Showing posts with label Oklahoma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oklahoma. Show all posts

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Town hunts for black panther preying on livestock

“POCASSET, Okla. -- Some Oklahomans are on the hunt for what they are calling a black panther or mountain lion that has been spotted near several homes.

The creature has been reportedly seen near Pocasset in rural Grady County.

"It was about half grown, had a tail about 4 feet long and it was solid black," witness Russell Dahl said…”


Part of an article from KFOR.comContinue reading

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Shiny, metallic UFO observed by couple over Tulsa, Oklahoma

Report from MUFON: Date of event: April 13, 2011

“My wife and I were headed West on Hwy. 11 in Tulsa, Oklahoma, at 11:50 AM about 6 miles North of downtown Tulsa.

I saw thru my windshield at about 11 - 12 o'clock high into a clear blue sky something oval to almost round-lights, like 2 very, very, bright lights inside the shape. It seemed to be a shiny metallic outside the lights.

My wife saw it about the same time. At first I thought it might be a bright reflection on the windshield from the sun, but the sun was behind the car over my left shoulder.

The object was moving to the northwest. After driving 2 miles watching the object, we turned to North on Hwy. 75 to go to an appointment in Bartlesville.

The object had started losing the 2 bright lights, and seemed to change to dull gray color and shaped like a cigar or missle-shaped. It seemed to sort of fade away briefly. After heading North on Hwy. 75 for about 15 seconds, we could still see it, but it faded away again.

After a few seconds it appeared again from lower in west sky and accelerated up at about a 20 degree angle going North/West direction - still dull gray in color, cigar-shaped with like a rudder on the back of it. We watched it for about a mile down the Hwy. headed North, and it just faded away or disappeared.

We should have been able to see it in the blue sky for quite a ways with the weather conditions, but it just vanished.

It was really weird and we'll never forget it.”

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tiny community is troubled by Bigfoot sightings

"JAY — For the past month, the Delaware County Sheriff's Office has been bombarded with telephone calls about the legendary elusive apelike creature known as Bigfoot.

It seems the creature was roaming the wooded countryside near Kenwood — a small, isolated community about 20 miles southwest of Jay and surrounded by acres of trees and fresh springs of water.

"We had calls from people that were worried and others wanting to know if it was a joke," Sheriff Jay Blackfox said...

Part of an article from Tulsa World - Continue reading

Monday, March 15, 2010

Family witnesses triangle UFO over Oklahoma

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: March 10, 2010
Location of event: Oklahoma, USA

"My mom and I were driving home from the store and she thought that she would try to scare me. She saw three lights in the sky and said, "Hey, is that a UFO?" and I looked and said," No, that's the signal tower." So we were almost to the house when all of a sudden, we noticed lights that were practically hovering very slowly.

My mom stopped the car on the side of the road and we looked out the window, and the lights stopped right over our house for about five seconds then it started slowly moving toward us. My mom started the car and she parked it on the drive-way, and the aircraft was very low to the ground... it looked like it was landing but the airport was farther away than where it was landing.

There was no sound coming from it... so we went inside and looked up triangular UFOs on Google and they had a video that some guy taped at 3:15 AM. We looked at the video and the thing he saw was exactly the thing we saw. Very creepy!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sphere shaped object moves at great speed over Oklahoma

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: March 2, 2010
Location of event: Oklahoma, USA

"I was taking my dogs out at approximately 8:00 PM CST. I was standing on the south side (uncovered) porch of my house. I always look up at the sky every night and do a little stargazing. I was outside for a few minutes before I looked up at the west /outhwest sky. At 8:05 PM CST, I noticed what appeared to be a very bright "yellowish" star that I have never noticed before, but it appeared to be moving very slowly north.

There was a light breeze that was making the tree limbs move a little, so I held up my right index finger as a reference to see if it was an optical illusion. The object actually was moving very slowly to the north. I watched this object for about one minute before the acceleration.

There were no blinking lights that would identify this as an airplane. I actually counted three airplanes in the sky after this happened. It was just an extremely bright yellowish sphere-shaped object that was moving slowly to the north. All of a sudden, the object accelerated "extremely fast" and traveled north for about 1 to 1.5 seconds. I cannot even estimate how far this object may have traveled at this speed. But from the point it accelerated to the point it stopped (I held my tape measure up to the sky starting from the tree that was in the horizon when it started, to the tree in the horizon where it stopped), it was three feet and two inches on my tape measure.

The object then decelerated "extremely fast," stopped, and disappeared. But I have never seen anything like this in my life and my jaw was left hanging open. This was an amazing sight to behold, whether it was a government craft or a craft of extraterrestrial origin.But Unfortunately I did not have my videocamera with me to record this. After witnessing what I did tonight I can assure you whenever I go out from now on I will have my video camera.