Showing posts with label Kansas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kansas. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Paranormal researchers revisit a local ghost story

"Set against a backdrop of dark sky and lightning flashes, the Sigma Nu fraternity house on the Kansas University campus looked ominous early Sunday morning.

The wood floors inside creaked and groaned with the slightest shift in weight.

For the second time in as many years, members of Elite Paranormal of Kansas City searched the house’s various levels for the best place to set up their investigation...

Part of an article from Lawrence Journal - Continue reading

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Ghost group explores again

"Wellington, Kan. — A second group of ghost hunters is taking a closer look at Wellington’s Chisholm Trail Museum after they claim to have found evidence of paranormal activity.

Wichita League of Paranormal Investigators Jan Cohee of Wellington and Brendan Brannan converged on the museum, Friday night, setting up night vision cameras, voice recorders and electronic field radiation testers to see if their ghostly lightning might strike twice.

About a year ago, the group was in the museum and says they captured voices, thumps, heaving breathing and responses to questions...

Part of an article from - Continue reading

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Multiple objects unknown maneuvering over Kansas

Report from MUFON:

Date of event: February 16, 2010
Location of event: Great Bend, Kansas

"I noticed these lights when I stepped out to my car to grab a bag of clothes to bring in. I glanced to the north to what I thought were a few airplanes flying near each other, I looked again to notice that these lights were far too unusual to be typical aircraft. I ran inside to fetch my video camera and my father. What I saw was approximately 4 to 15 objects at any given time. They would group and scatter frequently, moving in very erratic paths. They changed their direction effortlessly within a full 360 degree spectrum.

Their lights were pure white, and pulsed without a distinguishable pattern. On several occasions many of them would disappear from sight only to reappear again in completely different spots. About 10 minutes after my dad and I began watching them, two jets came along and seemed to be attempting to get near the objects.

The jets were easily recognizable compared to the objects, they moved in very linear paths, had the common red and blue aircraft lights, and turned in stretched arcs. Every time a jet came near one, the object would "bounce" out of its way at a sharp 90 degree incline, then would quickly change directions again. I was watching this from 18th and Van Buren looking straight north, starting around 8:30 PM. We continued to watch for 15 minutes or so from this location until they all began to head further north, out of our viewing range, so we hoped in my car and headed out on McKinley, just north of Twin Lake,s and continued to watch them dart back and forth across the sky until they eventually sped off to the southeast, moving far too fast to keep an eye on them by car.

I managed to capture a little bit on video, though most of the time they were moving too fast and changing direction too frequently for my camera to stay focused enough to see them. The video does capture the unusual sequence of lights blinking on and off, and reappearing elsewhere.

I cannot say that what we saw was a group of UFOs, or a strange government test, for that I am unsure, but these do defy a logical explanation on my behalf, and I feel deserve some sort of investigation. I will release the video after email contact when I feel comfortable with whom contacts me. I do not wish to come off as arrogant, I just prefer not to open a can of worms.

I am typically skeptical as far as unusual sightings go, but this left me unsure as what to think. Thank you for your time.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Unidentified lights create triangle over Kansas

Report from MUFON:

Date reported: February 10, 2010
Date of event: January 9, 2010
Location of event: Pratt, Kansas

"Kansas - 01-10-10 - Viewed over Pratt, Kansas - Saturday January 9, 2010 - 8:55 PM: My date had pointed out the constellation Orion while we were walking up her sidewalk.

We were then looking upwards towards the eastern sky when 3 dim, but distinct white lights forming an equilateral triangle flew overhead at high speed on about an 80 degree easterly heading.

No outline of a craft was visible. The lights each had appearances more like that of illuminated rings rather than being solid, and the intensity of each ring was about that of a medium star that is easily observable.

If there had been street or yard lights nearby, they probably would not have been visible. I definitely feel that they were all on one craft of some sort, as they did not vary in distance or orientation to each other at all.

As for the size, the palm of your hand would have covered them all with your arm extended. The diameter of each ring was approximately 25% of each leg of the triangle. They had already passed overhead when we spotted them at about 75 degrees above the eastern horizon.

I’d estimate that they traveled 30 to 35 degrees of the sky in 3 to 4 seconds, before we lost sight behind the trees and roof. The wind was calm and we heard absolutely no sound.

This craft had just gone out of sight when we spotted a single ring of light of the same magnitude and speed following a parallel path slightly to the south. It may have been slightly larger than the other rings.