Showing posts with label Missouri. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Missouri. Show all posts

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Police: Mutilated Cow Found at Northland Farm

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Police are investigating after a Northland farmer reported that one of his cows had been found dead and mutilated, apparently by someone who a veterinarian says knew what they were doing.

According to Kansas City Missouri Police, officers responded to a call on Thursday morning to a farm near 120th and Brightwell in rural Platte County, just west of KCI. There, officers said that they found the cow, which had its sexual organs and udder removed.

The cow’s owner, Casey Hamilton, told police that the cow had been ill, and had been moved to another pasture away from the rest of his herd. According to the police report, the cow was alive and recovering when it was last checked on Wednesday night, but was found dead the following morning…


Part of an article from Fox4NewsContinue reading

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Local UFO sightings continue

“A former Marine who lives in Lee’s Summit said he’d heard all the stories about a team of stunt planes flying out of the municipal airport here being mistaken for UFOs during the past month. But what John Goslin saw on Oct. 31 – a night when seven KC Flight team planes soared in formation over Arrowhead Stadium – was not a group of small planes, he said. Nor was it like anything else Goslin had ever seen in the skies during his military career.

Margie Kay, assistant director for Missouri MUFON, a nonprofit organization that investigates UFO sightings, said the formation team that flew over Arrowhead Monday night indeed accounted for a few new reports that night. “But we still have seven area reports from the 31st that don’t fit the description of those planes,” said Kay, a resident of Independence.

And of the 75 UFO sightings reported in Missouri during the month of October, Kay said, 37 remain unidentified and unexplained…”


Part of an article form Lee´s Summit JournalContinue reading

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Unknown object seen over Ferguson, Missouri

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: June 5, 2010
Location of event: Ferguson, Missouri

"On Saturday evening at approximately 7:30 PM I was driving North on Florissant Road going to the UMB Bank. I was driving North on Florissant road through downtown Ferguson, MO. I noticed an object hovering fairly high in the sky off to my northeast approximately 1/4 mile or so away. I pulled off the road into the parking lot where the City of Ferguson holds their "Farmers Market" on Saturdays.

I stopped the car as soon as I turned into the lot. I stuck my head out the window stunned, and watched this object for about a minute and then I grabbed my Iphone to get a picture. I activated the camera and went to take a picture and the camera malfunctioned. The object then about as fast as you can snap your fingers was gone, off to the northeast. I briefly turned my head and then looked back and the object was there again and even closer now.

It was close enough now that I could clearly see the shape, probably about an 1/8 a mile or less away. It was dark gray in color, no lights or sounds at all. It appeared to be a stretched star with 2 points prevalent on each end looking like an introverted “V” and 1 small extroverted “V” on each long side (6 points total ). When I got the camera going again quickly, it was in my clear view. When I snapped the picture, it was just about gone completely from my site. I am positive of what I saw, and would be more than willing to take a lie detector or be hypnotized or try any new technology that’s out there, I'm ready.

I know what I saw, I am positive of what it was. After it was gone (about 3 minutes later) I pulled out of the parking lot and was driving North again down Florissant road and went right pass the bank and then continued on until I finally came to the corner of Florissant road and Hereford Rd (about a 1/4 mile pass the bank).

It then hit me that I was actually driving my car. I didn't know I was driving or why I even in my car at all. I didn't know where I was supposed to be. After about 30-45 seconds, I remembered that I was going to the ATM to get some money for my daughter. I turned around and continued to the bank.

Everything was a complete blank in my mind for a short time. I was very scared and thought that there was no way that I was the only one that could have seen this. I was totally shaken. I drove home real quickly and tried to draw what I saw. My hand was shaking so bad I had to wait awhile. I couldn't draw a straight line at all. Good thing for “paint” programs.

Again, there is no doubt whatsoever of what I saw. It was an experience that I will never forget in my lifetime. I wasn't too sure before if I really truly believed in this kind of thing, but I was convinced on that night. I'm not afraid any more, I want to see it again so badly. The "camera" after you select the camera icon, opens and then you must select another option before the camera will fully activate. Once you do that the camera is ready to stay on forever.

I had the camera fully activated, and the object was clearly on the screen and as I pushed the "take picture" icon, the "option icon" that activates the camera popped up and would not let me take a picture until I pressed it again. The thing is, I already had the camera activated and that should not have come up again. It has never done that before and hasn't done it since. I have tried to make it happen and it just won't happen.

Anyway, that’s my encounter experience.

Thank you"

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Do ghosts haunt historic Liberty structures?

"Sometimes late at night after the cleaning crews have left and most office workers are long gone, an elderly man and woman have been seen walking with arms linked along the hallways of the Depression-era Clay County courthouse on Liberty Square.

At other times in other buildings, water runs, doors open unexpectedly, tools disappear, a shadowy presence is felt or a baby cries — all with no explanation. Are these sounds of someone’s overactive imagination, or are there ghosts hanging around town?

Those who sign up for a ghostly tour of Liberty scheduled for Saturday, June 5, will learn where there could be paranormal activity...

Part of an article from Liberty Tribune - Continue reading

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Couple see disc shaped UFO hover near home in Missouri

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: April 28, 2010
Location of event: Missouri, USA

"I was getting ready for bed last night when I noticed a white light outside that shouldn't have been there. I went to the back door and looked out, and there was a large disc-shaped craft that looked like it was about 50 feet in diameter floating about 30 feet above my fence, which is 125 yards from my house.

The light was coming out from the bottom of the craft, and lit up the ground and fence underneath it very brightly. I called my wife, who was in the shower, to come quick to look and she saw it, too.

It just stayed there for a while, took off very fast and was gone in a couple of seconds. We were both too scared to do anything - even to get the camera. I don't know why I didn't get the camera.

I was going to call the police to make a report, but my wife said they'd just think we were crazy, so I didn't call them. I got on the internet today and found this site to make a report. If anyone else saw this I'd like to know about it. But don't use my name or address in anything - I don't want anyone to find out about this.

I just wanted to tell someone in case you can do anything. I looked at the ground this morning where the light was shining on it, but didn't see anything. This is just so weird - I have never seen anything like it and don't want to again. I hope they don't come back. They were obviously not ours - the craft moved way too fast."

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Object makes unusual maneuvers over Missouri

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: April 2, 2010
Location of event: Missouri, USA

"I was driving northwest on 291 Hwy when I noticed a white, shiny object moving slowly across the sky. At first I thought it was a large plane, but it had no wings or tail. It looked like two oval- shaped objects with a piece connecting them in the center.

As I watched, it stopped and went backwards, then forward again very quickly, then continued on its slow forward movement. This happened again, then I lost sight of it because I had to turn left at a light.

I pulled over to the side of the road to see if I could find it again, but it was gone. Due to the fast, jerky movements backward, then forward again, this could not have been a plane or helicopter. It moved too fast for that.

The object was headed in an East-West direction at 40 degrees off the horizon. It looked very large. The sky was clear with no overcast."