Showing posts with label Tennessee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tennessee. Show all posts

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Ghost hunters to raise money for 'haunted' temperance building in Harriman, Tennessee

“NASHVILLE, Jan. 15 (Reuters) - Harriman, Tennessee hopes that ghosts, or rather ghost hunters, can raise enough money to restore an historic and reputedly haunted building.

One ghost hunter wants to use the "dark entities" supposedly haunting the 121-year-old Temperance Building, a former jail, to attract both tourists and paranormal enthusiasts to Harriman, which was founded by anti-alcohol crusaders in the 19th century.

Last week, by unanimous vote, the six-person city council agreed to let Ghost Hunters of Southern Tennessee -- G.H.O.S.T. Paranormal -- show footage caught during a night spent inside the city-owned building. It will be aired on January 27 on the web-based Paranormal Network…”


Part of an article from the Huffington PostContinue reading

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Ghost hunters eye Harriman's Temperance Building

HARRIMAN — Ghost-hunters encamped overnight with high-tech gear in the city's oldest building claim they took a photo of a "full-bodied apparition" as well as recordings of ghosts talking.

If City Council next Tuesday approves the release of that alleged evidence of ghostly goings-on in the Temperance Building, "It's liable to freak a few people out," Richard Ruland said.

Ruland, a resident of Dayton, Tenn., is founder of G.H.O.S.T. (Ghost Hunters of Southern Tennessee) Paranormal…


Part of an article from knoxnews.comContinue reading

Monday, July 5, 2010

Paranormal activity tracked in Oak Ridge's Alexander Inn

"Oak Ridge's historic Alexander Inn is well-known not only for the scientists who once stayed there, but for those who some say are still inside.

Saturday night, investigators with the Office of Paranormal Studies put all the ghost stories to the test.

"We're ghost hunters. We go around to places where paranormal activity is claimed. We'll check it out for ourselves and see what we can find," said Office of Paranormal Studies Co-Founder Clint Ferguson...

Video related to the article:

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Saturday, July 3, 2010

Paranormal activity tracked in Oak Ridge's Alexander Inn

"Oak Ridge's historic Alexander Inn is well-known not only for the scientists who once stayed there, but for those who some say are still inside.

Saturday night, investigators with the Office of Paranormal Studies put all the ghost stories to the test.

"We're ghost hunters," said Office of Paranormal Studies Co-Founder Clint Ferguson. "We go around to places where paranormal activity is claimed. We'll check it out for ourselves and see what we can find...

Part of an article from - Continue reading

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Red-amber lit object seen by four witnesses in Tennessee

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: June 11, 2010
Location of event: Tennessee, USA

"My wife and I were at the neighbors' in the back yard sitting by a fire pit. The four of us and their daughter were just enjoying the nice night. My wife said "What is that light?"

There was a red-amber, fuzzy looking light that had come into view over the roof of the house that appeared to be over the city of Murfreesboro about 8 miles away. The light was coming from the northeast heading southwest fairly slowly. When it got over Murfreesboro, it stopped and moved up and down. then right and left and started moving back northeast from which it came.

It started slowly, then got smaller and zipped out of sight very fast. There is no way a plane could move out of sight that fast. There is an airport about 20 miles up the interstate and, we see planes all the time at night.

At first I, being a skeptic about things, told my wife it was just a plane but the more I looked at it, I knew it wasn't a plane, and my neighbor said it before I could. He is ex-military, and said, "Rob, that's not a plane," and we all watched it for the entire time until it zoomed out of sight.

We all sat around in amazement trying to figure it out. I tried to get on line to see if anyone else had seen this light over Murfreesboro, but don't really know where to look. If you find out or have anymore questions call me or email me please. That was the strangest thing that I have ever witnessed in the air, and I have seen meteor showers and satellites being in the gulf, and the woods being a hunter and fisherman.

Thanks Rob"

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Blue-tinged object seen flying over Tennessee

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: May 15, 2010
Location of event: Tennessee, USA

"I was at my house watching a storm in the distance through my window to see if it was headed this way. I was facing eastward. The sky was overcast and no stars were visible, but there was lightning far in the distance. As I was watching the sky, suddenly there was this blue-tinged object that almost looked like a very bright star just appear out of nowhere traveling from left to right in my field of vision.

There was no sparks or any kind of trail. There was no curvature to the flight path, it just flew very straight. There was also no sound or solid surface that I could hear or see.

It came in at a shallow angle towards the ground, blinked 3 times, and disappeared behind a house, but just as quickly came back up at a sharper angle then it had entered. It then changed angle again to a more level trajectory with the horizon, and blinked 3 times again as it did so.

It continued on to where I couldn't see it because the side of the house was in the way. The blinking was sequential in that the 6 blinks were as far as I could tell. all the same duration. I cannot say how far away or how big it was, I just don't know. But I do know that it was below the clouds and moving very fast.

As for feelings and reactions I was dumbstruck and stood for probably a couple minutes just trying to wrap my head around what I had just seen. I know 100% what it was not... It was not a plane, helicopter, or meteor. I see planes and helicopters all the time and I've actually seen lots of meteors and fireballs, but this was none of them.

Was it "ball lightning?"... maybe, but from the pictures I've seen of ball lightning and peoples' descriptions of it... this looked nothing like it.

The first pic is a drawing I made in ms paint that shows the full path that I saw the object moving. The second pic is an actual photo taken maybe 5 minutes later of the area.

I set the exposure to 15 seconds and increased the gamma so you can see the area clearly. In reality it was very dark outside."

Monday, May 10, 2010

Couple see white UFO flying in and out of multiple jets in Tennessee

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: May 3, 2010
Location of event: Tennessee, USA

"I had just walked out of my garage which faces to the northern sky. I heard a tremendous rumble, and quickly started scanning the sky due north. I noticed at least a dozen fighter jets in semi-formation, about the second I realized what I was seeing, I noticed a quick-moving object flying north to south in and out of the formation. It was solid white.

The planes were flying west to east by northeast. The object was whizzing in and out of the formation, it was amazing - the roar of the planes was deafening - they were flying so low - I started screaming for my wife to come and see. I guess I wanted to make sure I wasn't crazy - I just can't tell you the sound of the planes was so very loud. We live within 10 miles of the local Air Guard and McGhee Tyson Airport - so we see smaller commercial jets everyday - a few Apache Copters, and one to three fighters, and of course the Refueling tankers (C130s) all the time.

We have never seen anything like this in my 12 years here, not even close - EVER! My wife has lived here for 36 years, and never seen anything like this. They were basically encircling the object, all the fighters had red lights, not flashing or white, just red, which is not the norm either.

It was very easy to see that the object (white) was moving in and around them - AMAZING! Every dog in the neighborhood was going crazy, we had line of sight with the planes for about 45 to 60 seconds and only saw the object for about 30 because of the tree line. But there were 3 jets coming up right after they went past flying in a line side by side, following the circle of planes in front - we could hear them for at least 4 minutes after passing, that’s how loud it was."

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Saturday, March 6, 2010

UFO sightings on the rise in Tennessee

Bright white lights and strange, triangular shaped objects, Tennesseans are reporting some unusual things overhead. Don't expect that to stop anytime soon, a local group that investigates UFO close encounters says sightings are on the rise.

For decades millions of people have reported seeing UFO's. A recent poll shows one in 12 Americans have seen a mysterious object in the sky, and that a third of adults believe it's likely aliens have visited earth. While some say the increase in volume of reports in Tennessee are enough to make any investigator sit up and take notice, others say it's all in their heads...

Part of an article from MyFoxMemphis - Continue reading