Showing posts with label Maine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maine. Show all posts

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Unknown flying object seen over Maine

Report from MUFON: Date of event: April 22, 2011

“I took my dog out for some business about 12:10 this morning. I went out on my stoop and I always look at the sky. Having moved here a little over a year ago, I enjoyed the night sky because it had so many more stars than where I lived before.

I noticed what appeared to be a plane above and to my right. It had a couple of lights on, flashing but not going on and off. They seemed to twinkle more than flash. I assumed it was a plane and continued to watch the dog as she sniffed around.

After a few seconds, I looked up again and there was one steady light. I thought I must have been mistaken about the additional lights and thought maybe it was a star. Then they came on again.

It wasn't moving but it was hovering, and I realized after a minute or two that this was something unusual.

The lights flickered, and then it started moving extremely slowly toward me, with no sound at all. That freaked me out a little and I went inside. I looked out the window of the door, and I saw it moving side to side, slowly.

Then it stopped and continued to flicker. At first I thought it looked like it was a boomerang shape. But it could have been a disc. It definitely had an angle to it.

It reminded me of a wedding band that had diamonds all around it. Like I said, they were white and flickered, sometimes all of them, sometimes a couple and sometimes just one.

It was hovering out towards Lewiston, ME, and it was about the height and size of a plane. I watched for about 15 minutes, but because of it moving toward me, I decided to stop watching. It definitely gave me an eerie feeling. I've seen UFOs in the past (many years ago) and they didn't evoke that feeling in me.

This just seemed different, maybe because I was by myself and it was so dark out. I watched the news hoping to hear of other reports, but so far there haven't been any.

I thought I should mention it to someone.


Monday, May 17, 2010

Haunted Berwick playhouse: Paranormal group says Hackmatack home to ghosts

"BERWICK, Maine — BOO! The Hackmatack Playhouse is haunted, according to a group of ghost-hunting paranormal investigators.

Everything Paranormal of New England said it detected the spirits of a singing woman and a very angry Native American on the playhouse property.

The good news?

"They're not going to hurt anybody," said the group's founder, Renee Alling...

Part of an article from Foster's Daily Democrat - Continue reading

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Bright, moving object lights hood of motorist's truck in Maine

Report from MUFON:

Date reported: February 10, 2010
Date of event: January 26, 2010
Location of event: Maine, USA

"I was returning from a Town Hall meeting in my small, rural Maine town heading to my home on a rural road. I was driving my newer model pickup truck.

The time was 8:14 PM on January 26, 2010. It was fully dark outside, and the sky was clear.

This road does not have any street lights, and there were no other cars around. About 1/2 mile from my home, a very bright, white light came from behind me in the sky and flew directly over my truck.

It appeared to be a shooting star, but after approximately a second of watching it, it changed direction from straight away from me to a very sharp angle off to my right.

The object did not slow down, flicker, or change intensity as it changed direction. It simply went from going away from me, to going off to my right in the sky.

When it passed over me, it actually lit up the hood of my truck - it was that bright.

I estimate I saw the object for approximately one to two seconds before it changed direction, then for approximately another 1/2 - 1 second after it changed direction... for a total of approximately 1 1/2 seconds to 3 seconds.

After the object changed direction, it simply disappeared.

At first I couldn't (in my mind) reconcile what I had seen. It started out as a really bright shooting star in my mind, but when it changed directions so abruptly, I couldn't come to terms with what I might have witnessed