Report from MUFON:
Date of event: June 4, 2010
Location of event: Chicago, Illinois
"I was in Chicago, IL, at Irving Park @ California walking to my car when my friend and I looked up to see two lights shaped like a cross section of an eye moving in smooth linear directions with a 6 degree course correction made out of the first one done in a precise angle. Then they went into a straight line into the clouds about 15 miles east until the lights faded, most likely increasing altitude for this effect.
It seemed to be not an aircraft, I live by two large airports and can distinguish them readily. The light effect was unlike any lens that I have seen on various aircraft. It wasn't being diffused through water vapor either. I was excited because this was "very" abnormal for the sky in the area.
Usually the planes are flying at sub 2,000 ft altitude as they preform their landing sequence or are beginning to gain altitude for their normal journey."
Showing posts with label Illinois. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Illinois. Show all posts
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Funnel shaped UFO seen over Illinois
Report from MUFON:
Date of event: April 10, 2010
Location of event: Illinois, USA
"Whilst driving home on Saturday evening (4/10/2010) with my wife after grocery shopping, we saw a very strange flying object in the night sky at 8:35 PM. At first it appeared to be the bright light of a plane or helicopter, but then as it neared there was a 'funnel' shaped array of flashing lights emanating from the center of the large bright light in an upwards direction.
Image left: Witness depiction.
As it passed overhead at a relatively slow speed, it appeared that the funnel shaped lights were engulfing the large bright light and were much bigger in diameter. I turned into a side street to watch the object disappear to the southwest. I heard no sound at all coming from the object.
Anybody got any ideas as to what we saw? By the way we had not been shopping for booze!!
Date of event: April 10, 2010
Location of event: Illinois, USA

Image left: Witness depiction.
As it passed overhead at a relatively slow speed, it appeared that the funnel shaped lights were engulfing the large bright light and were much bigger in diameter. I turned into a side street to watch the object disappear to the southwest. I heard no sound at all coming from the object.
Anybody got any ideas as to what we saw? By the way we had not been shopping for booze!!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Video taken of unidentified lights near O'Hare Airport
Report from MUFON:
Date of event: March 10, 2010
Location of event: near O'Hare International Airport, Illinois
"I stepped out back to have a cigarette and it was before daylight savings, so it was very dark still at 8 PM. From my yard I can see many flights preparing to get into their landing paths as O'Hare is east of me, but this was different. Looking EAST from Carol Stream to what appeared to be in the direction of O'Hare, there was a cluster of bright lights in a horizontal line that remained stationary, bright, and flashed red and orange at this point (almost spinning), some moving in and out of vision and some staying, but the ones that disappeared returned to sight after just seconds.
For the most part they stayed in a horizontal line or moved to a semicircle formation with some disappearing and returning and some disappearing all together. But there are consistently 2-3 bright, glowing, pulsating orbs that just didn't move at all.
Assuming they were planes, I continued to watch them to make sure they were moving lower to land, but it didn't happen. The distance from the ground wasn't changing. I grabbed my camera, jumped in my car, and drove about 2 miles East to the mall parking lot where the lights were still there - pulsating and moving in and out of the picture/videos I've included.
Still not convinced, or maybe just freaked at this point and amazed that no one else was seeing what I saw, I drove another approx 2 miles east to a parking lot that's on a hill where I was able to get additional shots of the view where these orbs were STILL visible. Being visible from my backyard that night, I've checked every night since at various time to see if it was possibly planes in a holding pattern, but it's not happened since. I hadn't really noticed them spinning / pulsating with the naked eye, but noticed when I viewed the videos.
The first video (seen below) was from the mall parking lot (2 miles east of my house) and the second video (not shown) was from the hilled parking lot (4 miles east of my house). I used just a Cannon digital camera and have little skill and apparently shaky hands, but tried to zoom in / out so you can see the landscape. I also have some pictures as well. Keep in mind the line of bright, white lights in the video under the white and orange pulsating orbs are actually street lights. Keep your eye right above them to see the pulsating orbs moving in and out of view (video 2).
Editor's Note: Video two has a lot of flare, and was difficult to watch, so I did not include it here) The picture quality is not very good, but zoom in on the lone, orange orb high above the street lights. Maybe a plane, but in line with video 2 and the orbs.
The sky was clear and it was approx 40 degrees. I'm sorry for the quality of the videos, but it was the best I could so at the time."
Date of event: March 10, 2010
Location of event: near O'Hare International Airport, Illinois
"I stepped out back to have a cigarette and it was before daylight savings, so it was very dark still at 8 PM. From my yard I can see many flights preparing to get into their landing paths as O'Hare is east of me, but this was different. Looking EAST from Carol Stream to what appeared to be in the direction of O'Hare, there was a cluster of bright lights in a horizontal line that remained stationary, bright, and flashed red and orange at this point (almost spinning), some moving in and out of vision and some staying, but the ones that disappeared returned to sight after just seconds.
For the most part they stayed in a horizontal line or moved to a semicircle formation with some disappearing and returning and some disappearing all together. But there are consistently 2-3 bright, glowing, pulsating orbs that just didn't move at all.
Assuming they were planes, I continued to watch them to make sure they were moving lower to land, but it didn't happen. The distance from the ground wasn't changing. I grabbed my camera, jumped in my car, and drove about 2 miles East to the mall parking lot where the lights were still there - pulsating and moving in and out of the picture/videos I've included.
Still not convinced, or maybe just freaked at this point and amazed that no one else was seeing what I saw, I drove another approx 2 miles east to a parking lot that's on a hill where I was able to get additional shots of the view where these orbs were STILL visible. Being visible from my backyard that night, I've checked every night since at various time to see if it was possibly planes in a holding pattern, but it's not happened since. I hadn't really noticed them spinning / pulsating with the naked eye, but noticed when I viewed the videos.
The first video (seen below) was from the mall parking lot (2 miles east of my house) and the second video (not shown) was from the hilled parking lot (4 miles east of my house). I used just a Cannon digital camera and have little skill and apparently shaky hands, but tried to zoom in / out so you can see the landscape. I also have some pictures as well. Keep in mind the line of bright, white lights in the video under the white and orange pulsating orbs are actually street lights. Keep your eye right above them to see the pulsating orbs moving in and out of view (video 2).
Editor's Note: Video two has a lot of flare, and was difficult to watch, so I did not include it here) The picture quality is not very good, but zoom in on the lone, orange orb high above the street lights. Maybe a plane, but in line with video 2 and the orbs.
The sky was clear and it was approx 40 degrees. I'm sorry for the quality of the videos, but it was the best I could so at the time."
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Top 10 Ghost Images - #7
This cemetery is one of the most haunted in USA, with well over 100 different reports of strange phenomena, including apparitions, unexplained sights and sounds, and even glowing balls of light.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Unknown lights seen by multiple witnesses in Illinois
Report from MUFON:
Date reported: February 12, 2010
Date of event: January 19, 2010
Location of event: Illinois, USA
"I was taking my daughter home after work this evening. It was about 11:00 at night and we were sitting by her mailbox when we noticed lights down the road towards the rental property she lives in on a farm here.
The lights were small, much like backup lights on a car, so we just thought that it was her landlords working on a farm truck. We sat by the mailbox and waited a minute or so for them to come out of the road. When after a few minutes the lights were still there, I pulled my car up closer to the lights.
As we approached them, they backed up into the hayfield. I had my car window rolled down to listen at the neighbors entrance, where the lights were on the road. Their dogs were barking, crying and howling! We didn’t hear any motor noises from the “farm truck,” and wondered why it backed all the way to the back of the hayfield! Then the two lights got bigger and brighter, though there was no beam.
As soon as we saw them rise up into the air, we knew it wasn’t our friends in any farm truck. I speed up to catch up, and the faster I went, the fast it went. The lights, bigger now, went up and over the fence of the hayfield, across the farmer's road, across the fence to the cow pasture and went along about 15 feet above the ground.
I was speeding at this point, faster than I would have ever driven down the road , maybe 25 mph, but couldn’t catch up. It flew under some power lines and straight up into the air and behind my daughter’s house where it “hung” there until we got into the lot in front of her house.
We sat in front of her house and looked up at the lights for about a minute, when they just “poof” went out, or the thing sped away. We had both front windows of the car open by now, and can verify that there was not a single sound of any motor or of any power plant within the UFO.
And again, there was no beam of light coming in our direction or any other. The lights were just there! We found out the next day that our friend, the landlady of the farm, had seen the lights when she came home, about 30 minutes before we did.
She saw it in the area, above the river, behind the house, in about the same location that we had last seen it. So we know that it had been hanging around for a much longer time than we saw it. We were all very happy to see what we know was a UFO"
Date reported: February 12, 2010
Date of event: January 19, 2010
Location of event: Illinois, USA
"I was taking my daughter home after work this evening. It was about 11:00 at night and we were sitting by her mailbox when we noticed lights down the road towards the rental property she lives in on a farm here.
The lights were small, much like backup lights on a car, so we just thought that it was her landlords working on a farm truck. We sat by the mailbox and waited a minute or so for them to come out of the road. When after a few minutes the lights were still there, I pulled my car up closer to the lights.
As we approached them, they backed up into the hayfield. I had my car window rolled down to listen at the neighbors entrance, where the lights were on the road. Their dogs were barking, crying and howling! We didn’t hear any motor noises from the “farm truck,” and wondered why it backed all the way to the back of the hayfield! Then the two lights got bigger and brighter, though there was no beam.
As soon as we saw them rise up into the air, we knew it wasn’t our friends in any farm truck. I speed up to catch up, and the faster I went, the fast it went. The lights, bigger now, went up and over the fence of the hayfield, across the farmer's road, across the fence to the cow pasture and went along about 15 feet above the ground.
I was speeding at this point, faster than I would have ever driven down the road , maybe 25 mph, but couldn’t catch up. It flew under some power lines and straight up into the air and behind my daughter’s house where it “hung” there until we got into the lot in front of her house.
We sat in front of her house and looked up at the lights for about a minute, when they just “poof” went out, or the thing sped away. We had both front windows of the car open by now, and can verify that there was not a single sound of any motor or of any power plant within the UFO.
And again, there was no beam of light coming in our direction or any other. The lights were just there! We found out the next day that our friend, the landlady of the farm, had seen the lights when she came home, about 30 minutes before we did.
She saw it in the area, above the river, behind the house, in about the same location that we had last seen it. So we know that it had been hanging around for a much longer time than we saw it. We were all very happy to see what we know was a UFO"
Friday, February 5, 2010
Triangle UFO seen over Illinois
Report from MUFON:
Date reported: February 3, 2010
Date of event: January 27, 2010
"My husband and I had just pulled into McDonalds parking lot and stopped the car. I looked up and directly in front of us was a Petsmart. Right over the top of Petsmart I saw three REALLY bright white lights. They were very low and seemed to be sitting still at first. I thought maybe it was just a very low airplane coming straight and that's why it seemed to be moving slow.
Then I could tell it was getting closer, and I even made the comment to my husband, "If thats an airplane it's awfully low." I had looked at the clock and it said exactly 8:45. My husband I both sat and watched it and it was taking forever for it to get to us, considering it was so close to begin with...I looked back at the clock and it was 8:48 and was just getting to be almost directly over our car. My husband got out and went on inside the store (he said he thought it was strange, but he's not really interested in this kind of thing) and I sat in the car and still watched it. I rolled down the windows of the car and there was NO sound at all...even though it almost directly above the car and I could tell at this point that it was a black triangle shaped object. It was just HOVERING...not making a sound, no engine noise or anything. It was really eerie to watch it just gliding along completely silent. It was still moving really slowly and as it banked (sort of like the jets do in the air shows) and got further away, I looked at the clock again and it was 8:51. I watched it till it got far enough away that it was hard to see. It was 8:58 whenever I stopped watching.
I had my cell phone with me and WANTED to take a picture of it, but for one, I've never taken a picture with my cell phone and didn't want to try at that moment to figure it out. Also, I was in total awe of this thing. It was SO pretty and SO huge. I really didn't want to stop watching it, and except for glancing at the clock a few times, I just wanted to keep watching...when it 'banked' to turn it was incredible. It was just gliding along completely husband estimated it to be no more than 300 feet in the air."
Permanent link to original source
Date reported: February 3, 2010
Date of event: January 27, 2010
"My husband and I had just pulled into McDonalds parking lot and stopped the car. I looked up and directly in front of us was a Petsmart. Right over the top of Petsmart I saw three REALLY bright white lights. They were very low and seemed to be sitting still at first. I thought maybe it was just a very low airplane coming straight and that's why it seemed to be moving slow.
Then I could tell it was getting closer, and I even made the comment to my husband, "If thats an airplane it's awfully low." I had looked at the clock and it said exactly 8:45. My husband I both sat and watched it and it was taking forever for it to get to us, considering it was so close to begin with...I looked back at the clock and it was 8:48 and was just getting to be almost directly over our car. My husband got out and went on inside the store (he said he thought it was strange, but he's not really interested in this kind of thing) and I sat in the car and still watched it. I rolled down the windows of the car and there was NO sound at all...even though it almost directly above the car and I could tell at this point that it was a black triangle shaped object. It was just HOVERING...not making a sound, no engine noise or anything. It was really eerie to watch it just gliding along completely silent. It was still moving really slowly and as it banked (sort of like the jets do in the air shows) and got further away, I looked at the clock again and it was 8:51. I watched it till it got far enough away that it was hard to see. It was 8:58 whenever I stopped watching.
I had my cell phone with me and WANTED to take a picture of it, but for one, I've never taken a picture with my cell phone and didn't want to try at that moment to figure it out. Also, I was in total awe of this thing. It was SO pretty and SO huge. I really didn't want to stop watching it, and except for glancing at the clock a few times, I just wanted to keep watching...when it 'banked' to turn it was incredible. It was just gliding along completely husband estimated it to be no more than 300 feet in the air."
Permanent link to original source
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