floor, the apple start to roll, back and forth, occasionally stopping for a few seconds.

The video at one frame per second, which accounts for the choppiness in the video. 

Of course, it is very possible movement of the apple could be caused by just an uneven floor. Or is something at play here?

YouTube user “montyisahotmail1” makes this interesting statement in comment field:

“I was talking to one of the security gaurds who was working there that night, said theres 3 cameras that could see it and the got a much better look, said it was proper freaky...

...and if there was only 3 people in the whole building, who pressed the light button? the lift was empty!!”

If we now only were able to the see the other angles…

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Scientific evidence of poltergeist knocking?

"Paranormal rappings associated with apparent poltergeist activity have been described for many hundreds of years. It is only now that an interesting pattern has been discovered within the fine detail of the paranormal rapping sounds. No explanation can be found for this pattern at present.

The current edition of the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research (SPR), a learned publication dating back to 1882, carries an article by scientist Dr Barrie Colvin B.Sc., Ph.D., showing instrumental evidence for an inexplicable and objective banging sound detected in recordings made during alleged poltergeist activity.

Whereas raps and knocking sounds produced by ordinary means exhibit a normal acoustic pattern, those recorded in alleged poltergeist cases show quite a different sound signature...

Part of an article from Society for Psychical Research - Continue reading