Showing posts with label Wisconsin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wisconsin. Show all posts

Friday, June 11, 2010

Your Town Plover - The Club Forest Bar: A Haunted History?

"As we've showed you all week, Your Town Plover has a rich history spanning decades. And of course that history wouldn't be complete without a good ghost story!

Notorious gangsters like Al Capone and John Dillenger considered the Club Forest Bar a favorite stop in the 1920's and 30's, and it's right in Your Town Plover. The bar is filled with stories and legends, but none of them have managed to live on quite like the story of Melvin.

Melvin was an original employee of the bar, and employees today are convinced his ghost is still there. The Club Forest Bar was used for a time by its original owners as a 'house of ill repute'. "Helen and Mac [McCabe] brought a man with them named Melvin, and they called him a coachman", said Pam Booth, who owns the bar today. "His job was to go to the train station pick up the girls bring them back and watch over them...

Video related to the article:

Part of an article from - Continue reading

Friday, April 30, 2010

Hotel Chequamegon - house of haunts?

"ASHLAND - There's a Northland hotel where the staff suspects there are guests who've never checked in and never check out.

Recently, FOX 21 spent the night at the Hotel Chequameon with a ghost–hunting team and caught some strange things on camera during a hotel haunt...

Part of an article from Fox21 - Continue reading

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Possible USO observed from Delta Flight DL2220 over Wisconsin

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: March 2, 2010
Location of event: Near Milwaukee, Wisconsin

"I was in Delta Airline flight DL2220 flying from Seattle, WA, to Detroit. I was looking through the window for most of the flight. At about 6:00 AM we were flying over a big city, probably Milwaukee when I noticed glowing lights at a distance several miles ahead of us. I was suddenly amazed because the lights seemed brighter and bigger than all of the city lights combined.

It was the brightest light I had seen from a plane window. I love sitting in a window seat and looking out. What puzzled me was that the lights looked like they were under water. I had the feeling that we were flying over water, so I looked down to make sure. There were few clouds and I could see the ripples on the surface of the water, because the moon was full.

I kept looking at the light as the plane got closer to them. I started getting apprehensive as the plane approached it. It didn't seem man-made. When we finally got over it I was terrified and could look no more because I thought it was going to capture the plane. There was a gentleman sitting in the window seat in front of me. I am sure he saw it too.

I think he was afraid because he turned away too. I wanted to ask him about it but my connecting flight was leaving in a short time, and I was traveling with two others so I didn't have the time to find him in the airport. Now I am going to try to give a detail description of the lights.

I noticed three lights close together under the surface of the water. The biggest one looked like a giant light bulb. It was several miles in diameter. It was yellowish. The one beside it was a little more the half the size and it was reddish. It was also huge - several miles in diameter too.

The third one was smaller and greenish. I will assume that it was less than 2 miles in diameter. They were all brighter than any light I have ever seen except the sun. I do not believe they were from this world. There was another light at a distance the size of a city - it was greenish ,but we didn't fly near it. Unless you guys tell me that there are several gigantic under water projects going on in Lake Michigan, I am going to believe that what I saw was extraterrestrial.